In Every Investment. Invest A Part Of You

In Every Investment. Invest A Part Of You

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

I thought I was done with yesterday’s podcast. But then turns out that I woke up this morning, thinking that I could have said, a few more things when it comes to investing and some of the mistakes I made and things like that. So I had, I have some latent thoughts from yesterday’s podcast, and I want to add them today, on today’s podcast, welcome, or welcome back to Success with Srini Happy Wednesday morning to you Wednesday already. Okay. That was a concept I was trying to arrive at yesterday, but I couldn’t. It’s not that something happened to me this morning. And I’m here talking about yesterday’s podcast, this concept has been around with me for a long time, even though I was going through my own financial mistakes, this was there and this concept has, in a way strengthened over these years, this many years. And if you are into investing, if you are building a business, or you are creating something, literally and there is money involved, there is the time involved, then I think you will, you’re gonna find today’s podcast, very helpful.

So stay with me, just get into this, the concept is very simple. You raise the success of any investment, if you drive that investment, and people in conversations, and you might have also seen this person, when I talk to people that tell me that, oh, I invested money, invest a lot of time, I put in a lot of effort. So very simple. There are three things either you put in the time you put in money, or you put in some effort. Sometimes all three, you have to put sometimes one or two, depends the combinations differ from project to project, but you get the idea, the only three things that you’re putting in, the question is this question is, if you are putting in all the three why’s that you’re struggling with investment, you’re not getting the returns, or you’re not getting whatever that you were seeking. So here’s what I found out. And here’s something that I did not learn early on. And over the years, through all the mistakes, I have come to now realize this, and this is a self-found self-experienced realization, which is you got to invest a part of yourself into every investment, a part of you has to go away. What it means is beyond time, effort, and money, whatever you are already putting in any way, you got to give a part of yourself away to that investment. When we give a part of ourselves away, we are giving away our emotions, we are giving away some values we are giving away, and we’re kind of replicating ourselves in it. So a part of our value system or belief system or existence or identity, all these things are now thinking about it, totally part of it all these things, they kind of have their umbrella or eye on this investment.

So it means you are in it soulfully you are in it, driving it, you are in it, really hustling it out. Now, this principle is also true, even though it is a completely hands-off investment. Let’s say you’re buying some stocks, or you’re investing in something that is run and managed by other people even then, and this is true. And if something is managed by fund managers, or you know, whoever that is, and you don’t have any direct responsibility in handling that investment, how can you give a part of yourself away to that investment? Where does this logic apply? In your mind, you should be thinking about investment. You should still be raising that baby in your mind even though you’re not directly impacting the baby. You’re not directly dealing with day to day affairs of that investment, but still, mentally, you need to be processing. So for example, you have 401 K, we talked about this yesterday, or the day before yesterday, and you’re putting that money in into 401k. You don’t look at your 401k Let’s say you don’t log into the accounts for weeks and weeks and weeks. And you’re not looking at them. You don’t understand what’s happening in the market.
Let’s say espp Let’s say any mutual fund that you have put your money in post-tax dollars into, let’s say, take that as an example. You got to look, and see if everybody knows the value of the house, you’re a real estate investor, you have a house, and you know exactly what the value of your house is. Don’t tell them you don’t do. You know, even though you’re not planning to sell the house, or you don’t do anything with the house until you know the value of the house, a part of your existence is aware of what’s happening. I have gotten a lot of advice.

Now I am here. I do this podcast, I do coaching, training, whatever I do. I don’t do a lot. But the only thing I do is this podcast, I don’t do other things a lot. Even though the markets I’ve opened up seminars, and workshops, I don’t I’m not doing any ideally, I should be, but I’m not. But every time I meet someone who knows me very well, they start to there are some people, some of my relatives, my friends, you know, they get into the position to give me advice. And they do that in a good way, nothing wrong with them. And see me do this, do that, like, Okay. And then they feel concerned, or you’re doing all these things. And things are not adding up the way they should have otherwise added up for you. I had many, many years ago, I had a gentleman who came up, in fact, called one of my radio shows, and said, Oh, by the way, you do what you do, you should be bigger than this guy, and that guy. And I said, Don’t do this to become this guy or that guy. I do this because I want to be the guy I should be. And I understand that my success is not at your pace. I’ll talk about this tomorrow, maybe or maybe in an upcoming podcast episode. But for some reason, people think, and we look at some people around us, and we look at their effort. And we think, Oh if they’re putting in this kind of an effort, how come they’re not successful?

That’s a typical thing that I hear from parents also about the children, or, you know, putting a lot of effort but not getting grades, I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future of my kid. I hear that from the spouses telling me, oh, you know, my husband works so hard, my wife works so hard and no success at work, no success at home. And, and I get that if I’m working with people, I’m in the open, I’m in the public, then people do build up that affinity with me, and they do tell me when you should have done they should have done that. But I’m the guy who’s doing it, they are not doing it. They are not in the business, of doing what I do, but they still come up and give me advice, which I understand that coming from a very, love and compassion, I understand that. But then I have learned over the years that your success has its own timeline. And nobody, it’s natural for people, it’s obvious for people to expect that you succeed on their timelines. Parents want their children to succeed quickly. Children want there, you know, want to grow up and succeed quickly, whatever every situation has its own thing going on. But just to understand that everything that you do is on your timeline. So here’s all here’s something else, which I also learned, which is a success is mostly on the back end. And oftentimes, it’s delayed. And many times it’s disguised, you will not be able to see it. You can’t figure it out.

You can say what you want to say but there is a payoff in every deed, in every deed. So if you see somebody’s putting in a lot of effort, and you think they’re not successful, it’s a clear observation that is incorrect, which needs a modification. They are succeeding and it is not visible. It is in disguise. It is not going to make itself obvious to you or to them. They may agree with you oh yeah, more successful I’m doing this, but just everything adds up. Every investment adds up. When when I say investment, I mean time, money, and effort, everything adds up. The only requirement is that you don’t quit the only requirement whatever you’re doing right now don’t quit. Don’t put that investment don’t quit the job, that business that whatever you’re creating anything everything that you have, and you will not quit if a part of us invested in it. People quit money investments people quit Time investments, afford investments. People quit all the time. I gave an example many, many weeks ago about, about weight loss, people invest into weight loss, I have coached people to lose weight. And I’ve known this pattern, I’ve seen this firsthand, which is every time their effort is higher than the reward, they stand they’re questioning, why do I need to put in this effort, if my reward is only this much, hence, I leave. So, the effort is higher than the reward people leave. You give yourself to the investment you will not leave. See, in the earlier episodes, I said, You got to spend less, save more, don’t borrow all that I said those things in just three days ago. And there is so much to this, which is mathematically you can budget you can spend less and make more money, save more money, you can follow the formula. But the formula only works because your behavior is in place.

Otherwise, formulas don’t work. Success formulas do not work if the behavior is not in place. So behavior comes from discipline, discipline is got to have the right discipline in place. So a lot of your investment success has to do with your behavior. And the behavior here is that for everything that you put your time, effort, or money into, make sure that you are also putting a part of yourself into it. You have the willingness to drive you and cultivate good thoughts about that investment. You engage in the right discussions, you try to mastermind that investment, and you do your homework, you educate yourself, you stay on top of that investment, even though you’re not managing that investment. I hope this message is helpful. If it is not, I’m sorry, but if it is, let me know. And I’m done with the investments for now. Maybe I promise you two models one is not going to be on investments for sure. Okay, you take care of yourself, and I’ll talk to you soon.

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