5 Secrets To Creating Positive Energy

5 Secrets To Creating Positive Energy

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome to Success with Srini. Before I get going with today’s podcast, I want to poke you, today is the February 1st of year 2022. 31 full days are gone for this year. There are only 11 more months left. So if you started out with some goals, with some resolutions with some ideas, with some ambitions for yourself for this year and beyond this year. Question is, how far are you into achieving them? Question for you. You don’t need to answer me, you got answer yourself. Okay, moving on.

I got a question, “I start my day, in a big way but then along the way I lose energy. Is there a secret to having positive energy?” That’s the question. I have a podcast episode that I did nearly a year and half ago, on this very topic, how to create positive energy, how to maintain positive energy. It was a very deep podcast. I thought of, kind of replaying that podcast today, as a part of today. But then I decided I shouldn’t. Because ever since I recorded that about a year and a half ago, two years ago, I have changed. My mindset has changed. I’m acquiring new ideas, new thoughts. I’m experiencing brain expansion. So I’m a different individual today than what I was two years ago, at least with my understanding. So I thought I’m going to answer this question in a different way, hopefully a different way.

1. Interact with nature.

Now, if you get the the old podcast episode, please listen to that one, too. Maybe there are some ideas there that I may not be covering on this one. But here is how I would approach this. This is what I do. By the way, it’s not my approach, this is what I do. The first the foremost thing I do is I interact with nature, at least once a day. Interacting with nature means that you put your head under the sky, you put your feet on the ground, and you may decide to put the body in the water. So go walk, go run, go jog, go hike, go swim, get out of the house, walk around, and keep changing the environment if you can. Right? Just pull yourself from the house, pull yourself from the car, and then put yourself under the sun or under the sky. So some interaction with nature.

2. Meditate.

The second thing, which actually is my first thing, which is when I start my day, early in the morning, 4:30, 4:45 then the first thing I do is I spent about 15 minutes just meditating. And that for me is spirituality. Okay? Now your spirituality could be a prayer, your spirituality could be with yourself a little bit, meditating or whatever. Whatever your definition of spirituality is. Spirituality is proven to induce positive energy, we already know that. Because the in that time you are directly in sync with your unconscious mind. And unconscious mind is the only pathway to your higher self or God, or whatever you believe in. So spirituality is in my list is number one but then that’s number two here as I’m going through, going through one of the first one in nature, second one is spirituality. If you would have asked me this 15 years ago, 20 years ago, specifically spirituality, I wouldn’t have given that much importance to it. Now, as I’m growing older by the day, and my children are beyond my shoulders now at this point. This is playing a big role. In fact, if this is the only thing I have to do in the day, and I don’t do anything else, I could maintain my entire mindset, a positive energy and a mindset throughout the day. So this is a much now where I stand with my life. But then please give spirituality also a room in your pursuit for positive energy.

3. Look back into your life.

The third one is a level of introspection within which you are looking back into your life. And all the good things that happened to you are nothing but blessings. So you’re counting them as blessings. The house you have, the car you have, the experience you have, the money you have, the connections you have, the relationships you have, all those are blessings along the way. If you just put your mind that way. Just kind of for a minute, think that everything you have is a blessing and everything that you have today was nothing but a thought many many years ago may not be exactly the same way. Maybe you wanted a different kind of a life but you got this but this one in itself is a blessing. You just kind of put that kind of an introspection in your thinking, now you have a different level of energy flowing through the body.

4. Find an excuse to help someone.

The next one I would do is find an excuse to help someone. This could be your children, your spouse, your manager, your coworker, your employees, your clients, whoever you can just one act of help. Maybe this is an act of you just being volunteering something by just giving your time away or something like that, some money. I don’t know. This is very, very personal thing and I cannot specifically tell you what it is, because different people have different definitions for this. Help means a different takes a different position in each individual’s mind. But then, if you just engage in an act of helping someone who is in need, then that induces a different kind of energy. And this has to be done. Maybe once a day, maybe twice a day, once a week, it doesn’t matter. But it does create positive energy.

5. Engage in an act where you’re constantly shifting your perception.

And the last thing is, I would engage in an act where I’m constantly shifting my perception. So let’s say I perceive that something is not going to go right. I instantly tell myself, what if it goes right. Maybe I’m going to a meeting where a meeting somebody who I don’t like, what if I ended up liking that individual? What if you know I’m investing in something or I’m starting something or I’m buying something? My understanding is, maybe it’s not right. Maybe this is not something I should do now maybe this is something that I think I’m over expanding myself to do it or overspending myself to do it. What if it turns out to be the best? What if the conversation you are going to have is going to become the best? What if the podcast right now turns out to be the best? I don’t know. Shifting the perception, shipping the perception sometimes, in fact, talking about his podcast, I started the podcast and have a feeling this may not go right, I may have to do a retake. I may have to say something differently. But amazingly, I didn’t. I end up leaving the podcast as is. And at the end, I feel good about myself. Wow. Okay, so this came out, okay. I’m not saying everybody’s going like this, but at least I need to feel good about this. So by simply shifting the perception. So these days, my perception of the podcast is I turn the microphone on, I speak, I’m going to get the best. That’s the perception I have, why would I start with a negative perception when I’m trying to achieve something positive. And not only just the energy right? During this recording, but then I need to maintain the energy outside to wait after I’m done with this.

So that’s the mindset, these are some of the things that I suggest you do to get. First of all the positive energy you need, and then maintain that throughout the day. This as the start is hard. You have to go run, you have to go hike, you have to start meditating, or you have to start Yoga, you do whatever, all this is hard. But then you do it over a long period of time, it becomes second nature. This podcast started on January 3, officially a month done. And now we are in the second month hard when I started this became easier as I kept on doing it. And it comes to a point where this is becoming second nature. I don’t even think as I’m speaking. Of course, there are things like I may say something a couple of times here and there, I will repeat myself maybe I’m going to I have a thought where I’m expressing myself and then suddenly I shift my thoughts. So different kinds of words come in and will not close a loop with a thought with which I started a sentence all that is happening, it will happen. But then it becomes easy. So, in one of the earlier podcasts I talked about reputation and frequency, if you get a moment, just listen to that one, it should be there somewhere below this. You get the idea. You see perception is important. And perceiving that there are 1000s of listeners listening to the podcast. I just got the update this morning that for the month of January we were just shy of 1000 downloads of this podcast, which is okay. I can’t expect a lot because my effort is not that much. Some people put their entire life into podcast. I put my life into radio, but I did not intimate into the podcast I am now and my results will be here 5, 7, 10 years from now.

You see that’s how this works. That’s how this works. If you want to buy something without Looking, it’s price. You have to work, whatever work you’re doing without looking at the clock. I saw that code somewhere on Facebook a couple of days ago.
Okay, that’s it. Wherever you are, start your February 1 in an incredible and in an amazing way. Okay? So if you are sliding away, slipping from your deadlines and from your goals and from those thoughts that you had when you started the new year, go back to them. Bring back the energy, bring back the effort. And you’ll get back the engagement. You take care, I’ll talk to you soon. Bye now.

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