Re-Invention of

Re-Invention of “You” Re-Visited

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back, happy Monday morning to you yesterday on the podcast, I talked about a distinct thought I had the night before, which is having other people in our lives and other situations in our lives, other things in our lives, and how to deal with them. And I made a point that we came here alone, we are going to go alone, and we’re going to stay alone. So now that we have to stay alone, why not make solitude our friend and our partner in this equation called life. And as I quoted Socrates, Socrates said, the best form of life. And Socrates said that the best form of life is contemplative. That means, we are asking questions, we are challenging the default. And we are asking for a good design of life.

So today, on the podcast, I want to extend that thought, and this episode is going to be valuable to you if you are in a phase of life where you are questioning and questioning a lot. That means you are unwilling to deal with the default situations. Default situations have gotten you here, default situations were instilled into you, or default programming was instilled into you very long, very early in life for a very long amount of time. So you were told, go get a job, go make money, go buy a house, go get married, have children, your life is gonna be okay. And you believed all that you got here. And now at this point, you achieved all that. And now you’re questioning what else there is to life? And where else can I go with my life? Are all the things that I can do? And what all can I undo? Because I know, those were not right, to begin with, those questions you’re asking? If you are, then this is for you. This questioning, by default, starts in the 40s, early, mid-40s and kind of becomes very intense, by the time you reach 50-55. That’s the age. So we call the midlife crisis, like, we start to see that we are becoming less and less employable, we’re becoming less and less relatable. And other things are coming in into our thinking. And then you start to see, you’re looking you’re finding you are at least you are pursuing to find logic in this life, you thought was a logical thing. But then it’s no less than absolute, a logic that’s playing out. And that’s called the mystery of life. So at this point, you have to reinvent yourself, the answer is to reinvent yourself.

So we accept what we have accepted, except that we are not changing anything. We can’t change things that are outside of our control. And suddenly, now, after all these years, you start to see that you’re not in control at all. You were told you were in control, you’re no more in control. So this is the reinvention start of reinvention. I did multiple podcast episodes on reinvention. How do you reinvent yourself? So I want to revisit what this reinvention is all about? How can you reinvent yourself? I did an episode a long time ago, I don’t know if I find the link, I’ll post it in the podcast notes here are then this is kind of an extension to that. So more or less every podcast episode I have done here is a way to structure life structure, activity, structure, time structure, approach productivity, and get them out get to the outcome. That’s the podcast here. That’s the overall nature of the podcast. And all the episodes more or less, are about that.

So how can you reinvent yourself? Given that you are asking these questions? And if you’re not asking these questions, you can obviously close the podcast, and maybe listen to another episode that makes sense. But you’re asking these questions. How can you reinvent yourself? Here’s a plan. And this is a plan that has worked, at least for me. As I started going through this process, I’ve seen multiple individuals, coaching clients, and seminar attendees go through these people without me seeking, giving me testimonials that I have gone through this and this is how it worked for me. So I’m basing what I’m going to be telling you just now I’m basing that on the feedback I’ve gotten from people of course my personal references there my past experiences there, but then it has come from people.

So first the foremost, as a part of your contemplation of life, you need to create a list of things that you want to change that you are unhappy about, that you want to accomplish, that you want to get control of. Or you want them to perform in a better way, a list of those things, those items, so spend some time today and create a list. The bigger the list better it is. Just put everything on the list. Powerful when you start writing. Once you have the list, identify the three most important things in terms of priority and criticality. Three things that are critical. Three things, and then you saw those three things based on priority. That is critical, but they also have some priority also. So the most critical one has to go on the top, then the second one, then the third one, okay, critical means they need to be addressed now, or should have been addressed yesterday, should have changed should have been managed, should have been whatever, right? Whatever the word address means. Now, you give an example, let’s say weight loss, critical, but let’s say it is, let’s say a job search or job change. Let’s say buying a house, I’ll take the top three things, let’s say those are the three things. Not necessarily critical. You can be happy without losing weight, you can be happy without changing a job, you can be happy without, you know, changing your house or buying a house, whatever. But you get the point. For the sake of example, let’s take these three things. Now. Everything on the list should need three things.

Number one, let’s say you are trying to lose weight, you need a plan. That means with the plan comes a system, you need to find a system. So plan not a system. That’s step number one. Step number two, are you taking action on a daily basis towards fulfilling that plan. We’re not talking about timelines here. And we’re not talking about deadlines on any of that. Some of these things like weight loss may take six months, buying a house may take you two years, and changing a job may take anywhere 30 to 90 days, depending upon how serious you are, right? So all these things have different timelines. I won’t get worried about the timelines here. I’ll start with a plan and a system a systematic approach to the outcome of step one, step two, what am I doing daily to get to the outcome? How much time do I’m spending, looking for a job? How much time do I’m spending losing weight? What activities am I doing? I’m going to eat right sleep right? Workout, right? Drink, right? Whatever that activity is, I need to be taking daily action. The third element is I have to constantly reinforce why am I doing this? See people forget the why. They give up the why.

I know why I came to America. I gave the why. A long time ago I gave up. See? I forgot why. So every day, anything you do you ask why am I doing this? And they have to be clear. So this podcast, I’m doing this? Why am I doing this? I asked that question. Why am I doing this? And it takes me back to my original commitment. My initial commitment to do this reminds me of that state, I might have forgotten that state. People do forget. So the three things that you have chosen, in this example, are weight loss, changing the job, searching for a job, and house buying. They all individually have three things plan, daily actions, and why. So if you see this, a majority of our success is the mindset. People ask what strategies and techniques it’s all about. And a significant part of that programming is why it’s amazing when you ask why am I doing this? Then obviously, the follow-up question to that would be what am I getting to do? And when you have this VI and what is in place, the next question that comes up is, how do I get there? See, all this is interlinked. But the first question is whether the VI has to be. I’ve seen this multiple times when somebody is Why is powerful and deep and big systems techniques, nothing mattered, even puts a little bit of a push a little bit of an idea, a little bit of a resource, they could achieve big things. So somebody says, If I like to, I can’t do this, because I don’t have this I don’t have that is the truth is, there is always going to be something that we are not going to have. And the truth also is that most people will for entirely during their entire lifetime, seen I’ve seen and, and this will happen before also, they want to make that one thing as the single biggest thing that they ever lacked to become successful. And whatever the success is to them. I couldn’t do that, because I didn’t have this. You could do it because you had it. See that? This is how we reinvent ourselves. And I wanted to catch you in the phase where I did the podcast just yesterday about the solitude and today I wanted to catch you on the reinvention. Because it just goes they both go hand in hand.

You’re in a contemplative state with your life, complaining about life and asking questions. And this comes in handy. This comes in handy. Hopefully, it does. So go do that. No, put a list at least find the top three things you want to do. People say can I do 510? Yeah, do whatever but beyond a certain point all about your mind defeating itself. So just three things, identify them, go after them with a plan of the system with the daily actions and keep on asking why you’re doing it so that you stay on course, you don’t lose the traction.

Okay. Hopefully, this is helpful. If it is read, write a review, and share it with a friend or a family member. And I’ll be back here again tomorrow, and we’ll pick up from where we live today. Okay, that’s all for now. Bye.

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