6 Steps To Create A Career Breakthrough

6 Steps To Create A Career Breakthrough

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back to Success with Srini. Today’s podcast episode is for you, if you’re a carrier minded individual, you’re looking to change your job, you’re trying to improve your job, you’re trying to change the nature of the job altogether, then this podcast episode is going to help you. That’s what I think. Now, the reason why I’m recording today’s podcast, and specifically focusing on a career is that, in the last few weeks, I have been very active in creating a career course. Even though I don’t see myself as a career coach, I don’t call myself a career coach. But what I’ve seen happen over the years is that I’ve trained a lot of career professionals in Silicon Valley, I have written a book that went on to become number one on Amazo on career breakthroughs, I have done career breakthrough workshops, over 1000 people to the workshops, and also work one on one with many individuals on the career needs.

Despite all that, in the last few years, I’ve not done anything significant. So I don’t call myself a career coach. And that’s the irony. That’s the irony. But the reason why I got back into doing the webinars in the last two weeks is that there have been a lot of questions coming in. And at the end of these webinars, people reached out to me saying, Hey, do you have a coaching program? Can we work with you, I said, I don’t do coaching programs as much anymore. But if you want, I can probably bring back my group coaching program. So I’m experimenting with it one more time, maybe one last time, where I’m taking in about 10 people and helping them create their next career breakthrough in 30 to 60 days. That’s the goal. If you’re on my email list, you should be getting some emails about this. And that’s the reason why I’m doing this podcast because everything I’m recording in the course is dominant in my mind. So naturally, I can’t talk about anything else. If something is occupying my brain space to that level, I wake up in the morning, I think about this course, which video should shoot, what content to put in what to take out not too many things going on behind this course. And what I want to do on today’s podcast is I want to go to a slide in my webinar. If you were a part of the webinar, you might have seen this slide. And I want to talk about this slide today on this podcast.

Now, every time I have spoken to anybody who is having a carrier challenge, specifically looking for a job or getting a job, and every time I asked them, What is the number one reason why you think you are not able to get the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter. They highlight and say nine out of 10 times that the reason why they’re not getting any response is that their resume is not good. Now once I start talking about the resume, they tell me that their skills need to be refined a bit, they need to learn a few things before they can truly go to the market. And then once I go even a little bit deeper into the skill sets, they tell me that maybe the market inherently doesn’t care for their experience and their skill set. And maybe the market is somewhere else. And they need to go to a new market altogether. So I want to address these three things today on the podcast.

Now let’s talk about the resume for a second. The reason why you feel your resume is inadequate is that your narrative is incorrect. That means the way you tell who you want yourself is incorrect. The way you represent yourself to others isn’t correct. The way you show up at work is incorrect. And that is why the resume is not reflecting your true identity. So you go to work thinking the job that you do doesn’t really add up in any which way you get a paycheck, you’re putting a lot of time, but then it doesn’t really add up. It doesn’t really accumulate to anything meaningful in your mind. And that is why your resume is weak.

Now if you’ll fix the narrative, of course, a good resume will come out of it. But then a good profile also comes out of it. The profile is where somebody looks at you and completely gets the entire view of the landscape. your skills, your experiences, your hobbies, your passions, your entire existence, they get to know you. Now that they get to know you, your resume allows them to explore you, you see. So, the narrative is the fix for a bad resume, an incorrect resume or incomplete resume, a defunct resume, or a deficient resume. Did you get it? Okay, let’s move to skills for a second. The reason why you feel you lack skills is that you think that the market is a step ahead of you or a few steps ahead of you. Every time you think something is a few steps ahead of you. It’s not that you have to catch up. It’s just that you feel you are lacking something. And that feeling of lack of something is nothing, but called lack of confidence. So it’s a confidence problem. Now, is it possible that you may truly be missing a skill? Yes, possible, I’m not discounting that. But then the real challenge is your lack of confidence, let’s talk about how to fix this. There are two things going on the two things will bring back confidence in you. Number one is that whatever skill that you want to learn, you need to allocate time to it. So you don’t plan your time. Good. That’s what’s going on here. And then it seems you don’t have focus, let’s say you do spend time learning a new skill, then in that situation, it’s a focus issue.

So whatever you are spending time in, you are not retaining. So, time and focus will fix the feeling of lack of skills. Because when you stop early time and focus will instill confidence in you. Okay, so we got the resume pot, we got the skill spot, let’s talk about the market for a second. So, when you take your resume and your skills to the market, and you are not getting a response in the market, then what that means you are not communicating you’re specifically in communication, you are not asking, your ask is weak. So if you improve the Ask part. If you improve the communication part, then the response will go up. You see, there’s a difference between response and responsiveness. responses when you get whatever you’re expecting. Responsiveness is that you get some kind of response. Most people tell me that the market is not responsive at all, completely dead. And the reason why somebody is experiencing that is that they’re not having elements in their marketing. Or when they’re selling themselves, they don’t have elements in their sales process that generate some kind of response. It has to, of course, we want a favorable response, you need to do two things you need to connect. And you need to connect with an intent to convert. That means your networking has to be in place. That means you need to know a lot of people which means that you need to spend time with people and all of that comes in.

So there are only six things for an incredible shift or interval breakthrough in your job right now, whether you want to change a job, you want to get a job or you want to improve a job, there are only six things that you have to do. Number one, focus number two time, these two things will bring back confidence and improves your experience and skills. Number three resume and a profile. And in order to do that, you need to have a good narrative in place. Number five is connections. And number six is conversions for that you need to learn how to ask or how to communicate. That’s it.

That’s your entire career right there in front of you. I hope today’s podcast is helpful. I loved today’s podcast episode I see Listen, I’m not a career coach, I told you, but once I start talking, I’m so into it. There’s never a single person who ever came to any of my career coaching webinars or workshops and said that this way started the time or they didn’t get something of value never had anybody. Because I’m trying to get into this. Maybe one of these days, I’m gonna change my name to my title and say, Okay, I’m a career coach. I don’t know why I don’t do it. I should I mean to this, and if at all you decide to join the career breakthrough coaching, which only takes eight weeks, by the way, and let me know, let me know. I’m not going to do this. I’m just experimenting one last time to see if we can create these incredible breakthroughs and people.

That’s all for another podcast. Okay, I hope this is helpful. Do me a favor. If you have a question, you have a comment. You have somebody who you think will benefit from today’s episode, by all means, send it to them. Stay tuned, and I will talk to you as early as tomorrow. Bye now.

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