7 Daily Must Do’s Beyond Your Normal Business That Will Create Success For You!

Had been planning to upload this video for a longtime now. While I am getting ready for my live event in January, from a timing stand point I tought this is very good.

Here is the video…

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To Your Continued Success!

Srini Saripalli

7 Daily Must Do’s Beyond Your Normal Business That Will Create Success For You!

Friends! this is Srini Saripalli and I welcome you to Success Engineer.com and on this recording to day I would like to share with you 7 distinct things that you need to do as a Business Owner, as an Entrepreneur , as a Marketer as an Investor . Whatever you are doing you got to do these 7 things. I do this and I hope that you will follow these 7 steps. In fact there are multiple different steps. But I am just giving 7 that I religiously follow in my business.

Tip#1: One email a day to a customer or a prospect

I basically make sure that I make one contact with one of my prospects or customers on a daily basis. For example, I write one e-mail to them and that e-mail doesn??™t go from my auto-responder. That e-mail goes from me directly from my e-mail account or I call them I talk to them and this would be anything related to their enquiry on my product or on my service or anything related to my business. Or if I have nothing I just call them up and ask them ???Listen John you received my product last week. I just want to make sure you received the product?” Or if John received the product a month ago call him up and say “John you received my product and I just want to make sure that you are using it and have you seen any success with it already???? and I basically have a conversation with him. Now please make a point of contacting one customer or one prospect on a daily basis either via through e-mail or through phone or through any ??“ if you personally can meet them is even better.

Tip#2: Write A Press Release

The second tip that I want to give you is about WRITING PRESS RELEASES. You don??™t need to write a press release right away but at least generate 2 to 3 ideas ??“ 2 to 3 press release ideas ??“ on a daily basis and convert one of those ideas into press release. Possible. It is not possible to write one press release every day. But if you write it that is very good but the press release has to be based on a reality. Now if you are having that kind of momentum in your business absolutely you can write one press release a day and to write one press release a day you need to have like 5 or 7 different press release ideas in place.

Tip #3. Writing an article for your business.

The third tip I want to give you is about Writing an article for your business. Now most of the times Internet Entrepreneurs, Internet Marketers content is very critical for them. And I want you,?  if you are an internet marketer or internet entrepreneur I want you to write one original article on?  your own. And please do not outsource this.?  This is who you are.?  Your article has to reflect who you are and it has to bring out all those thoughts and ideas that you have in mind.?  So write that one article. Take 20 minutes, one hour or two hours. Whatever time it takes just take the time. You sit down. Block a certain amount of time during the day or late in the night. Sit down and write one article. And make sure that you write that article. Now at the end of 30 days you should be having 30 articles and at the end of 365 days you should be having 365 articles that specifically that are coming from you and specific to your thoughts and your ideas.

Tip#4: Develop 5 Survey Questions

The fourth tip I want to give out is the most common problem that every marketer or every business owner has is about surveys. Now you could be having a great product. A great customer base. He should be selling a tons of stuff. He might be generating a lot of revenues. But most of the times business owners leave a lot of money on the table because they really do not know how to survey their customers and prospects ,? get exactly the problem of pain points and cater or create products and basically address those pain points. So survey your customers and come up with at least 5 questions on a daily basis. I am not telling you to come up with 100 or 200 questions but come up with 5 survey questions on a daily basis. Build those survey questions all along and right at the time when you are ready to run the survey just take 10 or 15 of the thought questions and run your survey.

Tip #5: A New Product Idea Daily

Tip No.5. Spend some time on a daily basis Brain Storming about a new product if you have an idea. Now on a given day you might be having a 20 or 20,000 ideas and those 20,000 ideas that number – I read about it somewhere that the human brain passes through roughly about 20 to 30 thousand different things in a given day – and there are so many ideas you might be getting and I would like you spend little amount of time just taking one or two ideas and try to get some energy behind them. Get some energy, get some momentum and see if those ideas are really viable. Those ideas can be turned into actionable products or actionable projects.

Tip #6: One E-mail to your prospect or list

The 6th Tip I want give out is WRITING E-MAILS to your lists. If you are an internet marketer or if you are an off line marketer for that matter write an e-mail to your prospects or customers. Now this could be about an announcement you are trying to make. This could be about an article you wrote or this could be some thing that really brings value to your list of customers or prospects. So write at least one e-mail to your list. Now don??™t send that e-mail out. Just write that content and just think that you sent it. But don??™t send it yet. Because if you keep sending one e-mail a day to a prospect and customer there would be a problem because most of the people can end up in unsubscribing to your list. So be careful. Write it. Make it a habit of writing it but decide at the end whether you want really to send the e-mail. But please do put in a habit of writing one e-mail a day regardless whether you are writing to your customers or to your subscribers or to your vendors for that matter.

Tip #7: Invest Time Into Things That You Have Already Invesed Your Money Into

7th tip I want to give out. See as an entrepreneur, as a marketer, as a business owner we tend to buy a lot of books. We tend to go to lot of workshops. We tend to go to lot of seminars. We tend to meet people who have got lot of ideas. We want to meet people who are very successful. Now in the process we accumulate a lot of educational material with us. And I want you to take some time on a daily basis may be 10 minutes or 15 minutes in the day and go through either an audio CD, a DVD or a book or a magazine or what ever it is that contributes to your success in your business or whatever you are trying to do. So spend some time educating yourself. And in fact spend some time educating yourself on those things which you have invested in. For example the DVDs, CDs and all those things because we get so busy we hardly get any time and we always actually procrastinate thinking that there will be some day that we will have ample amount of time on our hand to go through all this. But it never happens. So take the time out from the day and spend those 15 minutes on educating yourself.

So those are my 7 tips. Thank you and again I will be back next month with another video news letter.

Thank you

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