A Guide To Turning Your Failures Into Success

A Guide To Turning Your Failures Into Success

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

On the podcast today, I’m sharing a simple formula on how you can take any failure you have, and turn it into a success. Something that I tried numerous times with myself. And with several of my coaching clients, this works, I want you to try it. And if you think you found value in today’s podcast, do me a favor if you’re watching this on YouTube, or maybe listening to this on a podcasting app, like, rate, review, comment, and share all the good stuff. Okay, so let’s get into this.

A question has come up numerous times, I’ve seen this with my coaching clients asking me and myself also with myself. So here is how we turn a failure into success. By the way, there are so many other formulas and so many different approaches, my approach is a little bit different. So I want you to listen to this. Very difficult to explain this in an audio format like this. But if I’m running this on a slide, if I’m doing this as a presentation, you’ll get it in a better way than simply listening to this. There are four steps on how you can take any failure you have, and turn that into success. I’m going to walk you through all these four steps. So stay with me. Step number one is you got to acknowledge that, yes, you failed. That’s step number one, the sooner we accept that we failed, you know, we cut down the recovery time. We increase the value of the response and the way we respond to that. And the chances are that this mistake can be rectified or this failure can be overcome in such a way that the second time around it not will happen.

Okay, so step number one is to acknowledge, that most people don’t, and here is the truth about failures. Everybody has encountered failures today. If I measure my day-to-day, since the morning, I woke up already within the last two, or three hours, there are enough mistakes I’ve already made. If I take this podcast right now, two and a half minutes into the podcast, I’ve already made a few mistakes. So mistakes are happening everywhere. And mistakes, in a way are also failures, if you seriously think about it. To acknowledge that there is you failed, or there is a failure or something has gone wrong. That’s the first step. The second step here is instead of taking that on the subject, that is you, instead of you taking Oh, I failed, you say whatever I’m doing failed. So that means you’re now transferring the responsibility onto the object, whatever you are working with, or working through, or whatever the objective is. Now that objective has failed. And the failure isn’t the object itself, not the subject, which is you very important distinction you got to make. And then every failure has lessons. There are some learnings, there are some lessons.

Now, when we talk about lessons, some learnings are obvious. They’re visible, you can see Yeah, I know where I went wrong with this. Those mistakes, they speak to you. They’re obvious, they’re visible. But then there are some that are invisible. What we will do now is we’ll take the obvious one, and we’re going to go to step number three, which is we try to fix it and test it, go to test, we fix it and test it. When we’re fixing and testing. What we’re trying to do here is we’re repeating this, this whole thing one more time, you’re repeating. As we are testing this, there are two outcomes. Either we succeed or we fail. You succeed or fail. If we fail, we go back and repeat. We succeed, then we have a new awakening, we have a new understanding. There is something that is a lesson learned and objective attained. We go back, if we have time, we go back. And we pick up the second lesson and try to fix it. And, again, test it. We test it.

We repeat the whole process, we test it, we succeed, and we now have a new awakening. And then if not we go back and repeat it. There are a couple of things that have to happen as we look through this. Okay. First and foremost is our motivation level has to be consistent. There are some constants here, motivation level constant. As you’re repeating you’re iterating through the process, your motivation level should not go down. This is the reason why this process works effectively when you are working on projects which have themes. That means different people bring different perspectives and people pull the people who are down, up.

Okay. Then the second part, the second con sprint is no fear. See, if you have fear, you will not take chances, you don’t take chances, and there are no lessons learned. And there is no validation of that lesson. So it’s not just about learning a lesson, but also validating that whatever lesson you learned, is also meaningful. That means it works. Okay? Now in life, okay, let’s take this formula four parts to the site first, acknowledging, then identifying the lesson, whatever that is, implementing that lesson, and testing. So if the test is successful, then we have awakened ourselves. If not, then we go back and keep on repeating whatever we learned, so that we succeed, this is very hard. This is not easy. Most people quit. Some people even quit before even trying, but some people quit after the first failure or the second failure. But then your true character is when you go from failure to failure, or disappointment to disappointment, without losing enthusiasm. So you lose enthusiasm, everything is gone, everything is over. Warren Buford said something incredible. He said, there are a few things in life that you need to get right. Only a few things in life, you need to get right. While making sure that those few things, you get right, you should also not do too many things wrong. So if I have to sum this up, I think I got it right. Maybe you get the idea. I think I can get the idea. I don’t know the exact forgot though the exact code. There are three things that we need to get right in this life. Three things, everything else will take care of itself. The first is money, then help, then relationships. Now for you, it could help money relationships, or it could be relationships, help money, whichever way you want to sort this out.

Those are the three things that you need to get, right. And everything else from there on will take care of itself. And here’s the funny part. You are following this formula without knowing over and over again maybe while trying to make money or by trying to gain back help, or we were trying to fix a relationship. You are looping to this. Yeah, and you’re on and on and on. And my idea is this podcast today gave you an insight. If it did, as I said, please write a review. Write a comment. You’re watching this on YouTube. Please subscribe. Please share, please like and press the bell icon, all that stuff on YouTube. That way you can reach more people. Selfish, ask. Okay, that’s all for now. Wherever you are, be safe. And I’ll be here tomorrow with another podcast episode of the day till such time. Bye now.

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