Be Who You Are, Use What You Know

Be Who You Are, Use What You Know

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Today’s podcast episode is going to be awesome. It’s gonna be incredible because I scored, I scored. Okay, I’ll tell you what this coding is all about in a second. You see, every podcast episode has a story that is just set up. And most of my podcast episodes here, the setup is usually a question from a listener of this podcast or a listener of my radio shows. And I keep on harping on this saying, Listen, if you are listening to this podcast, ask me a question. Send me a question. I keep on saying that a lot. today’s podcast is based on a conversation I’m having with a longtime listener of this podcast. But above all, a big supporter, whom I met in 2013. Heard me on the radio, came to my seminar, and then became a client. I coached him for two years and now he continues to be an incredible friend and picks my mind, my brain, when and where possible. But he has gone on to create something amazing for himself. So I respect him, he has gone beyond what I thought, was good for him. I wish him all the best. So we’re going back and forth on this text message and he says something like this, he says, “I don’t want to do the one that I’m doing anymore, I want to do something different and I want to transition, I want a push, I want some momentum, I want some force. So I want to talk to you.”

My question to him was, yeah, go to whatever you want to do. Nothing should be stopping you. Because of incredible opportunity for all of us. Anybody can do anything, we have the knowledge, we have the know-how, and that’s what I stand for, I think you should do anything that you want to do, that was the message. He doesn’t agree with that in the sense that he understands he can do anything. But then he has so many other things going on in his life somehow unable to detach, or unable to figure out when to do a clean cut. He thinks, that in order for him to do something different, he has to cut out from the things that he is doing already. This issue is everywhere. I’m sure as a listener of this podcast, as a student of success, you might be also going through this or you know, somebody who’s going through this, I thought it makes sense to talk about this. And I want to shed some light on this. These are the things I spoke to him about already.

So a question for you, I’m sure you might have experienced this before. Also, why is it that people are unwilling to do that which they’re really good at? They have the skill, they have the talent, they have all these years of experience? What is it that they don’t want to do? Where do they lose their excitement? And why should they lose excitement? This is something that I struggled with myself too. I’ve done things in the past. Along the way, I lost excitement along the way I lost all the glitter, the glory, and all that in whatever that is. And I gave up, I stopped. And I talked about this, I believe yesterday or day for yesterday on the podcast to people quit, people, give up or made a point of encountering some discomfort or they encounter some adversity they give up. But this is more about the mindset. So I was telling him, I said, “Listen, why can’t you be yourself? Why are you worried about the opportunities? Why are you worried about other people doing other things?” It’s okay. You know, we all have our own path. We all have our own journey. We don’t need to compare. We don’t need to contrast. We don’t need to feel that we need to acquire something else in order to become somebody who we already know. So I need to acquire something else to become somebody who I already know. Everybody. This is seeing life as a lonely game. It’s an alone game. Everybody’s playing their game. Some people have some gifts. Some people have some traits. Some people have some attitudes, positive attitudes. Some people have some negative attitudes, but everybody has a gift. Everybody has a game that they’re playing. And it’s impossible to compare your game with somebody else’s game. It’s not possible.

In fact, 23 chromosomes from mom and 23 chromosomes from dad at that moment in just that in that fraction of a nanosecond I was born. If there was a delay by another 30 seconds. I don’t know I’m just making this up. Maybe a girl. Maybe a boy, who is much more smarter than me may be much more capable than me. Who knows? There is so much I’m going to share something amazing. This is a true story. My mom was going through a cesarean they had to take me out by cutting her and my dad went to the doctor and said, “Why not do the surgery tomorrow? Why do you want to do it today, let’s try to schedule this.” And the doctor said, “No, we could do it tomorrow, but then it’s better to do it today.” In other words, like they were planning a week ahead, and the doctor wants to do it on Friday, my father wanted the scissors to happen on Saturday. And the doctor said one or two days doesn’t make any difference. But I don’t want to push this too far out. I want to get this done. We have the staff on Friday. We’ll do it on a Friday. And my father was unwilling and turns out that astrologically Saturday was a good day for me to be born. But I ended up coming out on Friday because the doctor wanted me to come out on Friday. Now apparently, because I’m born on Friday, my destiny is all messed up. It lives in their belief systems, I could have been somebody different, incredible if I would have been born on Saturday. But because I’m born on Friday, I don’t have all the great things.

Here’s the truth. It doesn’t matter what time I was born, or which day was born. But now I have the awareness. Now I have the know-how now I have the reach the capability, the ability to do anything that I want to do. And nothing should be stopping me from doing that. I don’t care what my start was. But then I know how to finish this. This was the point I was driving. So if you change yourself today, let’s say you decide you don’t want to do this, you’re a doctor, you don’t want to be a doctor anymore. You want to turn you don’t want to be an attorney anymore. And you are a software engineer, you don’t want to be suffering there anymore. You want to do something else. I don’t know what that is, let’s say you want to do something else, hoping that that’s going to be easy. Let me tell you something. It’s not easy. Nothing is easy. Everything is hard. There are no shortcuts. I kept on saying this numerous times over the years, 11, 12 years now on the radio, and on this podcast now for the last seven months, five months, six months, whatever, six months now, five months. Been driving this point, there are no shortcuts, you have to become comfortable with who you are. I’m more comfortable with who I am than there is a problem. Now, is it possible that everything around us can be changed? Yes. But there’s a cost for the change. And the change involves time, effort, money, and all that. So if I’m an engineer, I want to become a doctor. That’s too big of a leap. I need to go study I need to acquire the knowledge again, time. So through changing, ideally, speaking shouldn’t be changing. The question is what can I acquire on top of what I already have? What can I do to bring a new meaning a new dimension, a new approach, a new concept, an idea a new positioning a new messaging, a new understanding? And strategically looking into everything that I already have, and enhancing it to that next level that makes sense and is relevant and impactful? has some level of contribution to whoever I’m trying to reach or I want to serve. That’s the question. People miss this.

It’s perfectly okay to be who you are. So be what you are. I get this question about businesses and niches and I want to become a life coach. I want to become a career coach. I want this I want that doesn’t matter. Listen, it doesn’t matter. You’re a career coach. You can tell people how to write great resumes all the best. But your game stops there. You tell people how to change words here and there and make your resume look good. You put some good fonts here. Yeah. Listen, coaching is coaching. Vince Lombardi never really played the game at the highest level. I don’t think he ever played in NFL before the greatest coach of all time. How could he do that? He never got drafted. He never played the game at that level. But he was managing a fleet of professional players and made sure that he turned the game around, just not the team, the team that he was quoting now does the whole game around.

So it’s okay. Whoever you are, you are the niche. You are the brand and you are who you are, and nobody else can do what you’re doing. There are numerous incredibly talented, brilliant genius coaches. Let’s take that example let’s say that I’m a coach, a brilliant person. There are so many incredible speakers, trainers, and coaches, and I respect them all. It’s a great profession to be in. Coaching is a profession where you see you get somebody into your life, or you get yourself into their life and you transition them to a different version as a result of your Timing engagement with them. It’s a brilliant thing to do. It’s a powerful thing. It’s like a mom or dad raising a kid. I for 18 years later Ooh, you know, you look at a kid who’s a totally different talking about a kid and different 18 years, my daughter turned 18 today. Okay, that’s where that came from. Okay. It is amazing how incredible a young lady is, she has become amazing. My life changed the minute she came into my life, our lives change the minute she came into our lives, that’s the right way to use what you know, I know how to do this. doing whatever I can. Can I do this better? Yes. Can this be improved? Yes. Can this be said differently? Yes. Can this whole podcast and this message? Can this be done differently by somebody else? Or by me at a later time with a little bit more research? And a little bit more understanding? The answer is yes, yes, yes to everything. But in this context, at this time, this is what it is. So I’m using what I know. Life success is in between these two statements. Be who you are, use what you have, or what you know. Plus the point I drove on the stack, with this friend of mine, and this is the same point I’m making here on this podcast. If I extend this conversation, then there are two other things that I want to make here, which is to give what you have. You have the knowledge you have time you have the skill, you have talent, and you have gifts that are only given to you go share them. Do your best. Find a medium, the best medium that you can find, and use that medium to reach as many people as you can and do what best you can. You are seeking love. God love. Okay, go love. At the end of the day. This gentleman doesn’t want to do what he’s doing because he’s not getting any approval. He’s not getting the acceptance he wants and is looking for love. If you want to do something else where you will find some more love, go to go. Love, even here, even if you, if you just keep doing what you’re doing, but you just love people, you will get the results. Why you have to change your professional identity and everything and do something else so that you will get the love from there are no guarantees.

Okay, I’ll stop here. This has gone too far. But thank you for listening. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your participation. And I’ll talk to you. I’ll talk with you tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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