Bigger Meaning & Charged Emotions Can Win You The World

Bigger Meaning & Charged Emotions Can Win You The World

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

If you master your emotions you can win over the world. Emotional mastery is the topic of discussion today on this podcast, welcome, or welcome back to Success with Srini. Numerous times I have made this point on this podcast, that if I have to choose between logic and emotions, I would go with emotions. Yes, with a logical mind, we think logic gives us ideas, and logic gives us opinions. Logic also gives us the root for our beliefs. That’s true. So logical thinking does play a big role in our success, but then our emotions dominate. You’ve seen this in your life, you probably have seen this, every time you have a conflict within yourself where logically want to do something, but then emotionally, your emotions are somewhere, then usually humans emotions, when, and I recorded a video on my YouTube channel now talking about this, and talking about conflicts and how conflicts arise.

So every time you talk to somebody who is emotionally charged, and you try to explain something logically to them, guess who wins, they win. So clearly, you know, even though logically we can make choices, the success of the choice is through our emotions, is through our beliefs. And the difference between a belief and emotion is very simple emotions when over a long period of time, create our belief systems. So emotions have energy in them thoughts do not have, you know, the energy behind them. There’s a lot of documentation. There’s a lot of literature on this. So the true definition, I don’t know who came up with this, but they sometimes, a long time ago, somebody came up with this, they said, emotions are energy in motion, ie motion, energy in motion. So clearly, the minute you start putting energy behind your thoughts, your thoughts become emotions, and a lot more energy behind your emotions, they become your beliefs, your convictions, and beliefs, in turn, give rise to our behavior. And our behavior leads to actions and actions get us to results. So the cycle is pretty defined. It’s an amazing cycle. Now, I’ll give you an example. And, I first saw this as a young man, I first realized this in the year 1990. I was in India, there was this huge boxing bout between Mike Tyson and Buster Douglas. And the huge, huge thing was promoted all over the media all over the world. Obviously, I was supporting Mike Tyson. He was the greatest star back in the day even today, two amazing how that man has come and how far he has come spiritually. Mike Tyson lost that bout. It lost the game. And it’s crazy. The 42 to one. How could somebody like Mike Tyson lose out on a game like that? Like nobody gave Buster Douglas a chance. I mean, there was not even rated to win. And Buster Douglas pulled out the biggest upset in the sporting history on that day in Japan in 1990. Now, let’s look into this and why am I highlighting this? At that moment? You know, that happened then? And then there was a review in the newspaper.

You know, a few weeks later, there was an article in the news. I don’t know if this was back either on Sunday. Or it was in some magazine back in India. There was a magazine called Sunday back then that used to come every Sunday or India today maybe India today. I’m not sure. They said the reason why Buster Douglas was able to pull off this upset. And the reason why he defeated Mike Tyson was that Douglas was emotionally in a better state. His emotions, not the skill, emotions. Now, later on, the article explains what happened and why it happened. It’s it turns out that Buster Douglas lost his mother, just 23 days before this fight. And she was 46 years old. She was young she died. And 23 days later, Buster Douglas is coming to fight and look at his emotional state. Like he was literally coming the tremendous amount of pain within him and he just unleashed himself. Now if you are subsequent to that in the interviews that I’ve seen, Basha Douglas claims that he had an incredible strategy. His coach had a strategy so that is why he won.

But the true Notice that he was leading that bout with a set of emotions is coming from a whole different place. And Tyson was not. That’s the truth. Now, just if you want to know what happened subsequent to that, and I think this is also very important to mention here on the podcast is subsequent to this whole thing afterward, Don King who was promoting Mike Tyson was trying to get a second match rematch. And the reasoning behind that was, that there was a point when Mike Tyson knocked Buster Douglas in the fight. And the count, the referee, did not start the count on time. So Buster Douglas recovered from the fall and came back and defeated Mike Tyson. So there was a lot of controversy around you know, the count wasn’t didn’t start in time. So all back so, so there was this thing, Don King wanted a rematch and most of Mike Tyson’s fans, they all wanted a rematch. So Don King wanted a rematch, and he was working on it, but it never happened. Never happened. But then Buster Douglas. Soon after this fight. There was a rematch so he had to defend the title. So he defended the title against Evander Holyfield. In that rematch, the rematch happened but then against Evander Holyfield, and Evander Holyfield defeated Buster Douglas in the third round. The third round. And guess why? This time, Buster Douglas had no emotional reason to fight. He was not he was coming from a whole different place, this time. The emotional state was not there. You see, he even gained weight. He was like 14 pounds heavier than the time he fought Tyson. So it was not in the right place. And then Buster Douglas retired right after this game. And he was gone for like six years or so. And then eventually came back and tried to come back into the game, he won a few things here and there, but then never really came back and got back the glory. So even today, people know him because he created the biggest upset in the boxing world, but defeating Tyson. Now, there has to be a meaning in everything you do. That’s the point of this. And if you make the meaning big and bigger, and greater, you create your chances of creating success go high, logically, you might be there. But then emotionally when you bring your emotions, your beliefs in the game, listen on the day, anybody who’s running 100-meter race in Olympic for the Olympic gold medal, anybody could win why one wins, because they have a better bigger meaning better preparation, obviously, but better meaning because meaning on that day, they won the gold medal. And that was not the day for the rest of the nine people. Very simple.

So look into emotions, look into your belief systems, strengthen them as much as you can, and of course, keep your logic intact. But then if you hold on to your beliefs and emotions and you keep on spending them on a daily basis, you create the success that you are looking at, or whatever the outcome you’re seeking. That’s all for now. Hopefully, today’s podcast will motivate you. We’ll come back tomorrow and we’ll talk a little bit more. But then yeah, I’m a boxing enthusiast myself and that’s why this all this is coming. That’s where I’m coming from. Okay. Talk soon, bye now.

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