Change This One Thing From Your Past

Change This One Thing From Your Past

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Today on the podcast episode, I want to answer a question that I’ve seen multiple times being asked on different stages to different celebrities, even to contestants. And the question is, what is the one thing that you would like to change from your past given a chance? Given a chance, what is one thing that you would like to change about yourself from the past? You might have seen this question on the Miss Universe and on the Miss World stages. The correct answer to this question is, I want to change an event or a memory, or interaction or something you specifically answered the question is something that you would like to change? That’s the correct answer. I’ve seen people answer this question the correct way. But, from a sound perspective, from a winning the title perspective, this question has been answered this way. I don’t want to change anything about my past. Because things that happen to me right or wrong are responsible for me getting here. So if I change anything about my past, how can I get here? And even the title for answering this question this way. Now imagine me being a coach and somebody asking this question to me. And I trying to be like, impartial with the answer.

Okay. The truth is, the truth is, all of us want to change something about our past. The reason why we do what we do today is we don’t want our past to repeat in the future. So our tomorrow should not mimic yesterday. So we use our today to protect our tomorrow by not repeating what happened to us yesterday. That’s it. That’s the simple formula. That’s the simple rule. We are happily going to work because our past should not repeat things that happened to our past. In the past, we suffered from money, we struggled with money, we suffered from our jobs, we suffered from our bosses, whatever. We don’t want that to repeat in the future. So we go to work on happily even today, we start a business unhappier run a business and happily because, in the past, we struggle in a job, whatever this situation is, you get the idea. If you ask them the question, nobody asked me this question up till now Cindy, what do you want to change about your past? If you’re asking the question, one thing that I will change from my past is this. Given a chance, I will change the way I have used my time. I’ve started to respect time, all the recent years, obviously, but then I feel like the last 10 years my life has been accelerated in a whole different way. Given a chance, I would like to get better control of my time.

Given a chance, I would do the right things, I would apply my active time, my active time to doing the right things. I see people squander their time away. I’ve done multiple podcasts here where I talk about how to structure time, structuring time is useless. If you do not know what you want to accomplish, if you don’t have a definitive clear, and a finite goal to which you apply yourself, what’s the point of structuring time, goals or goals or goals that are useless if you are not taken them into your heart, into your mind, their wishes, you know, you wake up in the morning think I want to do this, this is what I want to accomplish. This is how I see myself, this is what’s gonna define me for the next 1015 40 long after I’m gone, this is going to be my legacy, if that is not what you feel that everything you do is all over the place. So there are many books on time management. There are many books on habits in those are the two things if you change, your entire destiny is going to change. I’ve repeated myself numerous times on this podcast. But I want to drive one point. You shouldn’t structure things to fit time. I have eight hours in a day. Let me do this and dissenters. That is like an elementary level of thinking. And the advanced level of thinking is I have to do these things.

Anyway, I’ve structured that into my timeline anyway. How can I do this in a better and a faster manner without compromising Anything, how can I steal time away from the activities that I’m doing? I’m burning 1000 calories in three hours? How can I burn 1000 calories in 15 minutes? In 20 minutes in half-hour? Is it possible? Yes. How can I? What kind of skill, talent mindset, all these? How can I acquire those to achieve that kind of perfection and performance? Now that I can do it, I can burn 15 100,000 calories in 15 minutes, which I was burning in an hour, I have 45 more minutes to do left now, what should I do with those 45 minutes? How do I apply? Where do I apply those 45 minutes? It’s a question that I wanted to ask, I want you to ask yourself today. This is something I want to change about my past. This is something that I want to change about my future, which is how can I use my time in a more productive, effective, meaningful manner? That’s even more important meaningfully? How can I use my time? This is a question that I want you to, I want you to ask tomorrow and be after. And every other day that you will be blessed with going forward from this point in time. Everything is time. Nothing exists without time. Even though time is a manmade construct.

It’s time on planet Earth. This is the time that we are in. But this is not the time on some other planet like Neptune or Uranus or Saturn or Jupiter, it’s a different time they’re in a different galaxy. That is a different time. In fact, they just found another galaxy, another galaxy where time is running backward. So amazing. It’s amazing. It’s very interesting. If you start scaling your thinking into the universe into the cosmos, it’s amazing how just how minuscule we are. Where we exist. We exist nowhere. A long time ago, now a long time ago. But when my mom passed away, right before at passing, like six or eight weeks before her passing. She was still talking. She said something said is it possible for you to remove some of my past memories? And I was, huh. Did I say why? Oh, you know, I’m laying down on this bird. I’m thinking about them. And I want to live a good life whatever little bit life I’m left with. So she is stage four cancer, lung cancer. Given seven months to live, she already has lived seven months. And the disease in the seventh month she’s having this conversation with Michelle is asking me to wipe out some memories from our past. I said I cannot. But she insists. She says you do this with your clients, right? Can’t you do it with me? Said Yeah. With my clients, I desensitize the events, the incorrect or wrong events that happened to them in the past. I do not erase memories. Nobody can erase memories, memories, or memories. So I can change the effect that memory has on you today. But I cannot take it out. She insists that I take it out. Or she says okay fine, desensitize them. I told her, Listen, in order for me to desensitize the memory. You need to relive that memory one more time. Why do you want to relive a memory? That was so hard on you and you have so many incorrect wrongs? Hard memories? Why relive this memory? Do you have whatever time left? Just forget and forgive everyone in your mind. Forgive and forget yourself and just live whatever is left. I didn’t say that to her, by the way.

I’m just saying that on the podcast here, but I didn’t say that to her right. I did tell her that we have to you have to relive that memory. But I said I asked her to forget and forgive. But I didn’t say that you have four weeks or eight weeks left or whatever. I didn’t say that to her. You get the idea. We all want to change our past. The truth is this. The only way you can change the past is not with money. Or with more success. More name more fame none or better job title. Better, dynamic, and relationships. Not true. The only ingredient that can change your past is the way you use your time. Starting now from today, I want you to use your time meaningfully for some meaningful outcomes. For some meaningful returns, it could be money, it could be some deep inner thing that you want to fulfill whatever it is, but attach meaning to your time, lead every minute meaningfully from starting this point forward.

That is the point of today’s podcast. I’m thankful that you are here with me till the end. Before I go any further. I want to stop here. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. Stay tuned. Bye now.

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