Change What You Can, Accept What You Can't

Change What You Can, Accept What You Can’t

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome, and welcome back to success with Srini. Merry Christmas to you. By the time I’m done recording today’s podcast by the time we publish, this podcast gets published right around 7 am. Pacific Standard Time. By the time you might have already unwrapped all the gifts that you might have gotten today, Santa might have already visited you by this time. Again, Merry Christmas to you, thank you for listening. Today, I will keep it very short and to the point. And I will let you go back and enjoy your time with your friends and family. This is a very special day. And it’s a special time of the year. So the message that I have for you today on this podcast is to change what you can and accept that which you cannot. And this is the message I wanted to share today because you know, they’re getting very close to the end of the year and New Year is right around the corner. And, you know, you may be having a lot of plans for yourself. And this is a very interesting part of the year.

And today’s a very special day. So you see Santa Claus is okay. At a tender age, young age. But it’s somewhat inappropriate for teenagers that discussion. College students are intolerant of inequalities in life. But as they grew up, they start to take responsibility for life. That’s when they start to realize that the world is somewhat bitter and somewhat sweet. So they tend to accept the world the way it is. Now, if you are in a situation right now, wherever you are, in your personal life or professional life, and you are struggling to accept things, and you want the world to change according to your wishes. Clearly, that’s not going to happen. So you grew up to acknowledge that Santa Claus is not real. You except you grew up to accept the fact that the world after all has its own issues. And it’s okay. The world after all is a beautiful place. And this is the life you have. And this is the life that you have to live. Either you complain about life and feel the pain and agony within you. Or you accept the way it is and move on with life. Now moving on with life has a lot to do with how you construct yourself toward the future that is awaiting you. I think that’s the right word. So over the next few days, we’ll start tomorrow we’ll talk about reconstruction of you because it’s very important where we are with this podcast and the time of the year and all that someone who I’m going to do some special episodes going forward. But then you see, it’s important that we accept who we are. And change most important change whatever we can, and whatever we cannot change we accept the fact that it is what it is. Okay. The reason why I’m highlighting that today on this podcast this point is because I meet people who kind of highlight their own issues a lot. And they believe that their troubles or bigger than anybody else’s troubles. And even though they do come across other people who are going through a lot of their own issues, they somehow do not want to recognize that they somehow feel that their problems are too much.

And somehow the problems have to be talked about and somehow they give a lot of time and effort to thinking about the problems. Now here is the issue with problems the more you think about them, the more the loop, and the more you get them. When I say loop the more you think about the more you’re going to be getting them somehow seems like they’re not never-ending even though they need to be left alone but somehow the way we have constructed our emotions and our the way we are humans are we tend to think about them a lot. So the more we think the more we invited them so we aren’t that low. You see it’s okay to think about your situation to be different. I base my situation was different. I wish my life would be different, but to constantly worry about that and think about that and get caught up in that for days or months. For years. That is self-destruction. Somebody asked me, What’s the definition of self-destruction? This is the definition of self-destruction. When somebody asked me, I did not, I couldn’t articulate that in that manner, because I gave a standard definition. But this is the most realistic practical definition you get consumed by your problems to such a point that because you wanted things to be different, you’re not able to make the changes. And it’s okay to say, Okay, I wish I had that life. But becoming too caught up with that thought and losing time, that’s self-destruction. So people who highlight problems, mostly are self-centered. And somehow they want the entire universe to gravitate around their own desires, their own wishes.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. So the key is, to change, whatever you can. And this podcast, this is a self-improvement podcast, and anybody who does whatever I’m doing, I don’t claim to be doing all this at the best possible level. But there are many people who do what I do. So I’m nothing unique, no different. Self-improvement is an essential ingredient for the change that we all are trying to make. And the change, the easiest change that we can make is within ourselves, we don’t need to see the change. That is that order if I see the change in your Danone, I’ll change it, that’s a difficult ask. And that change, that asks is an impossible ask that asks is never going to be met. So it’s better to change me, rather than expect somebody else to change for me. And yesterday, on the podcast, I talked about how this game is a solo game this life with solo as much as we think that we are part of this language, this culture, this religion, this country, this family, this company, whatever, it’s a lonely game. So quicker, you accept that, that not only that, you accept the fact that you are lonely, but you also accept the fact that you cannot change many things. You heard me talk, say this here on this podcast, you are, the only time you’re in control of anything is the day you realize or at the moment that you realize that you are not in control of anything. That’s when the real control starts. You heard me say this here multiple times, in order to live this life, there are only two ways. Either you control your expectations, or you expand your reality. So have a lot of expectations, and I need to really expand my reality, okay, I have these expectations. I need to meet them, what can I do?

What all can I bring, you know, what skills, what talents, what resources, you know, all that. So you got to constantly, or if you don’t want to think that way, then cut all expectations, let’s just live with one or two, that you know that you can match. Life is going to become blissful. simple, as simple as that. Okay, that’s my rant for today, go enjoy your day, today’s a special day, Merry Christmas to you, wherever you are in the world. And before you know it, I’ll be with you. As early as tomorrow, the start of a new week, the last week of the year, it’s gonna be fun, it’s gonna be fun. And starting tomorrow, I’ll go very deep into the concept that I was referring to a little bit earlier, which is a reconstruction of you. We’ll get into that. And we’re going to talk maybe that’s going to put us all the way into the end of the year. So I have a few thoughts that I want to share with you. Which by the way, is nothing new. I already talked about them and bits and pieces across this podcast over days. But then I’m bringing all of them together to a level where it all is going to make sense. That’s the goal. So starting tomorrow, we’re gonna be talking about the reconstruction of you so that you can empower Lee positively arrive to work on your goals starting the first of January. Okay, okay, so go enjoy, and I’ll be with you tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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