Define What

Define What “ACTION” Means To You

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Today on the podcast, I want to share with you one of the greatest personal experiences that I had, through the products that I was pursuing the goals that I was trying to achieve, and the things that I was doing to get there over the years. And, I experienced this very late. And that shouldn’t be the case. So if you are a listener of this podcast, and you are, you know, you set goals, you go after your goals, and urine is coming up. So you probably are gearing up to do something big, starting next year. Wherever you are on your journey right now. This, what I’m going to share with you now is going to completely give a different perspective to everything that you’ve got going. So on the podcast, I’m sharing with you that I was having difficulty coming up with a name for this podcast episode. And I decided to name it this way, pre-launch checklist before taking any action, or anything like that. So what it means is you have a goal, you have a bunch of actions that you have to take, you have things figured out and you know you’re doing that anyway. But then it’s nice to have a checklist to go after so that you are ready, you can launch the action, not just do just take the action, but launch the action.

See, launching the action is different than taking action. Everybody takes action. But very few understand the concept that took me a while took me a while to figure this out. So I came up with five questions checklist that has been used for a long time, I’m gonna share it with you. So here they are. The first one is before I give you an example, let’s take an example. Let’s say you want to work out today want to work out today, that means you’re taking action. And you will work out for an hour. So you’re about to go to the gym. You figured you planned this for a few days now. So this is today. And this hour is your workout exercise as you’re getting ready to go. The first and foremost thing, the first question on the checklist you have to ask is Do I have the time to act on this? Now there’s a difference between blocking the time versus acting on whatever times are blocked, what happens is, let’s say you’re trying to work out for 60 minutes in the gym. But you have something else that has come up right after this. And you need to go there right away. But you have to take a shower and go there, you may not have time. Now what will happen is, you know, you’re going to cut your time at the gym. And you have to rush to this meeting. So the stacking has not happened properly. Or you did plan for this but you really were not expecting something else to come up. So, so close to this activity. And now you’re not sure.

Now you can still go to the gym, which people do. But that cuts short their time and they leave the here’s the problem with people in the gym. They go there, they want to spend, you know, they want to go there they go that they have a good feeling they went to the gym, but they really do not do much in the gym, they just go around and you know, spend a few minutes here and there, this machine that machine, they try a few things and they go home. And they do that for a few days. And they start to believe that oh, it’s not working, I need to I don’t know if I’m not doing this right, maybe seek some help or help is expensive. And eventually, they give up. So you got to ask, Do I really have the time to do this? Now that’s the last thing on a checklist. The second one is do I have the energy to do this now? Do I have the energy that this action needs? If I’m feeling lethargic, I’m feeling lazy. I’m feeling low. There’s no point in going to the gym and in making the condition even worse. There’s no money to go there. So I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t. But God asked the question if this principle applies to everything, just not the gym. We need time, we need energy. And the third one, which is a big one is very applicable to the gym thing but also everywhere else. Do I have or am I properly accused to do this? So, there are certain activities that you will be doing in the gym, for which you need to be dressed differently. And likewise, you know, if I’m doing strength training in the gym, I, I, you know, have a different set of clothes. And if I’m running different sets of clothes, and all that, I can’t be prepared for one activity and go there and do the other one. And people do that. And sometimes people don’t have this awareness. You know, this is what I had, this is what I’m going to put on. And this is how I’m going to show up. And this is what I’m going to do. And the sad part is that don’t do so very important that you have your equipment, or whether you’re properly cubed to do this. The next one, the checklist is, why am I doing this, instead of back? This is a powerful question, I asked this question every time I step into the gym, or on the trail, or on the running trail or hiking trail wherever I go, or even on the mountains, ask the question, Why am I doing this, instead of doing that? Why this? Why not that?

Now, that is we don’t know what that is, that could be sitting in front of the TV and watching Netflix, or something else, or sitting in the coffee shop. having coffee, that could be anything. But this, this wide this? The reason why I asked this question is the minute I ask this question, why am I doing this? The answer is clearly in the mind, the answer comes to the forefront, I want to feel good, I want to stay healthy. I want to overcome laziness, I want to have higher energy. I want to you know all that so so look good, feel good, be energetic, lose weight, become healthy, and live longer. All these things come to mind. But people forget why they go to the gym, and why they do what they are doing. Because there is a bigger reasoning behind all this, there’s a bigger meaning behind this and that big meaning. When that big meaning becomes dominant in the mind, then the activity becomes easy or easier. And the last one of the checklist is can I communicate? Completion? can I communicate now communicate is that the word here, I underlined that, can I communicate? People say I go to the gym. People say I died. People say things but people do not say I went to the gym and I ran nonstop for an hour. I ran 10 miles in the gym. They don’t say that. That I’m not saying they’re not achieving that. But they need to be telling someone and most importantly themselves. So most of the time even at projects at work, people communicate activity. I go to the gym, like going to the gym is an activity that we’re conveying. But what did you do in the gym? People tell me I went on a hike. Okay, how far did you go? How soon? How quickly did you go? How long did it take? I asked those questions. Oh, you know, I went to this point and turned back, and why? Well, because it was getting dark or it was getting windy, whatever. And it took me a lot of time because there was no parking, they tell a story. And they all tell a story. This event. It sounds good though. But you got to communicate. And you use it better to communicate completion, accomplishment, not process, not activity. And I launch myself from that point on that’s it. I launch, like to take action. If at least the top four criteria, match. Then I’m good. I’m good to go. And I go and power it into anything.

Okay, I hope this helps. This completely changed my approach to getting things done. And I’m sharing it with you because you’re brand new, you’re restarting. And you have so many things on your mind. This will help you for sure. Okay, I want to stop here you go enjoy your day and launch yourself. And before you know it, I’ll be with you as early as tomorrow. Keep listening.

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