Do Introverts Make Successful Entrepreneurs

Do Introverts Make Successful Entrepreneurs

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome, or welcome back to Success with Srini. Today is the January 23, 2022. Its a Sunday, happy Sunday morning to you. Today on the podcast, I am answering a question that came in sometime in August of last year. I played this question on my radio show. I answered the question there. But then the recording of the radio show never made it back into this podcast. So Shiva who is asking this question, probably never got the answer. First, let’s get to the question. And I’m gonna come back and come with the answer.

“Hi, Srini. My name is Shiva. I want to ask you a question like, is this entrepreneurship skills is only for extroverts or can introverts like me who can get into this and can excel at this entrepreneurship?” If you can play my question, and you can answer in some episode. Thank you. Bye.”

Thank you Shiva for the question. And again, sorry for not answering this in a timely manner for you. But hopefully today’s podcast episode will help.

Introverts rule the world

I think introverts rule the world. I think you look at Bill Gates, you look at Warren Buffett, you look at Elon Musk, they all are introverts, and they are ruling the world. So I wouldn’t disqualify myself from entrepreneurship, because I think I’m an introvert. And here is what I think about myself. For a long time, I believe that I was an introvert and I have a podcast episode that I did a few weeks ago specifically talking about it.

It takes a lifetime to discover who we are

Sometimes we get tagged by people around us as who we are. And it takes a while for us. It takes a lifetime to discover who we are. So I was raised in an introvert culture. But I did feel that I was an extrovert because I had some traits for a while. And I went through a lot of tests myself, when I got into speaking, training, coaching, and I was trying to discover myself. So for a while, I thought I was an omnivert, and then I came back and I found out that I’m an ambivert, using a proper balance between being an extrovert and an introvert.

So we have everything within us. And the media tells you that if you are this way, then you will succeed. If you’re not this way, then you will not succeed. When you look at any business and entrepreneurship specifically, historically, a business was divided between a motherly function and a fatherly function, a fatherly function within which you have sales marketing to the fatherly functions treated as fatherly functions because their outward and motherly functions are engineering research, product creation, all that stuff.

And then you also have some brotherly or sisterly functions like HR and customer service to that bodily functions, but primarily motherly functions and fatherly functions. And the reason why that was that way. Because that’s what families used to be. Mostly, I was raised in a complementary family structure, like in a complementary relationship. Father does what he does, mother does what she does, Mother handles the kitchen, and the house father goes out and does what he does. So they complement each other. But the times that we are in those relationships, they have become symmetric.

Anyone and everyone could do anything, doesn’t matter who you are.

You could have been sales and marketing, you could have been customer service, you could be in engineering, you could be in product research, design, all of that. So I don’t see introverts not fitting in or fitting in in a certain way. And extroverts not fitting in or fitting in a certain way. Just because you’re loud doesn’t mean that you make the point. I could spend next 30 minutes on this podcast and miss out making a point, what’s the point? Right?

So I think introverts are incredible listeners. I think they are incredible thinkers, because of these two things that also observing. And they also net worth well better than the extroverts. So you combine listening, thinking, observing, networking, suddenly now you have those are the four mandatory attributes of a visionary. There are many more but then those are, at least they stand out. So suddenly, you have a visionary. So you go back and look into Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, you look into Roosevelt, nine Stein, they all were introverts and they, they change the world.

Don’t disqualify yourself

So I think don’t disqualify yourself saying that you are an introvert and you cannot succeed, you will. And there is proof already. And thanks to the Creative Economy That within which we are in today. That is tremendous amount of information flowing and creators coming and influence us are coming from all different spheres of life. You could be totally silent, totally alone totally away, completely removed from the facts of the world. And you could be creating magic.

I hope I answered your question. I think. And if not, let me know. I hope I answered your question. Hope this motivates you hope that inspires you. All the best with your entrepreneurial journey. I look forward to hearing your story.

Thank you.

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