Do Things That Frighten You

Do Things That Frighten You

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back to Success with Srini. Happy Tuesday morning to you today on the podcast episode, I’m telling you to do something that frightens you, something that scares you do it, because a part of this life, that the purpose of this life is to become stronger, the purpose of life is to become happy, become fulfilled, get all the joy to become successful, all that is good. But then a part of this life is also to grow, to become stronger, to become internally powerful. And in order to achieve that, we need to overcome fear.

Now, every successful individual at some point in time had to deal with fear, and we’ll deal with fear. Everything that you want is on the other side of fear. I read a book called The Power of focus many, many years ago. And I talked about this book numerous times on this podcast on my radio shows at my seminars. And in that book, Mark, Victor Hansen, less weight. And Jack Canfield. There’s a quote in that book that says, everything that you want in life is on the other side of fear. So fear is everywhere. One of the biggest obstacles, internal obstacles that we have to deal with is fear. So now that it is there now that I can’t avoid it, let me learn how to deal with it. As simple as that. The biggest difference between someone who is wildly successful and someone that is not is the courage to take significant action over and over again. Now that we agree that we have to deal with fear, let’s talk about how can you start taking significant action. Not before I go there, I’ll tell you something I personally, have always, always wanted to do things that frighten me, I don’t know something about me, there’s a part of me if I, if I’m not, at any point in time, become comfortable. I’m very uncomfortable. If I become comfortable, and very uncomfortable, if I’m not in a hustle mode, at some level, not extreme level, but at some level, if I’m not in hustle mode, then something is amiss. So I’m constantly challenging myself. I’m about example, there are numerous incredible examples all over the place. And one of the best ways to find examples is to study successful people, like go to the library or, or get books on success, people who have done it and have gone through this process. And you’ll start to see that they have dealt with fear for everything that they achieved, that dealt with fear, they did things that frightened them, and they took massive action, significant action to get to where they got to. Okay, so let’s get into the steps quickly.

The first and foremost thing is that you need to decide to succeed once you decide to succeed, you will do whatever it takes people don’t commit to things and commitment is the fundamental requirement for any level of success any kind of outcome has to proceed with commitment. So I lose weight, I will probably do this I may come I may show up I may not show up. This Indecision is a dangerous thing you commit when you commit you are also committing to success but also you’re committing to failure as a part of that process, you will encounter failures at the part of the process you will encounter doubt you will encounter some level of uncertainty along the way but then you’re committing, that means you’ll stay the course. So fear is part of that. That’s the point and you will encounter fear and then you will deal you learn to deal with it because you committed that’s where you start. The second part is there is an element of risk in everything. I’ll tell you I’m recording this podcast there is an element of risk. You know what? Numerous times I have recorded podcasts for 20 minutes and 15 minutes and later I found out that I did not press the record button. I did not press the record button crazy. And so Wow. Okay, so before that I was before looking let me check if I did press the record button on this one. Yeah, it’s recording. Okay. I’m just checking I’m just checking like fear God and you see that that fear got in.

So prior to thinking that I was recording I probably did like three or four takes and then doing all those stakes I was recording but the last one which was and I deleted those recordings because I was not happy. And then I did the final recording thinking I was recording. I went like 15 minutes through the whole process and then no recording. Okay, so there is an element of risk in everything that we do. Whether you’re getting a phone call, you’re making a presentation, you’re talking to someone, there’s always an element of risk, even for driving unit walking, even if you’re standing inside the house, there is an element of risk. Risk is everywhere. Sometimes it’s obvious, sometimes you feel it, depending upon your understanding event to Everest, people were asking, you know, why go Everest, it’s risky, or less risky because that’s what you were told by the media. But once you educate yourself, you diminished the risk, because you now have the knowledge. That means there is an element of preparation. So every time there is a risk, every time there is some fear, understand that there is a lack of knowledge, there is an element of lack of knowledge. So you educate yourself, let’s say you want, you’re scared of taking an exam. But you know, you have to, and there is a fear. And as a part of that preparation, right, as a part of that fear, you prepare yourself. So the only way to deal with exams is to prepare, and you need to study and you need to ideate, you need to indulge yourself whatever, right, so you got to do what you got to do. And when you do that, it diminishes the fear, and you feel good, you don’t sweat. Now, despite your best preparation, despite your best effort, it’s in dealing with the unknown, dealing with fears dealing with uncertainty It is sometimes you really don’t know how much you have to prepare.
It’s very hard to comprehend. In that situation, you need to learn to go with the flow.

And going with the flow means you’re not anxious about what’s going to happen. And you’re also not predicting in your mind, that’s not going to work. Because I don’t think I have what it takes, or I did not prepare the right way. None of that stuff, you just go with the flow. So you do your preparation, you practice, you prepare yourself, you know that you have to deal with some uncertainty center is amounts certain amount of risk, you go with the flow, you don’t judge yourself in or out of it. Well, you should judge yourself in but not all of it. A part of this process also involves that you always focus on good outcomes. When the pressure is high, when the effort is high, people start to think about the negative outcomes or unfavorable outcomes. It’s very important to think about good outcomes. I recently was involved in a project that dragged off for 18 months, dragged out, we thought we had a win, then we had a loss, we had a win that we lost, we never got the outcome. And it took forever because of one thing or the other. And there were a bunch of us involved with the project. And eventually, after 18 months, we hit the start line, as we got to the finish line, but then that is the start line. And all through while everybody was expecting things will not happen that there going to be some negative outcomes, we stayed focused. When you expect the best, it’s easier to take action. Then while you are dealing with the unknown, while you are dealing with the expected outcome and applying yourself through the process, it’s important that you do two things. One, you learn to relax. Sometimes it is important to detach from the outcome. And only focus on the process sometimes. And sometimes it’s important that you shut yourself away from everything, everybody will be saying some things to you. By the way, our friends do tell us things to us. Oftentimes, they have they want positive from us, but they are they have a negative tone. You need to learn how to filter this out your loved ones, your friends, your family, your extended family, your extended friend circles, they all tell you things, they probably have good things, and they want good outcomes for you, but then the tone is negative. Sometimes the media does things to you. It’s unnecessary to read negative stuff and you’re focused on a positive outcome in life if I’m trying to lose weight and I’m trying to be in the best diet possible and I wake up in the morning and I want to go work out and do things like that. But then I’m listening to some media outlet saying the whole world is coming to an end. Okay, there’s a war there is chaos you know all that so I’m not interested in that. The economy is going to collapse. One country is collapsing other countries are being attacked. Yeah, I get it. I have compassion. I have a concern. And I’ll deal with world affairs when I have when my mice in a scheduled time. Once a week, maybe once every three days, but not a time, when I’m focused on getting to an outcome that I’ve set for myself, for my personal growth, I will not. So engaging in the activity with your fullest self is important.

Now, despite how big of a challenge you have, in front of you, regardless of how big of a fear you have within you, that’s part of how big of an obstacle you have. And regardless of how big of a risk you have, you’re dealing with, I’ll tell you something, understand that you are enough. And only you can solve it. This is an important part of the mindset thing. You are enough. And you have all the resources within you, you are resourceful. You have the capability. And you are doing everything. So important thing to have in mind is a realization that you are enough. I’m sure there is a possibility that you are listening to this podcast for the very first time, this whole podcast, you’re here for the very first time, or maybe you are a subscribed listener to this podcast. If you haven’t listened to anything that I ever said, and this is the first time you are listening to this podcast, I’ll tell you this. The only way you could ever achieve freedom is through freedom, people achieve financial freedom, relationship, freedom, spiritual freedom, and all kinds of freedom people achieve. I’ll tell you true freedom is when you conquer your fears. If you haven’t heard or listened to any of the podcasts here, this is probably the most significant statement I ever made on this podcast.

If you do not conquer your fears, other freedom that you have today doesn’t mean anything. I’ve seen rich people, immensely rich people constantly living under fear. Or somebody is going to put my property some good somebody is going to steal my money, somebody is going to take away the suspect they’re the kind that gets doesn’t work. Unfortunately, what kind of a life is that where you’re constantly worried, constantly anxious? Fear. So the message is on this podcast is this, you got to do something to overcome your fears, whatever fears you have, and the only way that you can overcome your fears is to really do things that frighten you. And again, throughout this podcast, I’m suggesting that you start and you start with that knowledge that no matter whatever that is that you’re trying to accomplish. on that path, you’re going to encounter multiple different setbacks, multiple risks, multiple unknowns, and multiple fears. But then the only way that you can get the freedom is to deal with the fears. And there is no shortcut.

I hope today’s podcast is helpful. If it is do me a favor, write a review, and rate this podcast. If you know someone who you believe will be benefiting from this podcast, then, by all means, do share this with them. Do you have a question? For me. The direct line to this podcast is 888-818-0404. Message me, and I’ll respond to you. That’s all for now. Wherever you are, be safe, take action. And I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye now.

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