From Just Doing To Doing It Right: Here's What Changed

From Just Doing To Doing It Right: Here’s What Changed

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Today on the podcast, I want to take a few moments and talk to you about doing and doing it, right. So a common pattern I’m seeing with people who are actually responding to the podcast. And they’re telling me that they’re doing things. But somehow results are not happening somehow. They’re not getting there. And some even tell me that they have been at whatever they are at for a long time. And to a point where they are not seeing it anymore, in the sense that they’ve stopped to visualize the outcome. And they’ve started losing confidence in their belief patterns are shifting and all that. So take today’s podcast episode as a productivity hack. Take it as a strategy or whatever, whatever you think is, right?

So first of all, let’s talk about why by just doing we cannot get there see doing is the first step to success. If somebody’s not doing anything, my suggestion to them is to just get started. And that’s what anybody would say, just get started. Don’t worry about perfection, don’t try to make it the best. That’s exactly what I did with this podcast. I just started, I did not have an intro, I did not have an outro did not have a cover design. None just took a service just started it. And I kept on adding things later. Recently, in fact, I added the upgraded podcast cover and all that so more updates may come along the way. But by just simply thinking about scale, growth, growth, actually, it’s a good thing to think about scale is also a good thing. Now how can I scale this up? But you should be thinking about immediate accomplishment and not worry about growth. So immediate accomplishment in whatever area you’re in. You’re in a new job right now. And you can’t think of okay, my boss’s boss’s boss’s boss makes a lot of money. How can I become my boss’s boss’s boss’s boss, it doesn’t work.

The most important part is to this is my new job, I want to win. And what is the win, that’s going to make me feel good raises my self-esteem, but also make everybody on the floor, including my manager, appreciate me? So that they feel good, they hired me they feel good that I did something meaningful. So that is what you should be seeking. Hence, you get started. That’s the whim. That’s the first part you get started. So that’s what I suggest to people is to get started, whatever you’re thinking to do, whatever you’re thinking of starting, just get, just take the first step take and don’t worry about the growth, growth happens if you do it. If you listen, if you’re honest, if you’re sincere, and you drive it, everything is going to succeed. The biggest challenge people drop, people have the drive, to begin with, but they do not have the drive. And there is an analogy that you might have heard this, you can’t run a car in the first gear or second gear and say, Okay, this car is not moving fast, you got to get to the fourth gear. And the energy that you will be spending the effort a car as an engine sportsman is the highest end gear one and the lowest and the highest gear, we effort, the pressure is higher at the lowest gear and hardly negligible in the highest gear. But at the highest gear, the car is moving faster and smoother. This very simple concept. But then people don’t get this. So getting started is important. But he can’t stay there for a long time. You can’t wake up every day thinking. I’m just starting. I’m just starting. So I want to climb Everest.

This was a goal for a long time that I pursued. And I talked about this numerous times on this podcast on my radio shows. In fact, many of the podcast listeners and radio listeners supported me in my pursuit to go to Everest and this was a goal that I had for over, you know, I don’t know, 20 years as a dream, 10 years as a goal, and one year as full, you know, full-on activity. I was never thinking that. I will wake up today and I’m going to walk for 10 minutes. And this is the start of my Everest. Never like that. And because of the scale and the monumental effort involved with it. I need to wake up in the morning and run five miles. But imagine, take the same scenario you have a marathon to run. When will you start you’ll start with the first mile? I want to run one mile. And that’s how I will know and that’s how I will pace myself to achieve the 23 or miles, but Everest is a whole different game, I can’t start at one mile doesn’t work. So I see people getting stuck in a startup mode for a long time, you cannot be in a startup mode, you need to exit the startup mode very, very quickly. They never exit for some reason. They’re like, Okay, I know I’m wanting to run a marathon, but I need to run one mile. And every day, I ran one mile three days ago, and I’ve not been feeling well. And then I had some work to do. And then I had some distractions, and then something else came up.

So I’m back again today running a mile. And this has been a pattern for the last six or eight months or a year. So they never really get there. The most important part is accountability. Seriously, you have a desire, but you got to be accountable for the desire. And it starts with step number one, which is to own the outcome, you got to own the outcome. You want to change the job on the outcome right now you wake up every day in the morning, and you’ve got to apply, you’ve got to write the cover letters, you got to prepare the resume, you got to really, really, you become uncomfortable. I’m very uncomfortable doing this podcast, in a very comfortable, but this is uncomfortable, I don’t have discomfort. Let me explain. Right, it’s a completely different word. In this context, I’m uncomfortable, because I want to wake up in the morning and do this. So on the outcome. When you own the outcome, you can perform. You want to perform. And as you perform, I’ll explain a bit more on what I mean by performing a second. If you perform, then you can improve. So three steps, owning it, performing, and then improving. If you always go back to day one over the next six or eight months, or you had been that way for the last eight months, let’s say then there is no performance there. What will I improve? What kind of results will I get? You might have heard this, you cannot improve anything that you cannot measure. You can’t measure it will not improve. It’s all your feelings. It’s all your thinking. And unfortunately, anytime you set yourself up to I’ll tell you, Everest, I never discovered myself mentally, the way I discovered myself on average. And that’s the biggest change in my life. Not the summit, I couldn’t get to the summit. But then the things that I was processing in my mind were so incorrect, so off because I was under stress I was my body was challenged. Everything about me was challenged. I was really under tremendous stress. Because I’ve never done anything like that. I’m exhausted, I’m sleep-deprived. I’m hypoxic and don’t have oxygen. And I’m trying to do this.

So it’s a different side of me came up slowly. Man, so many demons there. I can’t even explain the internal that I have. They all came up. And I was thinking totally incorrect on the mountain. And I couldn’t succeed. So people say I’m running a fight. I’m running five miles and this is a recent conversation. Okay, I’m running five, you know, five miles, okay. You’re running five miles, how many miles you really are running? How much you’re walking, how much you’re running? And how much burden are you carrying on your mind? Like you’re kind of wrestling and not moving and thinking zillion things in mind. When you’re running, you got to be only thinking about running. See, that’s what performance is. If I’m sitting here recording, I’m only thinking about the podcast. In fact, less about the podcast is more about you. Getting to you. I’m not thinking anything else. My phone is away. I’m not even looking at my screen as I’m recording this. I’m totally imagining you on the other side. I’m speaking to you that said or speaking with you.

So I spent an hour I ran five miles. What exactly did you spend time doing? He cannot measure people measure distance distances is wrong. In fact, yesterday I was talking about hypnosis weight loss. I meet people I, you know, yeah, I have this Fitbit that measures my steps. Then I have this thing on my chest and I don’t know all the sensors, whatever. The why. Why do you measure all this? What’s the point you’re trying to make? Don’t need to measure. You’re doing it every day, right? Do you do this every day? What to measure the point to measure anything. See, I recorded the podcast and I played two A friend of mine or somebody, Hey, can you listen to this podcast? If it sounds good, I’ll publish it. That’s amateur. If I do this podcast, right, if I’m recording right now, I already know. I don’t feel good about it, then I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna feel good about this either. Who should I check with? I am myself. So you wake up, you run, you eat right? You sleep. Right? You already know you’re doing it. There’s no need to measure anything. Yeah, initially, maybe. But then I’m perplexed by people. Like constantly. Okay, how many pounds? Did I lose from yesterday? Nothing. Oh, I’m what, much less today from yesterday.

Now that’s a standard fluctuation? How are you? How are you? Oh, Srini, I need to feel good. What I’m doing now feels good, but does not feel good. There’s no field good feel good is a craving that you have an emotional craving to feel good. You want to become successful, you want to feel accomplished, you want to get to that next level, you know, you got to act like a professional, you cannot do this, at least mentally, you need to be in control. So how do we measure this five-mile run, you’re spending an hour you’re running five miles, you know you’re walking, you know, you’re wandering but you’re walking, and then you’re resting, and then you’re thinking then you are feeling something, then you are running some stuff from the past and some thoughts about the future. Now, all that has to go away. So the way we measure is this same five miles. So we run as much as possible, till we cannot run anymore. It could be a mile, it could be a mile and a half, it could be whatever. And that becomes the measure that becomes the baseline. And we come back the second day, we come back the third day. And we run that, of course, we will take rest and all those things, you probably have a rest In the middle of something. But the point is, next time when you run, you got to meet that number at the bare minimum.

Than you again, repeat that. And you try to better that next time around after you do that four or five times. And you improve time. You also improve your feeling as you’re doing it. Only people measure time, time is not a measure. You also need to understand how comfortable you are doing it. It’s not about I improved my time by three minutes. Doesn’t matter how comfortable you got there. You should get there without a drop of sweat on you. You get there the day when I started. I was huffing and puffing. I was gasping for air, and I got there with nothing that progressed. That’s the measure. Then, let’s say you started to start with five miles do it 4.25 miles and then succeed with that then go 2.5 And then two a mile and by the time you get you to start hitting these numbers, you are now really like like really you have a measure you’re writing you’re documenting, you know somebody the sun here is, let me see. Do you see that? Hopefully, the sound is coming. This is my notebook. On all the podcasts I’ve done so far.

\Okay, my thoughts are everywhere written down. for losing weight, you should be having a notebook where you are writing down everything that you’re doing every day. You’re building a business, you need to be writing down everything that you’re doing in your business. You are a job, your training crew, your performance issues, writing down everything that you are doing the job on that day. So when I look back and ask you, what did you do a month ago? You tell me right now, what was the podcast like a month ago, I can go back in these pages and pull it up. And people ask me questions. Srini Did you ever publish the question that I asked you? I know exactly which day who asked the question in which podcast I published. I know it. I have a whole Trello board not only on my mod book, but I also have a whole digital setup where I have every podcast and the date, the link, and the concept I shared one day, I do that you know why? I do that? Because I want to be, you know, on top of the game. But then I also do that because one day I may turn this podcast into a book available. I go I can’t listen to all this. I don’t like listening to myself, which I do. Most people don’t I listen to myself. It’s very painful to listen to myself. But then because I have the notes I’ve documented everything in the journey. I can pull everything into and manuscript that I think will actually be better than the podcast itself.

Do you see how this works? So don’t do it right Just don’t do it. Don’t artificially keep giving credit to yourself, Oh, I did this I should be good and all now, you got to be an outlier. You got to be a peak performer. You know, you’re burning 600 calories, you know, working out for six hours, but 600 calories under six minutes. That should be the goal. The goal is not to spend a lot of time and achieve nothing. The goal is to spend a minimal amount of time and maximize every aspect of that activity. It comes with you owning and better ownership of the goal. That’s where it starts. Okay, I’m gonna stop here. This has gone too far. You have a wonderful, wonderful Saturday and I will catch up with you, Manana, right here. Stay tuned.

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