From Nothing To Something: How To Turn Your Life Around In 4-Steps

From Nothing To Something: How To Turn Your Life Around In 4-Steps

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

On the podcast today, I’m sharing a simple four-step process on how to go from, nothing is happening with me too, okay, something is happening with me. Now, the reason why I’m doing that is that, again, a conversation with a listener of my radio show with the listener of this podcast, telling me how she went from training to training, investing hundreds and 1000s of dollars, and at the end has nothing to show and tells me that the reason why I’m not succeeding is that I do not have a mentor, I do not have a coach. And that is why my results are not there. It’s true that if you get a mentor, you get a coach, and your results can be accelerated very, very quickly. And I’ve seen that happen with me, and I’ve happened with many of my clients. But I don’t think that is the problem. And I don’t think I do not advocate that you go get a coach. And even though I sell coaching, mentoring, and all those things, and I’m in that space, I got to be very judicious with what I tell you on this podcast, I do not suggest that you go hire a coach, or a mentor, just because you want to hire one doesn’t work that way. And I don’t think any coach or any mentor will invest in you if they are in the business of investing in people unless they see something in you. So you can’t buy this if somebody sells you coaching because they are good, or they’re in the business of coaching.

Listen, you need somebody to invest in you. And it’s not about you and just investing money in them. But then a coach, a good coach, or a good mentor is so vested in your success, that they will go above and beyond to really take you to that summit that you want to go to. It’s not about, Hey, you don’t have energy, you don’t have a skill, you don’t have talents, I’m going to leave in the middle of the mountain and walk down. I see that happening a lot. So I’m just calling you out. Here is how this four-step process works. And this is exactly what I shared with this lady. First and foremost is, that the more people you talk to the more ideas you will get. The beauty of these ideas is that all these ideas have worked. And all these people are successful. So they have worked. But how do you know what is going to work for you? And hence what I suggest, or what I suggested to this lady is pick one thing. And once you decide, whatever that one thing is, start small. And starting small means it’s difficult to really start small because everybody tells you to do everything overnight. And everybody will sell you into everything overnight, nothing works overnight. Everything that’s worth doing takes time, effort, and many more. So starting small is to identify something that you know you can do. And you want to focus on that area.

So let’s say you want to make $10,000 a month, don’t get too crazy about it first. And the foremost validation you need, or you should seek is that you should be able to make $1, not $10,000 $1, And to give yourself 30 days, 60 days, 90 days to create that $1. And this $1 is the validation. Now once you click that $1 The second validation is that can I repeat, let’s say you do make $1 in a month or two, then the next goal is can I make this $1 Again, and if I do make this $1 Again, my measure is going to be how much less time it took for me to make the second dollar. That’s what I mean by starting small. It doesn’t sound sexy. It sounds odd too if you compare the statement to everything else others are saying what I mean is see you’re not made a single dime and you want to start a business and make $10,000 a month start with $1 This is absolutely practical to the point statement. Start with $1. Now keep on increasing that to 510 2050 100 200 500 whatever with 1000 Right. And every time you do that, you get closer to the end goal. Now the only way you can make the second dollar The third dollar and the fourth dollar is if you practice daily.

This there was another conversation I had with the founder of a startup telling me that, you know, we post, you know, we create social media, but we are struggling to convert social media into sales. And they wanted to pick my brain. And I said, Yeah, you know, what kind of posts are you making on social media? While motivational quotes and said, Yeah, that’s exactly what another million people are doing. I don’t post any motivational posts on social media, I post this podcast on social media. This is what I create every day. And I really put behind I put my brain my effort behind all my podcasts. And this is what I stand for. You know, not the best podcasts. I don’t think that my podcasts are the best podcast, but I afford it there. It’s daily, it’s, it’s a practice. It’s consistent. Okay. Yeah, sometimes I lack the motivation to do this podcast. Yeah. And so his life in life’s, there’s so many things you, you know, you got to do, you got to do, but not everything has to have needs to be preceded with motivation. But if you stay consistent, then motivation will find you. But you will only become consistent once motivation finds you. That’s not a condition. So you got to practice daily, whatever the small thing is, whatever the small area that you are focused on that one thing that you want to accomplish every day, daily practice. Now, why you are practicing daily, that means you are consistent. That means that you are repeating whatever has to be repeated, consistently. You got to also become tactful.

That’s step number three, you got to become tactful tactics. So what else can I learn? What else can I do to get this small little thing to work? And as you start with that mindset, like can I bring in one more tactic? Can I bring in a little bit more? No? How can I read more can I implement, you know, a new idea, a new concept, the small thing that you’re trying to accomplish, it becomes easy, it becomes your mind starts to see the I can accomplish this. But you got to stay tactful because you don’t want to be in a situation where you can accomplish the goal of making the $1 or $5 or $10. But you miss out on the lesson. And the lesson could be that, you know, if you bring these new tactics in, then when you learn you implement, then you grow the growth pot. You don’t miss the lesson, as far as growth is concerned. And then step number four to this process is you got to seek advice. I’m not saying go spend money with a coach or a mentor. And accelerate your success. Yes, yeah. If you bring in people with more experience and more know-how Yes, you can accelerate success. And this lady has a point too. But my point is, you don’t need to reading a book is seeking advice. having a conversation with a friend seeking advice. You know, participating in a class is seeking advice. Advice is available at multiple places in different shapes and forms. You got to have the mind to seek that. Yes. And I’ve gone on to say this multiple times, the best advice is free.

And for everything else you have to pay. The best advice is everywhere. See, I remember once standing in front of Stanford, this was many, many years ago, many years ago, and going to a meet up not a meetup but a representation at Stanford and seeing the founder of mint on the stage, the and waiting for him for what 45 minutes after he was done presenting and then walking behind him all the way to the parking lot asking questions. He built an $800 million company and he has something that I do not have. This was nearly 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 16 years ago, something like that. So it’s available advice is available. You got to ask and that’s why I keep on repeating myself on this podcast. Hey, you have a question to ask. Don’t schedule any consultations with me. Do not go to my website and pay money, none of that. Just ask if you have a question. And I’ll do everything I can with whatever I know through my research if need be, and bring an answer and present it in front of you and not a thing I have, I have no loss personally, and you have nothing to lose.

And again, as I said, the best information is free. And for everything else you have to pay. This is how I would do this. That’s exactly what I told her. And here’s what I’m sharing with you because there might be something that you’re trying to accomplish. May not be money. Money is just an example may not be a business something. Maybe you’re trying to lose weight. Maybe you’re trying to save some money. Maybe you’re trying to change your job, whatever situation you are in. Maybe you’re trying to alter a relationship. Start small. Start small, and practice daily. Become tactful. seek advice, seek counsel. That’s all, for now, you have a wonderful Monday. And I wish you a wonderful start of the week. And I will catch up with you as early as tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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