How To Architect A New Belief In Others

How To Architect A New Belief In Others

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome, or welcome back to Success with Srini. Today, the January 28 2022. Today’s a Friday morning here in California where I’m recording this podcast. Today’s a Friday. I’ll keep it very simple, precise to the point. Just a little bit of motivation today, not a long podcast episode. I say that but usually I end up recording a long one.

For the last few days we have been talking about, in fact, on Monday, I took a quote by Lao Tzu wherein he says that our thoughts design our destiny, and that whole thing, thoughts create the words, words create actions, action create our habits, habit creates our character, character creates our destiny. That’s how you design the destiny. So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, more or less, I was focused on words, thoughts, intent. I shared a few strategies.

Today, I want to talk about something that I have been doing for nearly 15, 20 years now, when people come for consultations, they talk to me about their issues, their challenges. This is called architecting a belief. This principle is very simple. See, when somebody’s beliefs and values are challenged. For example, let’s say you’re putting a lot of work, a lot of effort and you’re not getting results. And you know, all the systems, you know all the techniques, you know what it takes, but somehow something is not working. Usually, that means the environment within which you’re operating is not working. Maybe this has to do with skills. But you have all the skills, and then the chances are, maybe some of your beliefs or incorrect beliefs needs to be addressed.

Architect a new belief if you can architect a new belief.

Most of the times it’s about beliefs and values. And these beliefs and values are unconscious. In other words, these things we accumulated over a long period of time, this is how we should make money. This is how we should look. This is how we should dress. This how we should eat. These are all things over a long period of time. So changing them is hard is difficult. So my job, right, as a coach or a therapist, as a mentor, is to architect a new belief if I can architect a new belief. In my listeners are in my clients mind, majority of the problems go away. And one way of doing that is using the power of hypnosis. Because beliefs and values are mostly unconscious, they come from the unconscious part of the brain. So we can access the unconscious part of the brain in a much faster way, using hypnosis, I’m not saying others ways don’t work. But hypnosis is the fastest way to do that. So it’s very easy to use hypnosis to make a change in the unconscious mind. So we can replace a belief very, very quickly.

When you replace the belief quickly, everything in their life gets fixed as a result of that. So they will have a better behavior. And they will apply the skills they already know in a different way. And everything that’s happening in their environment, they happen more positively to the environments, not necessarily people around them are changing, but because they’re happening positively in the environment with this new belief. Then the response they get from other people is also in a good way. So a positive response to all the actions in the environment. So this is how this is.

Now, how do you architect a new belief? Because as a parent, as a manager, as a leader, as a co worker, as a spouse, you are in a way architecting new beliefs in every one you are dealing with around you. But you’re not using hypnosis, right? Well, this is where an element of conversational hypnosis comes in. There are certain words that you can use in a certain manner, in a certain order to create this new belief in people.

I’ll tell you something very interesting. I do seminars and workshops. Every time I do a seminar where it’s a one day seminar or a two day seminar, at the end of the seminar. Usually a few attendees, they come up and ask questions they otherwise did not ask me while the seminar was going on. This is the end of the second day. Let’s say I’m doing a weight loss seminar. At the end of the seminar, a few people come up to me and usually the questions are like this. You think I can lose weight? You think I can lose 10 pounds? You think I can make $10,000 in the in the new business. You think my relationship with my son is going to improve. They ask these questions. Now guess what? Guess what my my answer is going to be.

“Yes, you will.” You see that? So what’s going on is I’m affirming their belief. Because I have a deep conviction it does. What I’m saying is going to work, what I’m showing it’s going to work. See, someone comes to my seminar workshop, they have heard me on the radio for years, they have been on my email list, I’ve gotten emails, you know, tons of emails from me. And they’re, they’re in the room for two days, four hour days, literally, at the end, they’re asking a question that for which they consume the content for 24 hours, literally, and asking the basic question. At that point in time, it’s not about skill, they already gotten the skill. They already have the understanding. They’ve already seen testimonials, they’ve seen everything. But there is some little bit of a doubt. They come up and they say, You think I lose 10 pounds? I can? Usually my answer is, “I don’t think you can. You will.” That’s it.

Simplicity, in any conversation conveys the depth of understanding small words.

See, what I found out is simplicity, in any conversation conveys the depth of understanding. Simplicity, in any conversation conveys the depth of understanding small words. But powerful words, when properly positioned in a conversation, creates the necessary effect in the mind of the listener. It’s a very powerful concept. So that’s why I use the word Thank you hundreds of times in a day. Even though nobody’s listening, I’m saying thank you, all the time. Thank you. I use sorry, three times a day. That’s a mandatory word I use three times it keeps me humble keeps me simple.

Thank you and sorry, are two powerful words.

I think if you ever want to practice humility, then use the word Thank you and sorry, multiple times throughout the day. It doesn’t diminish you, it doesn’t put you down. It actually raises your value in front of you. In your own self. You feel much more filled as an individual and use these words are powerful. Most people don’t do it. Thank you and sorry, are two powerful words. Simplicity conveys the depth of understanding I use only 800 words in English. English is not my first language. Use only 800 words. My vocabulary is very small, very limited when I started speaking. So I use only simple words, I don’t use complex words. In fact, there are some words 11,12 years of radio shows, total years of podcast I mean, podcasting since 2016, off and on. So many seminars, workshops, I have words that I know I have not used on air or at my seminars, because I can’t say those words properly in English. I know what kind of limitations I have. I use simple words, even in hypnosis, when I’m working with people simple words, simple messages, simple discussions, simple conversations. I use simplicity, only to affirm the listeners belief.

So here’s my challenge for you for this weekend. Go affirm the beliefs of other people around you with simple words, things like I like you, I love you, I believe in you, I support you. I’m there for you simple line, simple phrases, simple words. Don’t make it complex. I see when I consult in corporations, I see managers giving multiple directions to people, same individual, if the individual meets the manager in the morning gets one direction in the afternoon, the direction in the evening and other direction. At the end, the whole outcome is messed up. And the managers are clueless did tell me that they have bad employees working for them. They have underperforming employees working for them. So they have to go hire better people. And I’m there looking at this dynamic and suggesting, why don’t you simplify your communication? Say simple things, say them consistently. Doesn’t matter. Morning, afternoon, evening, every time you talk to that individual, tell the same thing. And so that you instill hope and confidence in them, they will get the job done. They need managers but they don’t need to manage their self managed.

Anyway, I’m gonna stop here. This is my flight of wisdom. You have a wonderful weekend, and I will talk to you tomorrow. Thank you.

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