How To Attract People

How To Attract People

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

On the podcast today, I’m answering a question that has come in from a gentleman who was flipping through the radio dial, landed on my radio show, stayed all the way till the end, and then took the time to text me. We went back and forth and then eventually he asked me a question saying, all his life, he struggled to attract people into his life. He’s old. He says He’s old, he calls himself old, then he thinks that time has run out. And he was trying to pick my brain. I said I want to record the answer. And I will make it available as a podcast if that’s okay with him. He said, Yes. So here’s the question.

“I’m 69 years old and I went through a very difficult time for about 40 plus years where I had everybody leave my life. And today, I have difficulty attracting people into my life. And once they are in, I keep them but then it’s very hard for me too, and at this point in time, given this age, I’m just getting worried. I listened to your show, and I got attracted to you.” That’s wonderful. Thank you, John, for the question. Here is the answer. And I think we all have gone through this challenge, or will go through this challenge at some point in our lifetime, make sense to talk about this. So how do you attract people into your life? Here is the three-step formula, not mine again. But here is the three-step formula.

The first and the foremost is to receive, you got to receive people when they come. And you will receive people by accepting who they are. If you start judging them if you start comparing them and try to find faults in them or deficiencies in them, then they walk away, and they go away. Most people the board game, if you become like this, or if you become like that, then I’m going to like you start bargaining, bargaining is invisible. You bargain, then you’re not accepting who they are. And once you can’t accept who they are, then you can’t receive them into your life. That’s step one.

Step two is to ratify them. Ratification, ratify means that you approve who they are. See everybody walking around seeking approval. So you find something in them and approve it. And you’ll find the lowest denominator in them and approve it. Hey, I did this way. What do you think? Wonderful, you did it. Great. So you approve, and they’re seeking approval, or you do that, and you do that, keep on doing that as many times as you meet them. And then eventually, you have now raised their self-esteem. And this actually leads to our third part, which is to reward people as they come into your life. In the third one of this equation, by reward, I mean appreciation. So when you appreciate someone you are raising their value, you are also raising your value when you appreciate others, but you’re raising their value, once you raise the value, that means you’re saying that you they are valuable to you. So when you raise somebody’s value, you say that you know, in the subliminal message, there is that they’re valuable to you. So you keep on appreciating people. And there was a podcast episode I did specifically talking about how to appreciate people, you know, simple things like, Thank you, I like what you did. This is so nice of you to hear this, so kind of you all these words, in a moment, at that moment, that may not make sense. But over a long period of time, when done over a long period of time. They do make sense they do add up. And the cumulative effect of those words is profound.

So these two are three things that you have to do, as people come in, and you want to retain them, you want to keep them. Do people leave you? Yes, they do. And it’s very hard, very difficult to keep people. Some people may not see your kindness, they may not see the point from where you come from, and they don’t see the love and care that you have in your heart for them. It’s but your job is just not to love people, but you need to also make sure they understand your love. And you take a significant amount of that responsibility on yourself. And the only way to really make them see who you are is to make them feel who they want to be. And that’s the point here. So try these three, and see how this plays out in your life.

It’s never too late to do this specifically to you, John, never too late to do this. And again, if you are listening to this as a podcast, then yeah, you know, never too late doesn’t matter who you are, where you are. As long as you understand the principle as long as you believe in this principle, then why not do this? Again this principle by the way is not mine. This Hall received ratify reward. This has been said by many other people ahead of me. In fact, one of the early people who might want to credit this is Les Giblin and I talked about Les Giblin and his book, how to have confidence and power in dealing with people specifically talks about this. So the minute I got this question from John, my mind immediately went back to Les Giblin saying, yeah, how beautifully Les articulates this.

So I hope I answered the question. I hope this is helpful. If it is, do me a favor, and share it with a friend or a family member who you think will benefit from this. If you’re watching this on YouTube, please drop me a comment, please like and subscribe to the channel. That way I can reach more. If you have a question for me, by all means, please text me at 888-818-0404 I read every text message that comes in and I respond to all the text messages so 888-818-0404 That’s all for now. Have a wonderful day and I will talk to you soon. Bye now.

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