How To Cope With Anxiety

How To Cope With Anxiety

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome aboard. Welcome back to Success with Srini. Today on the podcast. We’re talking about How To Overcome Anxiety, and how to cope with anxiety, a topic that has been close to my heart. I say that because growing up, I’ve seen several of my relatives, and my family members going through extreme anxiety. If part of my life I lived in it myself, so I’ve gone through it. And I used all kinds of techniques to overcome. And I’ll tell you, over the last 20 years, I have trained numerous people through my seminars and workshops on this very topic, specifically using hypnosis to overcome anxiety. And we sold over 4000, ebooks and recordings specific to anxiety. And it’s such a huge topic. But then today, I want to focus on just one aspect of this. So stay with me, this is going to help you. I’m hoping this will help you. So the question is this, how to cope with anxiety and how to overcome anxiety?

Well, first of all, understand what it does to us. There are three or four things when it comes to brain function, the four things and mind function that impact us physically and mentally and drain us. And anxiety is one among them. So this is a huge thing and has to be addressed. So if you don’t have it, you don’t have it, you’re lucky, you’re great. So forget about it. So it’s all good. But if you have it and you’re suffering with it, then you have to address it. Now, the two ways to deal with this, are either you deal with anxiety at a conscious level. Or at an unconscious level, there are different strategies and you can overall you can divide them into, you know, an approach that deals with the conscious mind. And then an approach that deals with the unconscious mind. My suggestion is that you, you do both. So let’s look into the conscious part first. And we’ll talk about the unconscious part.

Now, on the conscious side, there are a few things you can do to get control. Okay, the three steps specifically first is you need to have, at any point in time, a list of all your worries. So I think in one of the earlier podcasts, I talked about this, schedule some time today, and write down all the worries that are dominating your mind. Just maybe 10 or five, as many worries that you have, maybe you have a buddy about the economy, maybe your job, maybe your children, the education, the college, whatever going is going on in your mind, list all those worries. And then the second step is scheduled sometime in the day, and look into each of these worries, please schedule an hour. And you going one by one through this list. And you start seeing in other words, you start questioning, you start questioning each of the worries. And you ask two questions. Is there a solution to this worry? Or should I leave it alone? By leaving it alone, it doesn’t mean that you’ll not think about it, you will think about it, but you will only think about it every once a week or maybe daily at a specific time. So here is the formula. List the worry, schedule the worry, question, the worry, list, schedule, question. Three is the formula. What are we achieving by doing this? Well, what do you have a tendency to stop us in our actions? So you’re focused right now, on getting your project done, or you’re focused on some outcomes right now you’re spending your time worries because they have an unconscious presence, they can come and cripple the conscious mind. So they can stop you from doing what you’re doing right now. And there isn’t a space for them, but then they show up at a time when you are not expecting them at all. And they impede you. And they show up multiple times throughout the day, even in your dreams. So the key is to identify this. So once you list them, once you have identified them, you can list them, you can look at them, you can talk to them, and you can address them. And let me tell you some of the worries cannot be solved. So you leave them you don’t deal with them anymore. And you agree that yes, these worries are you know I have it in them in me. But then there is no solution to this and I don’t have the solution right now.

So I’ll leave it aside but the some of the worries You probably have a solution. But then maybe the time is not right. Or maybe somebody else has a solution and the time is right. So you go and reach out to them for the solution. So you identify the worries. And then if possible, you avoid them. That’s the purpose of following this formula listing, scheduling, and questioning. This continues to happen on a weekly or a daily basis. Now, you shouldn’t get worried about your worries, if you are not in that scheduled timeframe. So let’s say I scheduled nine o’clock tonight to think about my worries, I think about my voice at nine o’clock tonight, I shouldn’t be thinking about them consciously throughout the day. At any point in time, if nobody shows up, and it competes with you, you tell yourself, oh, tonight at nine o’clock, I’m going to deal with it. That’s how the conscious part of approaching what is works. Let’s talk about the unconscious spot for a second. See, our unconscious is our beliefs or values or emotions, they’re all an unconscious part of the brain. So what is the dream, the emotions, they constantly are worried about something that means you are emotionally draining yourself. So in the unconscious part, there are multiple different things you could do. Overall, as a baseline meditation, yoga helps. But then, in my area of work, I focus a lot on hypnosis. So hypnosis is proven to deal with several dysfunctions of the mind. But then anxiety is one massive big dysfunction of the mind.

So the unconscious side, what we’re doing is there are so many different ways to approach on the unconscious part. And there are so many tools that so many techniques, so many strategies, but then the unconscious part deals with the mind expansion. So just because you can’t take the worry, the worries occupied the brain space, and you can’t take them out. So you expand the brain space, and all these hypnoses, yoga, meditation, all these things, they, they act as mind expansion tools, though, so now you have more space to accommodate, you know, the worries. At the end of the day, we are dealing with a finite amount of brain space anywhere. And we regulate the mind to deal with all these things that are happening, that are coming in. Bottom line is this. We have studied, at least in my understanding, that it’s not that people don’t have access to these tools. It’s not that these tools don’t work. The most unfortunate thing in all this is some tools don’t work for some people. I cannot say that doing yoga, and yoga are gonna fix everything. I can’t say that I do hypnosis, for example, hypnosis, do hypnosis, it magically fixes everything. I can’t say that these tools are there. And as an informed individual, as somebody who is existing in this space, right now, all of us in the information age, and we have access to everything, we should pursue anything and everything within our reach. And our reach is big. Used to be small, but now it’s big. So we have everything within our axis.

So my overall suggestion to you if you’re listening, and anybody else is, what’s your anything and everything, see what works for you. And whatever doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s just that it didn’t work for you. As simple as that. So there is no one is superior to the other. That discussion is I think it’s it’s unwanted. What we need to think about is, okay, I want to lose weight. And there are 20,000 different diet plans and programs and systems and all. Whatever I mean, in fact, that is that there are that many I’ll tell you is this whole is specifically in the weight loss fund. There are so many questions what is going to work for you? How much are you willing to experiment with? How much time you can give? And how long can you stay with us to make something work? That should be the approach? That should be the focus. So he’s talking anxiety. Okay, that’s all I hope this helps at least twice the conscious part because the unconscious part can be done. That’s not the issue. Playing the unconscious mind is easy with so many different tools available. But then the cautious part most people do not do is listing down their worries thinking about the worries, questioning, their worries, they don’t do. So I suggest you do that. Give it a try. And let me know how it goes. Thank you

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