Here is the complete transcript of the podcast
How to study a successful individual is the topic of discussion today on this podcast, welcome, or welcome back to success with Srini. It might have happened to you when you may have met a successful individual. And a zillion thoughts might have crossed your mind, what makes him or her successful? What’s the secret? Can I model can learn something from them? Sometimes I’ve also seen people who meet successful people and become jealous, sometimes even become envious of them. I’ve seen everything, but because we are talking in the context of self-improvement. I want to keep the discussion just to personal development. So you meet a successful individual. And, you are in awe of what they have. How do you study them? What’s the secret? He’s Darren’s method. We’ll talk about that on the podcast. And towards the end of the podcast, I want to share with you a resource that I want you to get, we’ll get to that towards the end. So stay with me. Okay. So there are four things that every successful individual displays. So we go back display because you meet somebody you don’t know, you don’t know, because you haven’t spent time with them. It’s very difficult to read someone at that level where you know everything about them. And then you have built enough understanding about them, it’s very hard because you’re meeting somebody for the very first time, maybe second time, third time, something like that. So there are four things that are the successful individual display, so we go by the display. The first one is their habits and behaviors, how they are behaving. And some of their habits.
For example, let’s say somebody’s extremely rich, you make them you consider them to be successful, that’s showing the displaying success. But then they’re very rude to people around them. They’re ill-treating their employees or they’re, or they’re mistreating their co-workers or people who work for them or something like that. So you see that something is wrong, they’re angry. They’re they don’t have the right temperament. Do you see that? And that’s the red flag right there. And at that point in time, if you are smart enough, then you may back off, no, yeah. They may have some success. But that’s not the success, maybe whatever the way they are talking, the way they’re behaving, is not in line with our values. So habits and behaviors are easy to spot because they’re on display all the time. The second one is their commitments, or values, commitments. So for example, if they give a word to keep the make promise, the key, and one of the commitments says that the family, their spouse, or their partner, or their significant other or their children, you know, what’s the how do they? How do they have it, how all that is aligned, you got in the display, that should be in a display that you could pick up from that, from the commitments and values. And the third one is possessions. That material possession. So material possessions are the first draw people look at you the car, you’re driving the house you’re living and the things that you’re putting across. So things that are that you can’t contain, you can’t hide, it’s there in the display. So people get attracted looking at that. But that is not a real way to assess an individual. But you get to see some you can read their possessions. And the last and final one is the way they dress and the way they dress. And talked I did a whole podcast episode A few days ago talking about this. You know, the way they speak the way they show up their mannerisms, and all that.
Now talking about the first one, which is habits and behaviors. Many, many years ago, I came across. I think this was an article or maybe a magazine, where they talked about an incredible habit that Lady Diana had, which was every time she used to meet a new individual. She would go home and send them a handwritten note tagging them, or whatever’s a handwritten note. Now, back then, it was not a big deal. I heard about the story. And I was like, alright, that and I was like, Okay, fine, no big deal. But when I started to implement this, it was difficult. It was hard. No, I meet 10 or 15 people in a day, and Lady Diana would meet, I don’t know how many people, you know, maybe 3040 50 people a day. And she would sit down at the end of the day and send them a handwritten note of gratitude or whatever. How is it possible? How could somebody do this? You know, what I concluded, later on, is, that does not work for her. That’s how she lives her life or lived her life. So that’s the habit and display right there. speaks a lot.
Now, that being said, let’s talk about what these are things, you know, but there is something beyond this. There are two things that I try to study when I meet a successful or when I see a successful individual on the display. I want to know their structures. I want to know how they use the time where they use their time, their activities, and their engagements, I want to know all that. What is their morning routine?
What is their afternoon routine? What’s the evening routine? How much time do they give on health? How much time do they give them money, and how much time do they give to their commitments, I want to know the structure. Of course, I want to know the routines that are said. But then I also want to know the people behind the success. Like they have a good family structure, they have good friends around them. They are having great conversations people. I want to know that. And I also want to know that practices, do the practice? Do they meditate on the exercise? What are the practices? I want to know so I will know the overall structure in which they operate. Now, the second one I want to know is the setbacks. This is a big one. I want to know the setbacks. What are some of the personal setbacks? What are some of the professional setbacks, emotional setbacks? And how did they recover from those setbacks? I want to know that I want to, I want to learn that.
So I want to know the structure through which they operate. I want to know the setbacks. These are the two most important things through which I study successful people. And of that, sometimes you can’t get this information. If you’re meeting somebody for, you know, two or three times you cannot. And obviously, you can’t find this in the public, unless they have voluntarily given some interviews or there is something being written on them. You can’t get this information. So you know what I do? I ask. I am notorious for going up to people or being successful and asking them, what’s the secret? How did you get here? What is so unique about you? This is incredible about you. I want to know the backstory. I want to know about your journey. I want to know the price you pay to get here. And I want to know how they recovered through some of the most difficult circumstances and how they carry themselves on a daily basis, I need to know that I ask. So the message on today’s podcast is to ask. If you ask successful individuals how they do what they do, they will never say no. They never say no. Recently, I saw a video on some social media, about Steve Jobs talking, talking about Bill Hewlett, co-founder of HP. How Steve Jobs was 12 years old when we were 13. He was in high school. And he called up Bill Hewlett and asked him you know he, I want to build something a transformer or something.
And I need this and I need that I need. And Bill got so excited about Steve Jobs that he ended up giving him an internship at his company HP. It’s amazing. I mean the story. And Steve Jobs says if somebody comes up to me and asks me something, I do that, but people don’t ask. So ask. That’s the point. I want to wrap up as a promise. I want to wrap up this podcast episode with a resource. That is something that changed my perspective. It’s a book that changed my perspective when I read, how to read a person like a book by Girard, Nirenberg get this book, read this book. And the last time I told a couple of people about this book, they said they can’t find it. But you should be able to find it in a library or maybe some other old bookstores. But it seems like this book is out of print. But reading this book completely changed my perspective on how to greet people and made me a better reader of human life forms. In all the different shapes and forms it expresses itself, some amazing book, get your hands on it. That’s all for now. I hope this is helpful. If it is, let me know. And before you know it, I’ll be with you as early as tomorrow. Stay tuned.