Hypnosis for Weight Loss: How it Works

Hypnosis for Weight Loss: How it Works

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back to Success with Srini. Happy Friday morning to you on the podcast today, I’m again answering a question. I’ve gotten so many questions that I’m falling behind. And maybe what I’m going to do is I’m going to block some time off maybe three or four hours, and record as many questions as possible. I mean, that’s like 40, some odd questions behind right now with the podcast. Let’s see how this goes. Maybe I’m gonna record them. And I’m going to drop them and kind of publish them every day. But that takes away the contextual aspect of this podcast, which is supposed to be daily. So we’ll see how this goes.

So today’s question is on hypnosis, and weight loss. So this comes from an individual who says, “I am on slash off podcast listeners. And I’m curious about a couple of things. I know you mentioned weight control on podcasts, and on many of your many more websites, a laughing emoji. And this is something that I’m struggling with myself. I’m regular in the gym, I don’t really like cardio, I do weights instead. I tried running injuring both my ankles and knees. And since then I’m not able to get back on it. I’m 47 years old 5’10” and weighed in at about 260 pounds, I would like to get to 210 or 220. And stay there. Is this possible? What is a session? Like? How much does it cost?” And for the sake of the argument, let’s name this gentleman as Rakesh. Okay. So a lot of questions in this.

First of all, I want to thank Rakesh for sending this question, and really writing such a long one. So first of all, thank you for listening to the podcast, and appreciate the trust. So that said, yes, there are many podcast episodes done talking about hypnosis, weight loss, and very, very common very known topic. There’s a lot of literature available. And as you said, with your emoji, yes, a lot of recordings have been published with hypnotic recordings for weight loss on my websites, and I’ve done multiple seminars also. So I’m going to start addressing them one by one here. There are many questions here. So first and foremost, let me explain how hypnosis works. Okay. And this is, there’s, again, there’s a lot of information there specific to weight loss. There’s a lot of information there. And I don’t think that information is complete, or at a level where I can put myself behind that information. So I’m going to give you my frame of approach and the way I see it, and we will approach it from a different angle altogether. Okay, this is what I do with my clients and people who I work with. So hypnosis, we call, in my understanding, I call it three Ds. Okay? The first D stands for distraction. So with hypnosis, you can distract yourself away from those things that are consuming you. And take your mind to a specific thing that you want to do. In this case, it could be a gym, in this case, it would be something else, we’ll talk about that. So distraction.

Hypnosis is a wonderful way to distract yourself away from some things or the things that are not helpful to you. And to something that is helpful. Okay. The second part is dissociation. So, dissociation is, most of the time we are associated with things we want to eat a specific dish, or if craving we have we spend our time by watching movies or smoking or something. So we associate ourselves with different things. So that they feel certain aspects of our needs. So hypnosis can disassociate you from a specific food that you’re struggling to get rid of. For example, people tell me, they’re struggling with sugar, they’re struggling with salt, and sodium contributes to weight gain, or restricts weight loss. So there are certain things that can be disassociated, which is necessary, by the way, hypnosis can do that. And then hypnosis can also put in discipline, which is necessary you got to wake up in the morning, go work out exercise.

You need to have a natural response to cravings that can be done, and you need to know how to differentiate between hunger and push, which people confuse during weight loss that can be addressed. So distraction disassociation, and discipline at a very broad level. And there could be more things we can add to this, but that’s how it works. So if you have a discipline problem, where you have difficulty going to the gym, which I don’t think that’s the case, here, you set it, you know, going three times a week, which is good. So discipline is there, but some people struggle with it. So you got to wake up naturally and go to the gym. So for example, I wake up and I step in into my gym or exercise, whatever routine I have, I don’t think twice about it. So resistance can be removed, and procrastination could be removed, interference can be removed, distractions can be removed, as I said, negative associations can be created with a specific dish or specific kinds of food. Likewise, we can create positive associations also, to a specific kind of food. For example, one of the requirements to lose weight is to hydrate and drink a lot of water. And a lot of times I’ve worked with people that told me that they don’t like the taste of water, and have gone from one brand to the other, trying to find the right taste and struggle. I, in fact, had a client who told me that they came this way 10 years ago, they came from a different state to California. And they do not find the same water here. That’s local there. It’s available in the stores, but it’s not available in California. And hence, they started gaining weight. They don’t drink enough water or don’t drink water at all.

So we can create positive associations. If somebody doesn’t want to drink water, we can make them drink water, somebody who doesn’t like caffeine, we can create some caffeine because caffeine also helps in a proper way, then hypnosis plays a big role in recovery and rejuvenation. And hypnosis can also prevent injuries. The specific question can be addressed here where you’re injuring yourself. This can be dealt with, in hypnosis. And the big part of all this is hypnosis can help you stay in the game longer before you see rewards. See people quit in the middle, and you probably are quitting now and this question is coming. Because you’re not getting gratification for the effort you’re putting in. And when people see that the rewards they’re about to get or they’re getting is not higher than the effort that putting in they leave the quit. So anywhere doesn’t matter anywhere people put jobs, people good relationships, people quit stock market investments, because they’re not getting reports that are higher than the effort they’re putting in simply. So hypnosis allows you to stay. So let me explain some of the misconceptions also. First of all, hypnosis is not a replacement, for your gym. So I see fitness instructors, saying, oh, hypnosis doesn’t work, then yes, but I tell the fitness experts and instructors that hypnosis will actually keep your clients coming to you. So if somebody is going to work out with a structure like maybe two times or three times a week, and that also in a hypnosis program, then the chances of succeeding in the gym go higher, because they’ll stay. So it’s not a replacement for a gym or a workout. And it’s not a replacement for a diet either. So you got to eat, you got to eat right? It’s not a replacement for sleep, you got to sleep, right? So you got to hydrate. It is not a replacement for a doctor’s advice, or a nutritionist’s numbness. So you can’t do this and get rid of that. So you got to do everything.

Now the question is, let’s talk about specific to your question, Rakesh, which is you’re working three times a week in a weight loss situation, got to work out six times a week with the second level of intensity, which is called huffing and puffing, huffing and puffing. You got to get to that state. If not, it doesn’t work. Something I’m not telling you to work out 30 minutes or 60 minutes and all that. There’s also a misconception that if I run I will lose weight. I know people firsthand experience who have been running forever that are not losing weight because the way Weight Loss work says it also involves stringent calorie management a stringent. When I say Kaldi management, that means you got to really understand the intake, and measure the intake, most people measure the out, and take, which is the outcome, but they don’t measure the intake. So that is an issue with that. So you need to effectively manage calories, both in and out. You’ve also got to manage your emotions, your feelings, your time, your activity, and your total entire engagement. And you got to do it over a long period of time before you see results. It can’t be done in one shot, and it can’t be doing this for 30 days and not getting results doesn’t work.

But here’s what we know, if you do it consistently over a long period of time, everything works. So, what changes will I make here, I will work more times a week running is not necessary. You know, the way running works is most people cannot and I was making the statement earlier, most people do not see a significant weight change. Because you’ve got to do strength training, which I think you are doing, you got to really maintain protein levels in the body and protein intake has to be there. In this specific case you got to hit you got to run yourself at a maintenance calorie level for a long amount of time, which means you’re only eating just enough to maintain the calories that the body needs. But then you’re burning more. So you need an orchestration around this, but hopefully, I’m coming across and you’re getting the idea. So, first of all, you need to cut down your calorie intake at the bottom, and then increase the calorie intake then the calorie type of calories matters also.

So routine intake has to be maintained, energy cannot be dropped as you are dealing with the day you cannot become tired and fatigued and all that. So overall management comes in, overall orchestration has to come in. So people cannot lose, do not lose weight. Because just because the running and I get that question I’ve seen this also is because what they do is they burn calories, they remove the eat, they put in stuff, and they go run they go exercise. So they are flushing out calories from the bloodstream. But the putting back again, they become tired of the eat. So running is recommended. But then running, if you can do it, but then it’s what you do, while you are not doing any other activity. What matters. So what I mean is, when you are static when you’re just moving around in the house, are you burning calories? So you need to get to a position where you are burning calories while you are static, or you’re just doing the basic movements in the house, or wherever you are. People burn calories if they’re exercising, working out that is given. But the calories that you burn while you’re not working out a matter. And that has to be increased, which means the metabolism has to be increased and has to be kicked off.

For that, you need protein you need strength training to kick in. So strength training is important. I suggest you focus on that. What is a session like so you will get some success with the session but it’s mostly you know, unconscious programming your things? For example, you might have had some affiliations in your mind some associations, some imprints we call them if something is holding you as an imprint in your mind that can be removed in the process. I would suggest a consultation. Depends on whether you want to go that route. I’ll tell you how I’m answering your question here on the podcast. I do not suggest consultations personally, I think that my goal with this podcast is everything I share here should help you. So if you message me, I’ll be more than happy to send you one or two recordings. Which by the way we sell but I don’t sell it anymore. I’ll be happy at one point we’ll I will sell those. But I’ll happy to send you that recording. If you have you have to tell me which area you’re dealing with. Are you struggling with your sleep? Are you struggling with diet, you know, whatever that is? I’ll send you a recording. I want you to listen to the recording if it helps you.

Then we have progress we can move forward. If not I get it I understand. But I do not suggest a consultation. Right as it stands right now. Because you need in just one consultation will not do it. I’m not suggesting a consultation. Let me put it that way. You can do a consultation with someone That’s not. I’m not saying no to that, but not with me because I have a different way of approaching this. And the cost varies from individual to individual, I do not suggest consultations. So that’s why I’m not going that route. But you know, different people have different programs. Some people, you know, say, five sessions, six sessions to sell by session, some people do, programs that run coaching, which I used to run in the back in the day, happy to let you know if I hope if I do one, but given the time of this podcast, and everything else that’s happening in my life, I’m not doing anything right now, being very busy. But then I’m more than happy to help you answer any questions you have. And that’s exactly what I’m doing here. For everybody else who’s listening to this. You know, hopefully, this is helpful.

Hopefully, this adds value to the time that you’re putting into listening to the podcast. There is more to this. And again, I’ll be more than happy to send you the recordings if you’re interested. And you have to let me know that you know which area of your weight loss you’re struggling with. Is it a diet issue? Is it a sleep issue, or a water issue? Is it a craving issue? Whatever, right? You’d have to let me know. That’s all for now. Hopefully, today’s podcast episode is helpful. If it is let me know. And I have so many questions to record. But I’ll try to record a few maybe tomorrow day after and I’ll be here with you. Stay tuned. Thank you. Bye now.

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