Is Your Self Interest Preventing You From Serving Your Best Interest?


Self-Interest Comes Before Any Other Interest, this is the Universal Truth. Everyone does things according to their private needs and desires. Everyone wants to survive, survival is Nature defined. A selfish individual’s very selfishness prevents him from serving his own best interest.

While self-interest and selfishness are two completely different things..Extreme form of self-interest is usually termed as selfishness.

Your success in career, business or life for that matter is with & thru other people. So how to influence and win without being perceived as pushy or demanding? Here are the top 10 secrets of exerting instant influence.

1. Never use a frontal attack when trying to deal with someone. Use the secret passages.

2. Remember that self-interest is everyone’s first interest. Satisfy the wants of the other person and you influence that person toward satisfying your own.

3. Contribute to the Picture-preference of the other person. People need your assurance that they are liked and welcomed. This is a forceful influence in your behalf.

4. Employ the power of habit in all your people-persuading programs(sales, marketing & everything else). It saves time and effort.

5. Study the principles that govern the human behavior. These are your tools for winning success through people.

6. Never permit other’s mistakes to upset you. Always use them to strengthen your position.

7. Let the others express and release their secret feelings to you. When they does so, do not react with surprise, shock or criticism; they will appreciate you as you simply understand and accept him.

8. Make simple and direct requests for what you want. It has a quiet charm all its own.

9. See people as they really are, not as they appear to be one the surface of their personalities. People respond according to their real natures.

10. Remember the extreme sensitivity of people. Let them be sensitive to your kindness and to your strength.

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