Life Is All About Actions & Transformations

Life Is All About Actions & Transformations

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back to Success with Srini, Happy Hump Day to you. Today on the podcast, I want to take up a topic that is very simple. And I thought about talking about this a while ago. But then I waited a few weeks because I wanted to build up the engagement with all the listeners, hopefully, you are here with me, hopefully, you are listening to the podcast. Hopefully, you have been part of this new change since we started on January 1 of the year 2022. So we’re all almost like a month and a half over a month now almost two months into the podcast now, February 23. Now, long time already. So I wanted to wait so that everybody, all the listeners, whoever is listening and kind of in sync with the way I’m thinking here. So in relation to everything that has been discussed on this podcast up till now, including your questions, including your comments, including your feedback, I think it’s time to talk about today’s concept. Now, this has to do with actions and transformations. You talk to anybody, you talk to anyone if I ask you this question now, right now, do you need a transformation? And if you are any which way inclined towards success, you will say yes. Everybody needs a transformation. without even asking what kind of transformation it is everybody, including me, also needs a transformation, I need multiple of those today or forever. So all of us are looking to transform ourselves. This is the truth. Every mind wants to transform itself. It’s observing, it’s listening, it’s processing, every mind wants to change itself. Good or bad is completely up to you. But it’s looking for a change, every mind is changing. Every mind is growing. Every mind is expanding. Every mind is looking for something. So transformation is everywhere. Now, how do you bring in this transformation? There are three simple steps.

The first is by manipulating your thoughts. Whatever thoughts, whatever they are, you simply manipulate the thought. So you woke up this morning thinking, I’m not feeling good, or this is not going right or you simply manipulate the thought. And you do that by saying, Oh, this is going good. I woke up wonderful. This is great. This is awesome. This is going to be brilliant. This is my day. So you simply change the words. So you change the words you are manipulating the thought.

The next part is thought Genesis, which is you go out looking for a new thought. We do that by reading books, listening to some great conversations, or by having interactions with people. Were looking for new thoughts by seeking a new thought, you’re transforming yourself.

The third technique here is what is called thought alignment. So somebody has a great thought, somebody has a great idea, a great concept. You align yourself with them. Oh, this individual is doing this? How can I become a part of this project? Or this idea or this concept? How would I tag along with them? Nothing wrong? How about a debate going on? Which side should I align myself with? And why not? A great conversation? How can I participate in this conversation? So transformation happens at the taught level. And this is been the message on this podcast for a long time. I’ve been driving this forever. So it all starts with the thought.

Now, let’s take the discussion to action for a second. Again, this principle is based on actions and transformations. So actions are necessary for transformation. Just by thinking, things don’t happen. We need to act, right. So let’s talk about actions. The three things you can do when it comes to actions. Number one is the time that you spend with yourself. What do you do? What actions do you take? What do you do with your time? So if you raise or if you manage the time that you spend with yourself, then your overall actions become better. Now, shift that for a second. And how about the time you spend with others with other people. You find a few quality people in your life and you go spend time with them. I do this all the time.
I do this all the time. As much as people reach out to me for consultations, I call people and reach out to them to spend time differences, they don’t charge me any. Eventually, all of my mentors became my friends. This is funny, all my mentors, all you know, they all became my friends, but you get the idea, I spent time with them. Because simply talking to them having interactions with them, rages my activity level.

I’m not looking to create new actions in my life, I’m just by simply spending time with them. It reaches my performance, it’s amazing. Then, obviously, the time with work, the work that you do, how much time you’re spending, how much really you’re spending, how much you are, how much you are putting in and how much you are getting out, and how much time you’re staying in between. See, time with yourself, time with others, and time with work will raise the quality of your actions, you raise the quality of your actions, and you raise the quality of the transformation by thought manipulation, thought Genesis, and thought alignment do these two things. Life is in between these two things. That’s it. Obviously, there are other things to this, if you want to take this conversation even a little bit deeper, you have habits that are coming in your skills, and you know a lot of things and again, I can expand on this. But the point is, let’s keep it between transformations and actions today. And I want you to now take at least one element. Can you bring in a new thought? Can you align with somebody who is having a good thought? Can you manipulate a negative thought in your mind today? Then again, go manipulate the time, time with yourself time with people, and time with the work that you’re doing. And you do this even 10 or 15% Then why would you not become successful? Why would you not create success? You see how this is going?

Okay, that’s all I’ll stop here. Have a wonderful Wednesday today and I will talk tomorrow. Okay, take care. Bye now.

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