Persuasion & Faith Are The Kings & Queens Of The World

Persuasion & Faith Are The Kings & Queens Of The World

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome or welcome back to Success with Srini. On the podcast episode today, I want to carry forward the conversation I started nearly 11 days ago on how our thoughts design our destiny.

Yesterday, I celebrated Les Giblin, I insisted that you should get the book, How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People. This book by Les Gibson, changed my life when I read it for the very first time, when I was starting my journey in self improvement. Numerous times I’ve read this book, I had multiple copies of this book, I bought this book to only give it away on radio. Get the book, your life will change. Okay, let’s take the conversation forward. Today I want to share 10 Principles of Persuasion. See, at the end, all you need is influence and persuasion. Those are the two things higher influence and better at being persuading people. If you get these two things, right, you got whatever life you got going. And you’ll have more money, more happiness, more joy, more fulfillment, all of that. So these are the two precursors for anything that you are doing or you will be doing in life. These two things, okay.

10 secrets I have collected over these years working with people. And these are the 10 things that you’ll need to win. Okay, let’s get into this. Number one, people tend to believe what they need to believe. To persuade them build up, whatever you have to offer, you have to build it up. That’s the message. Number two, to change another individual’s viewpoint, show them how your way will reward them more than their present way. Number three, a promise is the most persuasive tool. People use different, difficult, complex words. Promise is the most powerful persuasion tool. Present people with an exciting picture of what they can expect to gain and they will be on your side. Okay. Number four. Take the attitude in your mind that it is easier to influence people than you may think. Honestly speaking, it is. It is very easy to influence people, it’s not hard. Number five, backup, whatever you’re saying. Whatever you’re offering, whatever you are giving, with an absolute, confident personality. People are reading your confidence. The next one, keep your appeals simple, and to the point to oversight. Don’t undersell it, keep it simple to the point. The next one, create an atmosphere of friendliness and relaxation. Prove to the other person that you are here to give them something not simply to take away something. Next one, concentrate wholeheartedly on the principles of persuasion. In other words, concentrate on everything that I said from the start of this podcast till now and take it into your heart. And the last one here. If somebody has an objection, most of the times people are very strong with their objections, and oftentimes they are unreasonable with their objections. Quietly step aside and let it pass by harmlessly. Don’t take it into your heart.

Okay, those are the 10 things that I would do to win. I do that to win every day, every day. Okay. Thomas Carlyle said, “Not brute force but only persuasion and faith are the kings of this world.” You have a wonderful day, wherever you are. If you’re starting your day or you’re closing your day. Take this into your heart, start applying these starting from tomorrow. You’ll be amazed how your life is going to change in just a matter of days. That’s all for now. You take care, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye now.

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