Separate Money & Time

Separate Money & Time

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome, or welcome back to Success with Srini. It’s a Monday morning, today on the podcast, I want to share a principle with you. Now I call it a principle because I talk about it all the time. I wish I would have known this, in my college, I wish somebody would have taught me this growing up early, early in life, made a calling in my life to teach this. I have been, and through many of my seminars, workshops, and radio shows have been driving this over and over again. It’s interesting, I find it surprising personally, that I have not spoken about this extensively on this podcast. So I’m just making it a point to talk about this today. It’s a Monday, and you’re trying to escape. So here we are.

Okay, so this principle has to do with your time and with your money, if I have to set a goal for myself, and I have set many goals for myself in the past. But if I somehow go back in time, and I set a goal for myself, then the only goal that I will set is that I will separate my time from my money, as soon as possible. Maybe a year or two, at the most, maybe here, I’ll work one year very hard. In separating my time from my money, or my money from my time, I’ll explain this concept, we’ll go a little deeper into this. This was 1997, I believe, and I was very new in America at the time. And I was looking for ways to increase my income. And I was very unhappy with the kind of money I was making. And I was struggling, I was getting some job offers, I was getting some opportunities, but nothing was really coming together. And it was a stressful process, it was very hard on me. And because I had limited, it was a small brain with not much awareness, little bits and pieces of information. It was hard. And there was no internet, no social media, no cell phones at a level that we have today and all that. So I was going through a very tough time trying to figure out how I can solve my money problem and, and the money problem I need to solve because if I can solve money, then I solve all my other problems. Whatever, I have a look back, none of them makes sense anymore but you get the idea. At that point in time, it was a lot. So I said I’m going to work hard, I’m going to put a lot of time. And again, getting a job working hard getting a higher paycheck, all these things were programmed by the society as I was growing up, and parents and all that. So your only job is to get a job so that he could get paid, and you have to make a lot of money so that all the problems that exist in the family in the house, will go away.

Now, this thinking continues even today, even today, I meet people who tell me I need to work hard, a little bit harder, so that and a little longer so that I can make all the money. And once I make the money, my problems will go away. And then then I’m free to do whatever I want to do. But these people don’t understand that they can never be free. It’s very hard to create freedom. Freedom in itself is a pursuit. And it demands a lot. So just because you have money, you will become free, or you will have freedom, is not true. And just because you will make a lot of money, you’ll be able to solve your problems is not true either. So if you can’t solve your problems with money, or take it back, if you can’t solve your problems without money, you cannot solve them with money. So you need a different kind of thinking. That’s the point. Okay, so the programming, the traditional programming is that you’ve worked for a long time for many, many years so that you make money. And once you make the money, you will have the freedom to do whatever you want to do. But the truth is this, we spent 20, 30, 40 years working, and then eventually our investments are inflation, whatever the reasons are, eventually our net worth goes up. And yes, we do reach the goal of whatever that number is. But then the only drawback or the only problem with that equation is that we will not have enough time to enjoy the freedom that we are trying to create. That’s the point so Just because you work for many, many years, doesn’t mean that you will have many, many years of freedom.

How do we break the cycle? How you come out of this has been my pursuit ever since I was I became aware. And I met a gentleman, somewhere around the time told me said, Listen, if you start thinking of trying to increase your income, or your job, you make $32,000 a year, you want to double your income $64,000. It’s a huge jump, it’s a huge life gap for you to fill. And who knows, you’re able to fill some people cannot, most people cannot, some do most cannot. So it’s hard. So instead of you thinking and getting stressed out that how to double your income every year, or in the next job, why not? You think of making the same amount of money, which you make today, in six months instead of one full year. And I was like, wow, this is a different kind of thinking. And then he further went and said, you should try to make your yearly income into a turn your yearly income into a quarterly income, and then monthly income and weekly income and then the daily income, then the hourly income, then the minute income, second income, whatever. I like the principle and it caught my eye, at least the first part caught my eye. And I talked about this whole story several times on this podcast. So the question is this, the question is how can you wherever you are, right? In your career today, with whatever money you’re making, how can you break the cycle of you spending a lot of time trying to make money, which is not going to create the freedom that you think it will. So few strategies. And again, none of the strategies that I’ll be sharing with you here are mine, they heard they’re something that I have learned from others, not my creation, not my discovery. So traditionally, what people have done is they have in order to cut the time, without cutting income, they have tried outsourcing enough tasking.

So, for example, let’s say you want to save some time, but you are doing something that you don’t want to do or you don’t like doing, you can find somebody else to do the job. And you can use the time that they free up for you for something else that you love. Outsourcing our tasking. Sometimes you have some deficiencies in you and all of us, we have deficiencies in us the things that we want to do, but we don’t know how to do and we don’t have the skill to know how to experience. And we need to find people who can do that who can or not a problem. So we looking for people who have that, that mindset, that skill. And also we find them we pay them whatever they want, and they will do the job for us. This has been tried out and people do this. But what I want to share with you today is something that I want you to try which is which I call out owning you have your skills, you have your talents, you have your experiences, why not take all of that, and package that together in such a way that the package itself produces the outcome for people, while directly not taxing time from your side. So you create it once. And you position it in a way that produces results for people. This is not unique either. This has been done before. For example, hundreds and 1000s. For sure, hundreds of years ago, people wrote books. So and sold books had been going on for hundreds of years. And even today, people write books, people sell books, and people who buy books, they read books, they get the knowledge, know-how, but then the creator of the book only did it once the author wrote the book once, but the readers are reading it, and they’re buying it. So there is residual money coming out of that. And the author has free time to do whatever they want to do. And simple concept. Now you start to scale that idea a little bit higher. Instead of just writing a book, or writing one book a year, or writing 2030 books. Again, writing involves time and effort and all that. Why not become a publisher. So, you have authors who are writing books, you get the authors to write the books, but then you publish the books and you keep a small amount of royalty for your effort. Every time a book is sold, you get a small amount of money. So you kind of become a clearinghouse. I don’t think the clearinghouse is the right word. Publishing House is the right word. Let’s say you’re a web designer. You design a website. It’s only a one-time deal. You get paid once but then again you’re extending Time for dollars. Instead of doing that, why not create a template that you can keep on selling over and over again.

Let’s say you’re a software programmer, and you work eight hours a day, creating software, but then you don’t own it. Why not create software yourself so that you can license it. So it’s great the income. Now, principles like passive investing, passive income, residual income, capital, income, all these crypto income, all these things come in. And I talked about this also, all these are ways that your money will work for you while you take off and you do whatever you want to do. Right. So these people have figured this out over the years. The point of this podcast and where I’m going with this is that whatever experience you have, the knowledge you have, you could package that as a product. And the product can do multiple things. One is to share information, kind of give information out, which has happened in the past when people don’t have books. So a book gives you information or knowledge. So your package can give knowledge or information to people, then your package will also show them what they can do. And your practice can also do things for them, kind of helping them. So not only do you tell them what to do, you show them what to do, and in a way, you do it for them. We are in amazing times where we are today. And the technology enables us to do that. I’ll give you one example here, I was doing a lot of one on one coaching, and hard right. At any point in time, I was not having more than six clients, six coaching clients. And I was spending one on one time with them. And in most cases daily was hard. And I had to free up my time. So instead of doing one on one, I went to one too many. And as a result of that, I started trading courses and group coaching programs, and that way I freed myself from the dynamic. And then the programs teach them what they need to do. In the programs, I showed them what they need to do. And now I have teams that work helping them to implement, it’s kind of handhold them if they want us or my team to do it for them. So there are different ways that you separate your time, from the money and your money from time.

Hopefully, I conveyed the message. Hopefully, you got it. Here is what I want you to do today, I want you to take some time, it’s a Monday. So take some time and start looking into things that you can outsource our task and our package. In such a way that your direct involvement is out. You have separated your time. Maybe you can do everything in a lesser time now. So you’re cutting your time you’re cutting your involvement. At the same time, your money is still intact. In fact, the money is growing. Because you have people in place now you have teams in place that are working towards extending your message and expanding your business.

Hopefully, this is helpful. And by the way, this applies to you even if you are in a job. And even if you’re working for someone this applies to you. You need to find ways where you can figure out how you can put less time, make more money and try to create that freedom so that you have the autonomy to do anything that you want to do. Okay, I’ll stop here. Hopefully, this is helpful. And if it is, let me know. And I’ll be back here again tomorrow. But the podcast of the day. Stay tuned.

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