Skills You Need To Become A Star Marketer In An Ultra-Competitive Business World

How can you become a star marketer?Everybody has come up with a good idea in his or her own time.Yet only the star marketers of business are able to make that idea fly and reach unparalleled levels of success.How do they do it?

What are the fundamentals of marketing that can mean all the difference between a failed and expensive one-man operation and a future corporation?Here are some of the essentials in becoming a star marketer.Business owners will often try too hard when it comes to reaching massive traffic of consumers.They will spend lots of money hoping that the average consumer will see their product displayed and be convinced to buy a new or existing product.This strategy works for advertisers who run 30 second spots on the Super Bowl, because most of these companies already have massive name brand recognition.

However, when you??™re just starting out precise targeting is imperative both to the short-term and long-term success of your business.You have to determine what specific audience you are reaching for, why they will want your product or services and why your marketing message will hit a strong chord.Precise targeting takes into account many venues of advertising, both traditional and unorthodox.Never start a marketing campaign without knowing what precise audience you??™re looking for??”beyond just ???a human being with money to spend.???After recognizing your target audience you must formulate a plan to sell your products or services to the public and to carefully study your results, adapting your plan when necessary and financially feasible.Identifying on-result generating methods involves devising techniques that get results and then keeping track of what works and what doesn??™t in a strategic setting.How detailed is your business plan?What kind of system for on-result study do you have in place?

Another important aspect in business is qualifying your prospects.Dealing only with qualified prospects not only saves you time, it saves you effort and expense.Dealing with time-consuming unqualified prospects hardly ever results in a sale and yet distracts you from giving proper attention to qualified clients.Professionals in real estate and consulting speculate that at least 75% of a businessperson??™s career is in prospecting, leaving only 25% to sales.Finally, generating a constant stream of leads is not only vital in making positive cash flow but also in keeping your business afloat.Are you aggressively pursuing new leads to your business, whether in new clients or repeat clients?Are you identifying new markets?What steps are you taking to communicate with these potential clients?These are some of the elements that comprise a star marketer in today??™s ultra-competitive business world.

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4 thoughts on “Skills You Need To Become A Star Marketer In An Ultra-Competitive Business World”

  1. Avatar

    You were handsome already. But as a person of color, I immediately got out my O magazine for photo comparisons. I concluded that it would be an improvement of the photo if there was more concentrated lighting directly on your face. But, hey, I’m not a photographer.

  2. Avatar

    Hi Lyn,

    Thank You.

    That is how I used to look in Ocotber 2004. Now I am a bit older. I will stay away from a new photo..

    I will have my designer touch up this photo little bit and make bright.


  3. Avatar


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    Good Job!

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