The Traps That Stop People

The Traps That Stop People

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome or welcome back to Success with Srini. Happy Thursday morning to you. For today’s podcast episode, I’m recording on my iPhone and I’m not sure how this is going to sound even though I like it, I love podcasting on iPhone, but then the environment I’m in, there’s a lot of noise around. Hopefully, this is not coming in, hopefully, you’re going to have a good experience listening to this hearing this. Okay, so let’s get into this. If this doesn’t come out, okay, I’m not gonna post it, will see.

Okay, so I have an incredible thing that’s crossing my mind and this is coming from a conversation I just had with a client, with a caller. And I thought I’m gonna reflect on that little bit on this podcast today. And this is about the traps that stop people from achieving what they set their minds to. So you have a goal, you want to achieve something, and you fall into the traps. That means you get distracted, that means you somehow with all the skills, talents, all resources you have, you cannot get there. If that is who you are, then today’s podcast episode is for you.

Why do people get distracted. Why do people give up? Why do people stop themselves or talk themselves out of what I think is absolutely what they need? I see that happen all the time. And I’ll tell you this happened to me personally, I talked myself out of many things. And there were places in my life, there were situations in my life when there were white people who talked me back into the thing that I was given. So I want to be that individual today for you. If you are about to give up on something, you’re distracted, you’re frustrated, and you’re quitting you are about to leave. I want you to think over it one more time, I want you to go over the science of why people quit. That’s what I’m going to do on the podcast today. And hopefully, six months a year from now you come back and you’ll say, I heard you say it, I stayed. And then because I stayed I have all this today. I want you to say that. You may not say that to me, but it tastes as you tell yourself and even if I help you to get there, this is time well spent.

Let’s talk about you know, what are the things that stop people from getting to the finish line. The first one is based on my experience, the first is temptation. It’s just that something else shows up. Some shiny object shows up along the way. You commit to something, but then just a little bit into it, maybe a day or two or a month or a week or whatever you’re into it. Something else shows up. People started investing in Bitcoin, something else showed up. They went all over the place. You just bought one house, an investment property showed up, and you went into the investment. You bought one car, and another model came out. Primarily, I see this happen in business when people start to subscribe to an idea. They want to start a business maybe online. And here they are trying to build an Instagram business. And suddenly something else shows up. Somebody talks them into oh, you should do this on YouTube. And then once they’re on YouTube, somebody like me shows up. So you should do a podcast. The world moves from one place to the other. I want to start an Amazon business. No, no, no, I want to start a Shopify business. All over the place. You see, most people don’t take things to completion. So temptations.

The second one I have seen is adversities that don’t have adversity. If I interview you, if I ask you questions about you about your upbringing, about the challenges you had growing up, and all the obstacles that you encountered, to get to where you are today, I will tell you, I can probably make a movie out of it. If I sit with you and talk about your parents, what they have gone through, or multiple movies can be made with multiple lessons and their multiple stories. So all human life in general means that we will have challenges we will have adversities. We will have issues along the way. Now, most of the time, it’s the environment, not skill, not talent, not capabilities. It’s the environment. Sometimes you are capable of doing a lot of things. But because you are in an environment that’s not supporting you. That means you are surrounded by people who are naysayers, they pretend to be loving you, like they truly love you, by the way, they do love you. I’m not questioning their love for you. But then, as a part of the love, they say things to you, that stop you from achieving your best thing go with it for a second. I have spoken about this multiple times, also on the podcast. My mom, every time I used to go on a hike or go on to climb why go on a mountain, why stress yourself? What’s there? What do you achieve by going on a mountain? My mom, and my dad, don’t go in the evening, don’t go out at the night. If you’re going somewhere, come back. We’ll never let me go anywhere. I can see why. Because I was born. Literally after 20 years of the marriage. And the firstborn living kid, the couple of kids were born and died ahead of me. And then there was one between me and my sister. So there is a lot of history and I see where they’re coming from. They love me, they love their kids. And that is why they stopped me. They were protecting me. Protect protecting me, they love me. Now, guess what’s happening to me.

You see, I have to grow. Your children have to grow. You have to grow. Everybody, by default, growth is happening everywhere, all of us. You see, I was born, I didn’t stay as a baby. You were born, you didn’t stay as a baby, you grew. So if that growth is happening, the physical growth is happening, then why not the mental growth, not the emotional growth by not the financial growth. So it’s not that we have naysayers who are rude to us. It’s just that people say no to us through that love. They don’t know how to say it. But they say it. But then other people do not want you to succeed. They are also there in the environment, they want you to stay mediocre. And you are caught up you are seeking their approval, you are fearful of them. Because if you piss them off, then what happens to you? So, in a nutshell, you’re caught in between this dual mindset should I make them happy? Should I make myself happy? And now you have split identities? Whose life are you living in when you look at someone who had nothing, has nothing had nothing born into absolute nothing, fights the environment, believes in herself or himself and raises through the ranks and comes up and becomes the most successful, most wealthy, the most happening entrepreneur, a philanthropist whatever, and now known all over the world? And these are the people who this individual found the environment to be there. And these are the stories we hear we listen to. These are the stories that motivate us. See mediocrity and naysayers. Is the problem with people as people always will try to pull you towards mediocrity. This is the truth. They can’t see somebody outperforming them. They can’t see somebody succeeding. It’s weird. Sometimes we will have to go to an extent where they’re like, the success that you have belongs to me, how can you have that success? See that jealousy there is envy. And we’re talking about jealousy. If I don’t have it, I don’t want you to have it. It’s weird.

You see, I struggled in my 20s I struggle in my 30s I could not create the success who am I to feel jealous? When I look at one two-year-old, you know outdoing me 20-year-old soul sub creates hundreds of millions of dollars who am I to question their success has nothing to do with me. They have the talent they have the gift maybe they the 20-year-old paid the price that I did not pay when I was in my 20s So who am I to question and become jealous, feel angry feel frustrated about the 20-year-old adversities. I can control everything but I cannot control who I am born to harm I’m born to and how I’m born into the circumstances that cannot already happen. Now, what can I do? How do I raise myself about the environment?

The last one, the last trap that stops people in my mind, and the fact there are many more but then I’m trying to keep this very compact to the point, I’m feeling very odd doing this on an iPhone, trust me, even though it’s not my phone, but there’s this lot of noise in this environment and feeling distracted. The last one is discomfort. People start doing things. And then a little bit of resistance. They give up primarily, I’ve seen this and weight loss. They’re excited. We got calls in my office, oh, I want to lose weight with hypnosis. And you talk about hypnosis. And, yeah, the calm. And I’m like, okay, and then they get excited. I tell them what they need to do. They start doing like one or to experience this later, like, maybe one or two practices later, or a couple of days later. The like, yeah, have to go and workout still. Yeah. And I need to control what I’m eating. Yeah. I need to sleep eight hours a night. Yeah, they need to drink one gallon of water. Yeah, I can’t do that. Well, if you can’t do that, then you can’t have that. You see, you can’t do this. You can’t have that. For you to go to heaven, you have to die. No, I don’t want to go to heaven. By dying, I want to go to heaven alive. There isn’t a pathway to go to heaven without that.

So people give up. This is a question to you, I want you to ask yourself, when you perceive that something is harder, something that’s difficult, and primarily when the payoff itself is low. I met people in the past. I have six weeks, I want to lose weight. I want to lose 30 pounds in six weeks. And I heard you say hypnosis is the fastest way to lose weight? Yeah, I did. Well, I want to lose 30 pounds in six weeks? Not possible. Now, why not? I’ll start possible because 30 pounds in six weeks big change. The body can’t take it. You can’t manipulate the mind. Well, how much can I lose? I don’t know. A pound a week? Six weeks? Six pounds. Okay, well, let’s try. Let’s see if I can do, 15 I’m okay with that. Okay, fine. You do it. Now as they get closer to the deadline, which is the reason why six weeks is because the son or the daughter is graduating or there’s a wedding or there is something of the reunion in the college and the school, whatever. So they wanted to go to that. They want to look good. The cart gets there. At the start of doing this. They start seeing that’s becoming harder. Their mind goes, Okay, fine. Okay, I am trying, but it’s not working. What’s the point? In I lived my life like this, I’m into my 40s 50s 60s Doesn’t matter what event? That’s okay. I don’t need to lose this week. If the payoff is not there, then they quit. So my message to you is this, I want you to start looking at who getting tempted by other things. Are you quitting because there is the discomfort? Or is it that there are some adversities in your life that you do not know how to fight, I want you to think through these three. And there are some things you can change, you can change your temptation levels, and you can change the way you approach discomfort. And you can also learn ways and means and mechanisms to overcome your adversities too. All you have to do is become a little smarter, a little bit more aware a little bit of awareness, these things can be in your control. And that’s the point I wanted to bring this out. And I wanted to talk about this because these are the common traps people fall on the pathway to success. This is a conversation I was having with an individual who was consulting with me. So I wanted to make this a highlight on today’s podcast.

Hopefully, this is helpful. If it is do me a favor. Share it with a friend and family who you think will benefit from this. If you’re listening to this on the podcast. This should be a place where you can write a review and if you’re watching this on YouTube then, by all means, you can write a comment and subscribe to the channel. And that’s all for now. Hopefully, this recording comes out okay. If not, I won’t post it. I promise you, hopefully. Okay, that’s all for now. You take care, bye.

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