The World Mirrors Your Attitudes

The World Mirrors Your Attitudes

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

“I am frustrated with the problems I’m dealing with. I want to change and I want to make the change overnight. Can you help?” This is the question that I have gotten over and over and over again across all my radio shows, seminars, workshops, and now this podcast. Now, this is not the exact phrase, but you get the idea. Every time callers in, and they’re describing a problem to me, the underlying ask is, I’m frustrated, I want to change and I want to change now. And for me, and also for people like me, who are in the profession of helping people overcome life’s challenges and problems. It’s hard. It’s hard to answer this question because there are so many different ways this can be answered. There has to be a lot of discovery that has to happen before this could be answered. But again, this is happening on-air. In just moments, you just have like a minute or two or three to answer a question like this is challenging.

Now, for me, over the years, I have gone back, and I have asked the question myself, which is when somebody’s asking me, How can I change my life overnight? Is there a way to change somebody’s life, overnight? It’s a question that I had been asking myself and too many other places, many other people. Interestingly, there is an answer to this. Now, when you look at the space, the self-improvement space, there are so many different frames and angles, and approaches that you could take. You could zone in on somebody’s values and somebody’s beliefs and somebody’s persistence and commitment and determination and knowledge and wisdom. It’s so many different angles you can take to change their life. You can tell somebody will go read and read for the next five years, your life is gonna change. You can tell somebody, listen, go exercise workout, your life is gonna change all of that works. But the question is, is this something because nobody has five years’ time to change? They need an instantaneous outcome. So the response has to be in line with their expectation. So the answer I found is the way I was raised growing up, I was raised in the Vedic philosophy, and one of the early lessons in Vedas. When I say Vedic philosophy, I mean the Hindu philosophy, the Sanatana Dharma. within that space, there was growing up, I read this said, Life is neutral. It doesn’t understand positive, or negative. And if there is construction, there is destruction, and construction and destruction are in sync. They happen in the loop. So one follows the other. And everything that you see is one day is going to go away. And your life is temporary here. These are some of the philosophies. And in all these philosophies, the answer is there is one thing that stands out which is life is neutral. Life happens to you the way you happen to it. It’s neither negative nor positive. So you have a positive frame, then life is positive, you have a negative frame, and life is negative. So whatever way you carry yourself into life, is what life gives you back. Then, I study multiple different schools of thought, multiple schools of thought, and I study not completely but as much as I could. And I continue to do that even today. Some elements of Islam, some elements of Christianity, some elements of Buddhism, and some elements of Taoism. As I start trying to draw parallels, I see the same more or less the same definition. This gets us to some other work that has happened in the Western world. And specifically, Harvard psychologist, William James, said, the greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude toward mind meeting. If you want to alter your life, then all you have to do is alter the attitudes in your mind and life will change its course by to my earlier point, which is, that life is neutral, it only happens to us the way we happen to it. So what it means is we can control the attitudes of people that we are getting, we can control the actions of people that are coming towards us by simply controlling our actions and our attitudes.

So in a way, if you see this, our attitudes are nothing but mirrors, they are mirroring everything that we see in others as us happening to them. It’s funny. It’s such a simple concept, but then very hard to digest. So you stand in front of a mirror and you shout and yell, and the mirror yells and shouts back at you. So our attitudes, whatever we see in others are nothing but our own reflections. That’s us, in them. So, if I have to shift the script, or flip the script, then if I get excited, then I see the excitement in people. If I get happy, then I see people getting happier. If I become joyful, I see people joyful. So there are things that we need to do for that to happen in people. Now before I go, and specifically talk about what all that we need to do to kind of get into that state within which we get everything that we are expecting in others, or whatever we expect from others we get from others. John Maxwell, amazingly said this said you know attitude is the peak of the present, and is the profit of the future. So, if I have to tell you right now, and I already said that already 10 minutes into this podcast, which is if you want to change your life, anything and specifically this question, I want to tell you my life overnight, and I keep getting all the time throughout my radio shows, and this podcast, very simple. Change your attitude. Change your attitude, and everything in life is going to instantaneously change. You don’t need to read one more book, you don’t need to go alter your belief systems and values and all that keep all of them as is and just change your attitude and see the miracle happen and that’s the miracle. That’s your 2.0.

So people ask me this question too. I’m 1.0. Srini How can I become 2.0 or 3.0? This is 2.0, change the attitude your entire life is gonna change. Now, what can be done to change this attitude? Well, there are different ways there, there isn’t much again, changing attitude not much. We carry ourselves a little differently, we speak a little differently. We become intentional, a little differently. We pause and speak, we comprehend what others are saying and how they’re saying, We never mirror others. We compliment people whenever and wherever we can. And we saw some concern, which gives some appreciation. We carry some love for them. And then magic happens. And there is an experiment that was done. And there were a long time ago, I read the story, there were these two ladies who were working in a community hospital and they were getting very frustrated with everything that was happening. The patients were driving them crazy, the management was driving them crazy, and they wanted to leave. And right before the boat decided to quit. And on the last day of that work, they decided to do something like a small little experiment. And they said, Okay, we’re going to go around, and we want to talk to everyone, okay? And treat them with encouragement courtesy with appreciation, and when we pass compliments, that’s how we’re going to spend the last day at work.

So, in this part of doing this, an incredible transformation happens patients so suddenly are not miserable. The staff is smiling, the administration is interested in them, and all good things happen on the last day. What it is, that this is the law of nature playing out. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction very simple. And that any situation that is causing you frustration today, or pain or suffering today is nothing but is a reflection of your own attitude. That’s it. So you want to change your life and you become 2.0, adopt the new attitude. And the numerous podcasts that I have done here talk about the kind of attitudes that we need to drop and the kind of attitude that we need to inculcate within us. Haste waste greed, and self-centeredness. All these attitudes have to go away. And the attitudes that have to come in are things like concern, love, compassion, and a constant desire to compliment and appreciate and spread love all back. So, numerous podcasts I’ve done. In fact, I’m going to come back maybe in the next day or two and specifically do a podcast talking a little bit more about the kinds of attitudes that create the bigger outcomes that we are seeking. But then, for now, this is it. Nothing else, just change the attitude, and your life is gonna change. And everything else can stay constant, but only this. But here’s what happens when you change your attitude. Everything else changes. So this least expensive way to create a miracle in your life. Okay, that’s all for now. Wherever you are, be safe, and I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. Bye now.

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