These Three Questions Will Change Your Life.. Ask

These Three Questions Will Change Your Life.. Ask

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

It is now proven that the only way to change the quality of life is by asking good questions. And today on the podcast, I’m sharing with you three specific questions that anybody doesn’t matter who you are or what you do if you ask, you’re going to see your life-transforming, my name is Srini Saripalli, this is Success with Srini. Happy Thursday morning to you. Welcome, let’s get started.

Okay, three questions. I have been a student of self-improvement, I have been reading, studying and I watching YouTube, listening to podcasts, and I consume all kinds of content. And I’ve seen people talk about the kinds of questions that they are suggesting that you need to ask. I see questions like, What makes me happy? What is my passion? How should I be remembered all kinds of questions? I think those questions are amazing. I think those questions have a place. But here are the three questions that I know for sure, have changed my life. Because I live my life, I have suggested these questions to several of my coaching clients, and several people who consulted with me, have told me they have changed their lives. And again, interestingly, these questions are not mine. These are questions that I have studied. I don’t know which book but I did, so here they are.

Number one, before you step into any project, anything that you do anything, small, big, doesn’t matter, has multiple people working on the project, maybe you yourself alone, you’re working on the project doesn’t matter. The first question you have to ask is, what is the initial value I bring to this project? What is my initial point of value? Question number one.

Question number two, once you are into it like you have started working on maybe, let’s take an example. You want to lose weight. And you-you’s stepping in with this question, what’s my initial point of value, I’m starting this, what’s my value? My value today is this, I sleep less, I eat a lot, I don’t drink water, I don’t exercise at all, I don’t even burn 1000 calories a day. That’s extreme, but you get the idea. So you established the initial point of value. And now you start doing things to start taking action, your goal is to grow. And your goal is to change these values. Hence, you are getting outcomes. So as you start doing and you start taking action, maybe a month or two or three down the road, you pause and you ask a question, what is my current point of value now that I’m doing something for a month or two, or three? Now the Delta, the Delta should be positive, and the negative should be positive. And if it’s positive, or negative, it doesn’t matter. But you get an idea. Sometimes people go down before they come back up and all that. But it’s important that you ask the question, hoping that wishing that should be positive. But the question that you have to ask is, Did I grow?

So in a nutshell, what’s my initial point of value? What’s my current point of value? And did I grow? Those are the three questions you have to ask. Now, I believe on May 23. If I get the date, right, I did a podcast talking about the retrospect commit loop. And I’m going to leave a link to that podcast. If you’re watching this on YouTube on the top. I want you to watch that video. And for listening to this on the podcast, I’m going to have that link inside the podcast notes. I want to listen to that podcast because I suppose we’ll talk about the kinds of questions I ask so that I increase my commitment to the actions that I’m taking. That podcast is going to complement what I’m sharing with you right here right now. Now, how do you establish the initial point of value across multiple different projects, because I do many things, I’m sure you are doing many things. So you’re a professional who’s taking care of work. You may be a mom and a professional. You could be a dad, you could be a professional or you could be a stay-at-home mom or stay home that takes care of things at home. So everything is a project and everything has an initial point of value before you’re stepping in and everything is going to have a final point of value as you step out. The question becomes is, how do you establish the starting point?

Well, before you get into anything, there are only two things that you bring to the table. Any project two things you bring to the table. One, you step in as an asset or you’re stepping in as a liability. Maybe you’re somewhere between leaning towards liability or the asset. But if asset and liability are two endpoints on the straight line, you’re kind of somewhere in between. But those are the two extreme points. Let’s take asset and liability as discussion points for this podcast. Like a pot of acid, if you’re starting out in your career, let’s say get it as an example, you’re starting out, you are an asset in terms of your desire, your willingness to do the job, the qualification that you have acquired, your focus, your commitment, your determination, all those things are assets. In terms of liability, you do not have the skills yet. And you do not have the experience yet. Okay, let’s take that as liabilities. Now with these two things, you stepping into a project. And the product has its own lifecycle. And there are things that you will be part of, and use, as an individual, we’ll be doing a few things.

Now as that continues to happen, maybe a month or two or three down the road. Let’s say the product fails, the intended outcome was not there, there was a cancellation or there was a termination, whatever it is, the project did not happen. Now, in the end, you will look back. And at that point in time, you’ll say what is my current point of value? Now? Did I increase my skills? did I gain some experience? did I gain some connections? What are the other things I gained as a part, and how many of my liabilities did I convert into an asset. And if you were able to successfully do that, you will know that means you had growth. That means you yourself are successful. Regardless, now, once you have gained the skills and experience, know-how knowledge connections, and all that the newfound value will become your initial point of value. As you step into subsequent projects, you got an idea now.

Now, most of the time an individual’s value also depends on the circumstances they are in. Sometimes somebody loses a job, somebody loses some money, some business doesn’t take off some challenges, some sort of circumstances, circumstances do change the value of an individual, but usually, temporarily, if you keep, again, your focus, your commitment, your desire, your willingness high, you would come back and reclaim your position. That’s how this works.

The key is this, the key is that you set goals, and you work towards achieving the goals. So I haven’t measured these days, anything I do in the morning, I asked questions in the back somewhere in the back of my mind, you know, can I do this better? If I do it better, that means I have grown, I’ve grown. Even the basic things, I asked myself, can I do this better? If I can do it better than I have grown? If not, then Ah, okay. It’s just the reputation. Well, sometimes reputation also helps, it also indicates growth. But that’s a whole different thing for a different day we’ll talk about, but you get the idea. You get the idea, and goals, goal setting. And working towards the goals is very important. I have already spoken that multiple times on this podcast. But then journaling also helps if you keep on writing journals and every coupon in a way to track your progress a little differently. So that you can look back and reflect upon it and say, Okay, I started here and this is how my emotional growth happened. This is how my financial growth happened. This is how my spiritual growth happened. And you start tracking this by reading by going back and reading and that further strengthens the growth that you’re creating. And you will evolve yourself as a better individual, small, anything that everything that you’re doing. Okay, hopefully, this is helpful. If it is do me a favor. If you’re watching this on YouTube, drop me a comment, like this video, subscribe to this channel, and you’re listening to this on the podcast, then by all means you can also do all of that which is you know, read the podcast, write the review. And you can also share this podcast episode with a friend of yours or a family member. That’s all for now you have a question for me, you know how to reach me at 888-818-0404 call in with your question, leave me a message. I’m gonna respond to your question on this podcast. That’s all for now. Wherever you are, be safe. And remember to ask these three questions. Okay, bye now.

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