Ton Of Imagination & A Pile Of Junk

Ton Of Imagination & A Pile Of Junk

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

On the podcast episode today, I’m doing something that I did last week. Last Saturday, which is I went back to my blog, I took some of the posts I made a while ago, nearly 13 years ago on my site. And I took one post last week and I talked about this amazing Austrian immigrant who started a multimillion dollar chocolate business upon landing in New York, with two days of market research. Today, I’m doing the same thing, went back to the blog, pulled a post I made during the same time, this is from June 25th 2009. And this post is about inventing something with Q tip method. This post talks about an incredible inventor by named Alan Bright. Alan bright in 1949, invented a metal cleaning liquid called, copper bright. The way he did this is very funny, very interesting. Now a little bit backstory on Alan Bright. He never finished college, he enlisted in the army and went to the war while he was still in the 11th grade. During that time, he found his passion for inventing something. And along the way over the years, he invented many things. But one of his successful inventions is the corporate bright. This is what Alan bright did and this is, he’s genius.

Alan went to the library one day, and collected all the names of all the chemicals that can clean copper, he bought about 60 of them, and lined all of them in bottles on a table and started dipping Q tips in each one of them, one by one, to swap a copper coin, till he found the perfect combination that cleaned the copper the best. Then, he went on to build a multimillion dollar business from this one solution. Now in the later years, Alan modified the formula to meet several standards, but always use the Q tips approach to do that each time. Corporate bright is still around after all these years.

Now, the reason why I wrote this blog post back then, and I’m also giving a voice to that blog post today is I want you to think how you can apply this method in your own business or anything that you are doing today. Is there any way that you can line up different possibilities, different permutations, different combinations, to somehow juggle and mix and you find the right combination that can solve your problem, but can also make a huge impact in the society in a good way.

Thomas Edison said, “To invent you need a good imagination, and a pile of junk.” That’s all for now, on today’s podcast, I just had the idea of bringing some of these old blog posts and give them life in the form of my voice. You enjoy your weekend. I’ll be back again tomorrow with another incredible maybe a success tip maybe a story maybe an insight maybe a solution. We’ll see. Please rate please rate review and share it with whoever you think will benefit from this podcast. That’s my simple ask. Talk soon. Bye now.

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