5 Valuable Lessons I learnt About Twitter Recently

Not only Twitter, these lessons apply to any social media site. Certainly Twitter is different, but again more and more social media sites are incorporating twitter like features into their mix. No matter where this all goes, there is an increasing amount of stress on marketers to learn how to leverage these mediums.

The debate is still on, Does Social Media Marketing has an ROI? there are all kinds of reports and conflicting data. Dell says they are making money from Twitter. While Twitter is enabling many small and big businesses to connect and grow, how will it ever make money for itself? this is probably a hot discussion at Twitter headquarters.

No matter how we look at it, the core principles of marketing are more or less the same.

        Over 90% people don’t know what twitter is and how to make it work. There are principle on how to harnesses the power of this new medium, provided one takes the time and learn them.

        For the first time a channel called “Twitter” has made it easy for people to make money online without big lists.The best way to make money from twitter is to connect with people and immediately take them offline into a better controlled sales process

        Just tweeting un-necessary unwanted stuff is not going to work. Scheduling future posts is a futile act provided they deliver tremendous value and those “Get 10,000 followers in 10 days” tools, next time when you see them ask why? what will change in your business if you have 10,000 followers. You may get a few more clicks, but would that increase conversions. Marketing is all about attracting not chasing.

        The best way to get maximum visibility for your self is to create a lot of products. Not just products but products that bring value to your customers. People buy when they see value, Your job as a marketer is to create that value. In the social media world, Marketing is all about delivering value instead of creating a perceived one.

        Relationship marketing will bypass any other marketing method in near future, Twitter and Facebook are the enablers of this change

This post is an outcome of a discussion that I have closely followed on askMetaFilter

One person even described the use of Twitter like this..

Our Continuous Partial Attention disorder needed some fresh material for our ever-fracturing ability to focus on one thing.

May be there is some truth to it.

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2 thoughts on “5 Valuable Lessons I learnt About Twitter Recently”

  1. Avatar

    Well, surely 10k followers doesn’t mean a lot of money into my pockets, but it’s proved that the more the followers, the more the traffic to my site, the more the list grows.

    Anyway, I couldn’t find a single one of those 10k in 10days tools that works. You need to work your own way through Twitter as anything else.

  2. Avatar

    Wise words, Srini.

    It seems whenever a new communication channel appears, there are those that use it to “spam” as many people as possible so their message has maximum reach. This is an old-media “broadcast” paradigm which doesn’t properly make the most of the new-media social networking tools.

    New tools like Twitter and Facebook are about “interacting” not broadcasting. They are about building relationships, understanding customers, and establishing trust. That’s the path to long term success.

    I am relatively new to Twitter, and have been amazed at how many people in the internet marketing space are simply using Twitter to automatically broadcast messages that no one will read, because all their followers are doing the same thing. I actually responded to one of the Tweets, and told the sender that the link in his message had nothing to do with what he claimed it was. He said it wasn’t his fault, but rather the automated tool he was using, which needed to be “tweaked”.

    In my view, what Twitter needs is some type of reputation feedback system, where people can vote on the quality of tweets rather than judging people on the quantity of their followers.

    It will be interesting to see how things evolve…


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