What Is 2-Step Marketing?

In the last post I gave you a quick synopsis on what AIDA formula is all about. In this post I want to discuss the “two Step Marketing” process..

Two step marketing is different than the traditional one-step marketing campaign that many companies still use. The one step marketing campaign performs one marketing action??”such as a cold telemarketing call or advertisement??”and expects a sale from that single action. Sometimes the one step-marketing program works well, particularly for certain products and services. However, financial experts have discovered that one-step marketing usually brings in fewer customers than projected by the business plan.

This is when companies start to take a two-step approach to marketing. Two-step marketing breaks the process into two parts, fulfilling one goal in the first consultation, the sale in the next step. This proves successful for a number of reasons, starting with the most obvious reasoning that buyers often times need to be persuaded to take action beyond just one quick conversation. This is particularly true in real estate where often times buyers will wait until the eighth meeting or longer to make a decision.

Some experts theorize that one-step programs make the mistake of not focusing on the needs of the potential buyer. That these campaigns are self-concerned and put the wants of the buyer on hold until after the sale is made. The buyer then senses what little worth he has in the eyes of the seller and so resists buying. Two-step marketing programs will focus more attention on the needs of the clients.

Two-step campaigns might focus on educating the potential buyer during the first consultation. The company spokesperson establishes himself as a trusted advisor rather than a pushy salesman. Not surprisingly, the buyer later seeks out the advice of their advisor who directs them towards the initially offered product. This formula has often times resulted in more sales.

When you are promoting a two-step system, you must be careful not to give a sales pitch in the first meeting. By not aggressively selling your product or service you lower the buyer??™s defenses and can more subtly direct them to a goal later on. You can use the first meeting as a chance to educate the buyer about your career field, perhaps briefly mentioning your service, and then returning to more imperative issues.

You can explain what common problems may come up in this particular situation and what companies or company practices to avoid. You can help your prospects come to make informed decisions, having established yourself as an expert not intent on pushing his own agenda, but focusing on the needs of the buyer. Two-step marketing has proven effective in many different markets, particularly online, and may be able to help bring a positive change to your business.

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1 thought on “What Is 2-Step Marketing?”

  1. Avatar

    I truly believe in providing value to the customer first before start selling. In a way blog/website is a two step marketing approach. In the blog one can try to provide value and take them to the website to sell products and/or services. Thats perhaps one of the main reasons why companies with blogs have better success than the ones who dont. Any different thoughts?

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