Unclutter Your Life: Start With Your Surroundings

Unclutter Your Life: Start With Your Surroundings

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back, today’s podcast episode is going to be a little different in the sense that this is a topic that I have spoken about multiple times on this podcast. Really January 2022, I talked about this multiple podcast episode that they’re on the directory. So today’s one is not gonna be different. And again, why am I doing this today is because I spoke about this yesterday to someone in a consultation who came up with the idea of too much stuff. What should I do? How do I deal with it? And I was telling them about my personal challenges, some decisions I made early on in 2016 2017. I told them to go back and listen to the podcasts that I did as a part of a report this year. But then, I don’t know if they would go and check it out. So I thought I’m going to record today’s podcast and send it to them. Okay, that is what I’m doing it honestly, I’m just doing it for one individual, but I think I think you’ll find value to even if you listen to other podcasts, and also the earlier podcast episodes I did, even then you’ll find some value in today’s episode, so stay with me. Okay, if you look into your life today, I look into my life.

Okay, there is so much stuff that I don’t need. I don’t need the books that I have, I don’t need the papers I have I don’t need, I don’t need the dresses I have my closet is full of nonsense crap I could get rid of and I should have gotten it off. And I tried getting it off. And I did indeed get rid of only not to do it to a point where it’s enough. So we all have this problem. We are occupying too much space on the earth, which is running out of space. 5 billion people when I was born, 7 billion people now. It’s going up by the minute live in Silicon Valley, real estate is expensive. You get the idea. Everything that you have around you. Probably an overkill. So here’s what I want you to do. I want you to look around your house, we started home, let’s start with the home first, look in your house around, go into each room and say, if I take stuff out from here until you put your hand on everything that you have in the house and say do I need this? The answer is maybe yes immediately. But then if you start asking that question multiple times, you’ll start to realize that you probably don’t need it. The second question you ask is, you know, do I use it in the last six months or last year? The answer is no, you probably don’t need it. She’s all about feelings. You attach some feelings to things. They’re dead things around you. You attach some feelings to them. And because you’re attached to some feelings with them, you do not have a meaning you created a meaning within you. And now you’re having trouble disassociating yourself. You need to be relaxed where you are. You need to feel a sense of tranquility within you. Serene. A sense of solitude. That’s your house. Its clutter. Question. I wouldn’t even jump into the whole house, I would take your room and start working on it exactly what I did. I started an amorphous room. I took 76 boxes of paper and trashed them. That’s where I started in 2016. And I kept on trying to get rid of as much as I can. And I try to make progress. I have a specific time in a month.

Usually, the last week of every month is for cleaning. Not the beginning of the month, the beginning of my month is productivity. The last month of the month is cleaning I clean every day anyway, but then here is the problem. The more I cleaned, the more I had, we go out we come back with stuff. We go out we come back with stuff. So stuff is getting added it’s just not about getting rid of stuff. So start with the house easy. Now in the house even I get that question too. I would start with decluttering my closet first. On my car first. Declutter the car. If you can easily take a box, dump everything from the back from the trunk and everything, everything into a box, bring it back home, clean the car, start with an empty car, start there, and then you move. Yeah, I do that, but I also put a lot of junk in the car. So the junk comes and keeps coming in, no matter how much you do, it keeps coming in. Here is the point the point is, I want you to start experiencing at least the idea of opening your mind to the thing called emptiness to open your mind to emptiness By default, all of us, depending upon where you are, in your age and your timeline, all of us have been trained to accumulate and accumulate, I’ll buy one house, I’ll buy a second house and third house in the fourth house.

The question now comes is why I need to make investments, everything that you own, you need to manage. You’re not good at managing things that don’t own them. As simple as that. I was used to working in it back in back in the day. And I used to question why do we have so many applications? Why do we have so many installations? And why do we need to do it, every environment has to production and a development and testing environment, and every, for every product you are up for every installation, you have a, you know, multiple tiers of this infrastructure. And the next thing you know that you really don’t know what you know, but you really don’t know a lot because the Subic said, I’m not going to do this event, if I’m given the role. If I’m going to the position, I will not do this, guess what, I started my own business. And I bought all kinds of software, I will CRM software, you know, I have the next-gen CRM software, I have my certain nice interface-driven CRM software. And then I have a functionality-rich CRM software and the like five different CRM software for which I pay every month. Now, three different email lists that I manage, that are external to the CRM systems are supposed to be internal, but they’re external. And then I have like 375 different websites to manage and run, you see, things you own, you have to manage.

In order to manage you can never lead a contented life. If you are surrounded by clutter. So there are enough people, your clutter is somebody’s blessing. So go donate stuff, give it away, whatever. Whatever you have, give them away and, you know, see if you can empty 10% This month, 20% This next month, and follow a schedule a mathematical formula over the next six months, eight months. Don’t do this just because you heard the podcast today. But this is about a behavior that needs time to develop. This is not, but you need to act. So start acting today, but over a period of time develop that behavior, so that you now have at least a year from now you can look back and say yes, I started and I have accomplished a lot of people don’t agree to have clutter. And I guarantee you if you look into your inbox today, how many emails do you have on how many email emails you have in each of those email inboxes. I guarantee you each of my inboxes has over 100,000 emails that I just don’t delete, and I don’t have to delete them. I don’t know what to do with it. And when I’m done with it, I mean, if I have to search for something in it, it’s a disaster. But interestingly, over a period of time over the last few years, the search has also become very smart. So I have a situation where I have a lot of data. And I also have a lot of good processing and good algorithms. So so far, so good. But imagine a situation where you have lots of emails and you don’t know how to search those emails.

So I want you to imagine a life where you are completely free of stuff, a lot of emptiness in you. And a lot of things you don’t own in your mind. And then you feel I mean, I’ll tell you it’s beautiful to have this emptiness. Unbelievable. Some I’ve seen people achieve the state where they don’t have stuff, they just can they, you know, not only just the physical stuff I’m talking about, but then emotionally also they don’t have stuff in their mind. People load themselves up emotionally with all kinds of feelings and situations and unknowns and all that money for all that. Go do that. Start the process. My phone is ringing now. I gotta go take the phone call. Somebody’s trying to reach me. Hopefully, I think it’s coming. It’s far away. Keep these things forever, but they still come back into the microphone. Maybe you’re able to hear it. Maybe not. I’ll come to know when I listen to the recording here. But yeah, go start. You know what, it’s very funny. As a result of me telling you to declutter your stuff. Guess what happened to me? How can I give advice, which I don’t take myself? So I’m going to go and alter declutter a little bit more today. Okay. You know, there is never a mastery of anything. We are all students.

Okay, that’s all for now. You take care. Bye

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