Want to Live Life to the Fullest? Get in Touch with your True Feelings

Want to Live Life to the Fullest? Get in Touch with your True Feelings

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

In the last three days, we have been talking about frustrations, fear, and many other topics in the last few days. So I just wanted to, to kind of take all these things together last few days of different ideas that I’ve been sharing with you, I decided to take all that together today and share in an overall position that I have on this. I’ve been telling you how to express your frustrations and how to overcome your fears. The question becomes is this should you really stop yourself from expressing yourself? What is the quality of living should you express or not express, so somebody is attacking you somebody is showing the anger somebody is making your life difficult should you express or you should not express.

One of there was a research that was done in the United Kingdom, UK. And one of the bad vicious that people expressed was that they wish they could have expressed their feelings rather clarified their feelings to the people with who they were dealing in their lifetime. They wish they expressed more. That’s a deathbed wish. So the quality of our life is based on the way we express our emotions. So in the last two days, I’ve been telling you to be careful how you express your frustration. Be careful how you deal with the fears, because your fears might be separating you from the outcomes. So how do you do this? See here is the truth. The truth is everything that we need is always with people and through people, in many times for people, everything that we are doing. So there is not a single individual I met who said, you know, I’m trying to become successful because I just want to become successful. Right? In their mind, even though they may say that, in their mind, they know they become successful, they want to make more money, or maybe something is going to come as a result of that, of that success. And then somebody beyond them is going to benefit from it. That’s the people talk about legacy.

People talk about charity contribution, all that. So there is a benefit to expressing your emotions. Because the quality of life goes up. If you can express your emotions, you lead a fuller life, even though it could be a small living from a duration standpoint, but you live a fuller life. You lead a fuller life by taking difficult topics on you difficult circumstances on you. And as you express yourself through those circumstances, that means life will be led with some challenges. So when you deal with challenging situations, you are discovering yourself and you’re discovering your true potential, a full lot of life. When you express your emotions, you are also becoming more authentic. So when you’re authentic, that means people will accept you who you are, you don’t need to tell people who you are at that point in time you are authentic, you are telling who you are. When you express your emotions, the majority of the time many of your fears also go away. There is no buildup of any unwanted unnecessary references and all that in the mind. You are more in agreement with things around you. So fears typically vanish.

As a result of that. Naturally, when you are expressing yourself, that means you have a better dynamic with your within your core relationships. But above all this when you express your feelings, people around you feel that liberated. So if I’m doing this, right, if this podcast is right, and I’m expressing myself, right, you feel that you are liberated because you feel that yes, there is possible, what you’re hearing, you can implement that in your life and you feel that sense of possibility. So there is courage that spreads as a result of you expressing your emotions. Sometimes, when you’re direct when you’re honest, it makes things easier for you but also makes things easier for others. So, for example, if somebody is frustrating, you shouldn’t take a position and say, the way you are saying what you’re saying the way you’re expressing is frustrating me. And I want to tell you that I want to be very clear, I understand that there is a risk by me saying this to you. Maybe you will not as many more men will dislike me. But still, I want to say this to you because I think this is the right thing. Sometimes you need to have the conversation sometimes not always. But sometimes it’s important that you clarify your intentions because when you do that you are promoting the common good for everyone. Of course, there are risks every time you do that, but then you as a well-rounded individual, understand risks. Sometimes, when I take account of some of my emotions, in a way, I’m also taking account of other emotions that I don’t, express unknowingly. So when I clarify my intentions with some people, then I don’t get frustrated, I don’t get annoyed, I don’t get angry later on. So in a way, I got control of both attitudes of mine. Yes, the expression of emotions needs to happen. Again, like anything else, we are talking here.

When you are expressing your emotions, you just can’t straight away do this. It’s sometimes there are, maybe you are introvert, maybe you are respectful. Maybe you have certain dynamics within which you exist, where you don’t want to challenge a few things. And maybe you need to have to build that courage to do that. But for all that, we suggest you start small. Practice gradually, and understand the situations, use the languaging. Maybe start with small things, right, and assess how things affect you as a result of you standing up, and then you go out, all out. So this is a practice, you got to do that regularly. So communication improves, presentation improves, positioning improves, interaction improves, acceptance improves, everything improves. So in a way, you do this, right conflicts also go away, because you’re expressing yourself more. And one thing I want to tell you, as we are on this topic, here expressing yourself, you also need to be respectful to boundaries, people are who they are. Just because you have decided to become vocal and have pride in your things, you may not be their priority. They don’t understand you that way.

If that’s the situation, it could create a whole different dynamic at that point. So there is some level of sensitivity that you need to carry within you. And maybe don’t be directly on some topics. Right. So some people have, for example, political beliefs, religious beliefs, you don’t need to be direct on those. And if you do, then there are other deeper consequences. So that’s where the concept and analyzing the consequences important. But then, here is my observation when it comes down to me studying people who express themselves. People who express themselves, clearly, who express their emotions are people who are good listeners. So it starts with you listening. You’re giving full attention to people. Understanding how they’re attuned what they’re tuned to what are their concerns. Sometimes it’s important in maybe on a conversation where you’re somebody’s saying something that you have absolutely no understanding of what’s going on, and you’re overwhelmed. You got to listen, you got to ask yourself to clarify what it is that you’re saying. Then you take your time to reflect. And then you go back into the discussion. And then you clarify your emotion and you clarify your intention. And then you position your argument, see how this works. That’s how I would approach it.

Hopefully, today’s podcast is helpful. If it is, then you know the drill, you can write a review for this podcast, make a comment or share it with your friends and family. If you have a question for me, please, by all means, the number on the podcast is 888-818-0404. Call me leave me a message or text me or email me, you know how to reach me. That’s all for now. The idea of me sharing all this is because I want you to have a life that is to the fullest. And you cannot have a full life unless you truly get in touch with your feelings. And sometimes you got to get those feelings in the open. You bottle them up, then life becomes dull. It’s boring and challenging. So your job is to keep on enriching your experience. At the same time empowering those people around you.

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