We Become What We Always Think About

We Become What We Always Think About

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Congratulations, we made it to Saturday. One more Saturday in our lives. It’s a Saturday morning here, as I’m recording. Happy Saturday morning to you. Welcome or welcome back to Success with Srini. Today’s podcast episode is driven by something that I read on Facebook, I don’t spend a lot of time on Facebook, but then this podcast is on Facebook. So because this is on Facebook, I have to log in, I have to check a few things. So as I was doing that, this popped up in my newsfeed, and I’m gonna tell you that in a second here. But then this podcast is also for you, if you are frustrated with repetition, and frequency, not creating results for you. It’s the same old effort, same old routine, and same ot results, nothing new. There’s no newness to anything that you’re doing. This is for you. If this has gone to a point where you think that life has become mediocre, or you’re fostering mediocrity and this is for you. If you are constantly in friction, or you unknowingly have subscribed to friction living, I have done numerous shows on these three concepts, today is not any different, the same. So that is today’s story. In bits and pieces, this is my story, too. It’s all our story. And that is why we do self improvement on a daily basis. We pursue new thoughts, new ideas, new wisdom, new interactions, so that we overcome our challenges.

Now, this is the story. Question is how do we rewrite the story? What does it involve to rewrite the story? All there are a few things. The first and the foremost is that we accept the fact that these are the circumstances within which we are living, we cannot change the circumstances. There are people around us, there are situations around us. The world is happening in its own way around us. So there is not much we can do to change. And if at all we make the effort to change, we need to agree or surrender to the idea that it will involve effort, and it will involve sacrifices. The key to all this is you cannot change things around you. Unless you change something about you. That’s the message. And that has been the message across all these podcasts that I have been doing here and all through my radio shows, that is the message I’ve been spreading, or I’m driving.

So one amazing thing about all this is, no matter how bad our circumstances are, we are bigger than our circumstances. That there is something within us, the part of us something somewhere deep within our soul somewhere deep within our mind, something that is bigger than everything that’s happening. And I’ll tell you the I’ll give you proof for that the proof is you woke up this morning, the proof is that you are listening to this or something like this. And the proof is that you’re going to lead today, or you’re going to end today, depending upon when you are listening to this with the hope that there is tomorrow. If you’re ending the day, and you’re starting the day, you are going to spend the rest of the day today hoping that tomorrow is going to be a better day, or that which you are pursuing today. And in the moment today, right now, there is an outcome for it. See that thought is bigger than anything that’s happening around you. So I want you to hang on to that thought, I want you to give some faith to that thought so that it becomes in a way, your reality, at least in your unconscious mind. Of course, our conscious mind wants to see the proof. Now how do I know I’m successful? Or how do I know that I’m getting there? How do I know that things that I’m doing is working. Our conscious mind is constantly looking for proof. I get it, I understand that. But then sometimes things are invisible unless and until they happen. And you got to keep on persisting through those times when everything is unknown. And that’s the secret. And that’s the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people. Now coming back to how do you structure this? How do you go from things that are very repetitive, mediocre, and filled with friction to a point where you feel good about yourself and you have a sense of glory? How do you rewrite the story?

It might take you 30 days to create a habit but that habit could change your life for the next 30 years.

As I was scrolling Facebook, which I don’t do, I came across an incredible post is amazing. This is from Business Growth mentor, at least that’s what it says here. Five insights. The first one is, it might take you 30 days to create a habit but that habit could change your life for the next 30 years. Incredible insight. What is that habit that will change your circumstances? Well, positive thinking, looking forward to the next day, believing that what you’re doing today is going to add up, and you’re going to show up with great results. That’s good. But then how do you do it? Well, here’s what I have done and have been telling on radio, through all my shows, which is you got to start reading, you got to start listening, you got to start participating in activities of success, participation in an activity of success includes running, going out, and all that. Like physical participation, that creates good health for you, then financial participation creates wealth for you, then emotional participation, relationship that creates security for you things of that nature. We need to surrender to a new idea, open possibility. Because when we do that, in a way, we are setting all those possibilities in our unconscious mind. So that these ideas become self actualized. So if you start thinking about something over and over and over again, the unconscious mind starts to believe it.

The reason why you are believing your circumstances are incorrect, and you are going through this pain and suffering is because you tell that to yourself that story, you tell that yourself consistently. If you keep telling yourself or you start telling yourself that things are going to be good, they’re going to be better, you’re going to get to the goal, you will have an incredible life. You say that for a long amount of time, with repetition frequency, your unconscious will start believing it will start self actualizing that idea or that saying that’s the secret? Where do we start with it, I can’t sit here and keep telling myself my life is going to become better, I need to do something about it. So we start reading, we start listening, we start experimenting with life.

It might take you an hour to complete a workout but it will keep you in good mood for the next 12 hours.

The second insight here is, it might take you an hour to complete a workout but it will keep you in good mood for the next 12 hours. Do it if you’re not done it go out workout for an hour early in the morning. And you’ll see what it does to your entire existence throughout the day. Amazing.

It might take you 30 minutes to complete a morning routine, but it will build momentum for the rest of the day.

Third insight, it might take you 30 minutes to complete a morning routine, but it will build momentum for the rest of the day. On this podcast. I have declared my morning routine. Give it a chance listen to it. See if you can model it. If not put something that works for you. I wake up in the morning, give myself 30 minutes to center my mind. That’s how I start my day. I try starting my day 4:30. Listen to the word try. I’m not saying I do it. I try. The reason why use the word tries because I fail. I’m not consistent. It’s not rock solid in my existence yet. Sometimes five o’clock, sometimes 4:45. But I try. But I fail to wake up at 4:30. But every time every day, I wake up at 4:30. And I give 30 minutes to myself to complete a routine. My personal routine, the first 30 minutes. Of course, I have two and a half hours, three hours of routine. But the first 30 minutes define my entire trajectory for the rest of the day.

It might take you five hours to read a book, but you will keep the knowledge forever.

It might take you five hours to read a book, but you will keep the knowledge forever. That’s the fourth insight in this post. I have never read a book in five hours. Even though I took multiple classes on speed reading. I never did five hours. But I have read books multiple times the same book multiple times. And I wish I could read one book of week. That which I used to do back in the day. I don’t these days because my life has other priorities going on. Or my life is demanding a different kind of me as of today. But there is truth to this. If you can read a book from the beginning to the end, doesn’t matter 5, 10, 15, 20 hours or days, whatever it takes. It could change your life forever.

If you take three months to learn a new skill, that skill could make you millions.

And finally, this is a big one. If you take three months to learn a new skill, that skill could make you millions. All you have to do is invest Three months into a new skill, every seminar, every workshop that I have done, and if you’ve been to any of these workshops, you see me saying that in some shape or form, that our job is to keep on acquiring new skills, and a skill that specifically creates wealth. It has to be learned, it has to be mastered. There’s no second thoughts about this. I don’t know why people procrastinate, the job that you have today may go away, guess what, it will go away? How do I know I’ve seen it happen? The role that you play the title you have the certifications that you carry, they’re going to fade away. The certifications were in that moment, at that point of time, was were given to you, or were relevant. What did you do?

Yesterday, a friend of mine, a client of mine, texted me saying, “Oh, you have a gift”, on a different context. I said, we all have gifts. You know, the biggest tragedy of this mankind is that nature, Mother Nature has gifted each one of us something special, something unique to us a gift. But many of us, we have squandered that gift completely. Because we don’t value that gift. We don’t give what it demands from us. No self discipline, no commitment, no drive, no consistency. The biggest fear I have, the biggest fear right now, as I’m recording this podcast is, what if I dropped my consistency with this podcast? What if I see the numbers? Someday only five or seven people are downloading the podcast demotivates. Me, I stopped looking at the stats. Because if I look at the stats, then I’m creating a rebel in me some some thoughts, some little thought that yes, “Srini, don’t do it.” Not worth it. Some would add up the waste of your time, you could do bigger things. Tell me what other big thing I could do. But my mind will defeat me. And I know it’s it has defeated me in the past, it is going to defeat me even now. Trust me, I know that I understand myself, or at least to a large extent, if not all. That’s my biggest fear in this is may be some that if I drop my consistency, to learn on how to do this and do this on a consistent basis, then it may go away.

I want you to pause for a second and ask yourself, what is that gift that you have that was given to you at birth by mother nature. And your mother nourished you raised you to be who you are today. But then along the way, you have not done justice to that mother nature that gave you that gift because you got busy because you thought that your other needs are more important to you. I have many such gifts I’ve squandered. So I understand the value of that statement. Mother Nature gifts. We humans. We don’t give it what it takes. I hope today’s podcast is helpful.

Oh finally, the closing comment on this is, long term thinking really is the key. Long term thinking. It’s not about long term thinking. It’s about thinking right and staying with the thought for a long amount of time. And goes back to my earlier point which is invest in yourself. And that you have everything in your capacity and in your reach, to move yourself from whatever story that you are playing in your mind to whatever state you want to get to within which you feel more happier and more fulfilled. And for that you need freedom of thought.

This whole podcast episode was about freedom of thought. I hope this is helpful. I’m sorry, I took it deep on a Saturday morning for you. Now, if I take this day for you on a Saturday morning, imagine what my day is going to be. I’m going to wake up. In other words, I’m going to get up from my laptop today, as I’m recording here. And I’m going to lead Saturday today with the same intensity that I let my weekdays. So very likely I said Happy weekend or we are almost at the weekend. I’m going to take it easy. I don’t take it easy.

I say that. I don’t take it easy. Because if I take it easy on a Saturday or on a Sunday, my Monday is going to be a funk day. My start is going to get mashed up. We’ll talk about this later, maybe tomorrow or some other day. But then for now I’m going to stop up here I hope today’s helpful if it is do me a favor write a comment write a review share and give me a like so I can reach some more people that’s all for now you take care. Bye.

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