My Take Homes As A Speaker In Public..

Often times I am being asked to give a speech or two on various aspects of entrepreneurship. It could be a business meeting or a friendly gathering of work associates. The following tips helped me improve my speaking abilities and I am sure you will find them helpful, above and beyond what you currently practice.

Remember To Pause:

For starters, remember to pause before starting your speech. Too many speakers get so nervous that they rush into their material and never quite get back that comfortable pacing that audiences enjoy most.

Stop Looking At Your Notes:

Try not to look down at your notes too often. Avoid a manuscript speech. Not only does it sound too artificial when you read the words from a page, it also makes it more difficult if you lose your place. For better results, create a list of major points to cover(power point bullets).

Cue Cards & Rehearsals

Organize these thoughts onto cue cards that you can easily move around as you speak. Practice rehearsing the speech beforehand, not by memorizing words but by referring to written thoughts. This will allow you to sound more natural in your choice of words.

Stop Talking To Open Air

If you really want to become a dynamic speaker then try looking into the faces of your audience as you talk. Many speakers neglect this simple detail, choosing to give the best portions of their speech to open air or to their notes. The most charismatic speakers can look someone in the face, continue speaking on one point, and then find another face as they progress onto the next thought. This will make your speech all the more personal and endear you to the audience.

Study The Audience

Finally, try to use longer words and speak at a slower pace. Naturally, short and clipped words sound harsh and intimidating. Audiences respond more to conversational dialogue with warmth and enthusiasm. Study the faces of your audience and decide whether you are coming across to cold or too personal. Respond accordingly.

These tips will help you become a much better speaker that captivates audience??™s attention.

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