Create A Graph That Will Aid Your Weight loss Progress

Create A Graph That Will Aid Your Weight loss Progress

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back to Success with Srini. As I’m recording the podcast today, it’s March 31 and a small celebration is going on on the site, which is officially complete. 90 days of this podcast started first of January, and March 31. Little beyond 90 days, but three months have been done. When we started the podcast, my mindset was like, the last time I did a daily podcast has survived. till February 22, I was thinking, if I could somehow complete the month of February, then I keep success. And here I am. March 31. Still going daily. So thank you for your support. Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your questions. Without you, this won’t exist. So as I’m recording, I’m expressing my deep, deep gratitude to you. I’ll keep it very small.

To the point today, I’m going to extend the part from yesterday, we talked about metabolism, weight loss, how to stay active. As we are progressing as we are aging, how to stay fit. That was the discussion yesterday, I want to extend the discussion a little bit further today. On this podcast, what we’ll do is we’ll talk a little bit about weight loss and things that can be done in little finer details of weight loss. And again, you may not be looking to lose weight, that’s perfectly okay. But then you will definitely walk away with some nuggets. And who knows when we will need all these things. So please stay along with me, this will be helpful to you also, even if you’re not looking to lose weight right now. The first and foremost, when it comes down to crafting a good body is to have a graph. So we built a graph by taking data points. So we measure everything that we are taking in I talked about this yesterday. So we measure every one calorie, every one calorie we’re putting into our system. And we have scales, we have digital scales, we are manual scales. So go get a scale, and start measuring everything that you are taking again, do that for a month, you don’t need to measure anymore, because you can look at food. And you can precisely say look at the quantity and you can predict the calories. So once you get to that stage, you don’t need to measure. But then at least do that for 30 days. Then measure your weight. And I do that every day, early morning, empty stomach, before I put any calories into my body, I measured my weight. So I do that for let’s say 30 days. So I measure my input for 30 days, I measure my output for 30 days. So incoming calories, I measure outgoing calories I measure, I also measure my weight.

Now when I do that, I’m creating the graph. A graph provides a visual representation of our progress. One, it’s very motivating. And the second is it also changes our habits. They wake up in the morning you measure weight. Every time you’re about to eat, you measure the calories. Every time you burn calories. Like you go exercise, you measure the calories. That’s the first tip. The second tip is you got to plan your meals ahead of time. People who cook their meals typically lose weight. So weight loss happens in the kitchen, not anywhere else. So, people who depend on outside food, struggle to lose weight. So you cook the food. So how do you cook the food, you cook the food ahead of time, you know what you’re cooking, you know you pack your lunch, your dinner, and every other meal in between. So if you’re eating six times a day, you pack six boxes the day before, the day before, not on the day before. When you cook that means you’re planning your time. But then you’re also planning the nutrition so you know exactly what kind of ingredients you’re using. And all that. The next one, you do the same thing with snacks. So there are high protein snacks, good nutritious snacks available, snacking, just taking stuff from the counter wherever from the store. Any kind of snack is not a good thing. Snacking from the vending machine is not a good thing. You got to have options. If you’re trying to lose weight. If you’re trying to stay fit, you got to have options so options are that are incredibly amazing snacks available that you can buy ahead in time if you have to, and you can plan those snacks into your day, and in time, the same way you do with meals.

Then comes drinking. I did mention this yesterday on the podcast, water, obviously, but then occasionally there is this need, to drink something beyond just water. I highly suggest water. But then people asked me, you know if I’m not drinking water, what should I drink? Well, there’s no option for you for losing trying to lose weight, you have to drink water. But then I don’t suggest diet drinks personally. But I do occasionally do diet drinks. So if the taste is an issue, add some lemon into the water, people tell me that they don’t want to drink water because they don’t like the taste of water. So add some lemon, add some, some leaves, some you know, the changes the taste, if if you want. But again, try to fall in love with water. I would avoid sugary drinks, I would avoid carbonated drinks. If you avoid, then you’ll see your overall calorie intake will drop. But then if there is an extreme need for something you’re not yet there, but you would like to then try diet drinks I don’t recommend but then I do it occasionally here and there in full transparency. But then you’re caught. One last thing I would like to add to this discussion is people who typically lose weight and stay fit. And they do that over a long period of time are those people who are constantly reading about weight loss, who are constantly watching videos on weight loss, who are constantly having discussions on weight loss. So highly suggest that you start reading, watching, and discussing weight loss as much as you can.

That’s all on this podcast for today. Hopefully, this is helpful. If it is do me a favor, rate it, write a review. Share it with your friends and family. And if you have a question for me, 888-818-0404 is the number you can always text me. You can also call me on the same number. And leave me a message with your question and I will use your question as a voice drop and record a podcast episode as soon as possible. That’s all for now. Wherever you are, be safe. And I’ll catch you tomorrow.
Bye now.

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