Perform A Miracle Everyday - Les Giblin

Perform A Miracle Everyday – Les Giblin

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome, or welcome back to Success with Srini. Day one off a brand new month. We are on the first of May, the year 2022. Incredible. This has been an incredible journey we started on the 1st of January, every day this podcast has been running into the month of me. Personally, this is an I don’t know what to say I want to thank you for your support. Thank you for listening to everything that I’m saying here. Thank you for keeping my spirits high. Thank you for your likes, your comments, your reviews, and your sharings all that no words to express. I made a commitment to myself this morning and said, I’m going to come on the microphone. And I’m going to record one of the best podcasts that I have ever done. And to do that, I went back and looked at what I had done I’ve done so many things. And so many things are incorrect, that I looked at the best one that I’ve done. And I tell you, I found my best author, Les Giblin, his best book, How to have confidence and power in dealing with people. That’s a book that I read at a time when I was really needing it. I’ll tell you what an incredible book it is. And I did this podcast, where I talked about this book, I talked about a specific strategy in that book, which is how to give praise, and why praise is the best currency in the world. This was a while ago.

So I went back to the podcast. And I wanted to redo it and do it in such a way with a renewed understanding now. And as I’m progressing with time, I’m discovering more. So I said, I’m going to take that content, and I’m going to redo it in the best possible way. And that’s how I’m gonna start Mike today. So here I am. And here is this podcast episode. So let’s get into this. Let’s get Blinn in his book, How to have confidence and power in dealing with people says something incredible on page number 135. He says, to perform a miracle each day. Ah, profound, perform a miracle each day. He says Life itself is a miracle. And we agree life is a miracle. But then we put more life into others by simply thanking them, expressing gratitude, praising them, hugging them, and wishing them by doing these things, you increase a person’s self-image. You raise their abilities. In fact, he quotes psychologist Henry Goodall and in the page and he says, scientifically praise has been proven to increase energy in school children. So amazing. School children when they’re placed their energies go up. Talks about a specific example when students were told just before an examination, that they will have little trouble with this test. It is well within your abilities and intelligence. They made better marks than when their intelligence and ability were rundown just prior to the test. praising their ability seemed to increase their ability. See when you go around and play someone you are impeding their ability it’s amazing somebody pledges he’ll the rating your ability. Amazing.

Now, you talk about something interesting in this book, he says, you know, the American corporations and now all corporations around the world. This book was written in the 1950s. So a lot of the references from the time but then American he says American corporates have figured out a way to praise people by giving bonuses by giving titles and all that but none of that works. None of that works. Money doesn’t work. titles don’t work. Bonuses don’t work. What Works is praise. And he also gives an example of Lincoln Electric Lincoln Electric was started by James F. Lincoln an incredible entrepreneur I studied James F Lincoln and what he did back in the day back in the day, James F Lincoln, when he ran this company, he used to guarantee income like if there is a recession that it was during the World Second World War and first world war two I believe in Primal the Second World War at the time, guaranteed income to all the employees says if you are here and you’re not working and your income is guaranteed. And when good times came by James Lincoln started giving paying overtime, which was rare back in those days. So a profound entrepreneur back in the day. But he says James F. Lincoln says, And Les Gibson quotes that in this book, James F. Lincoln says, the reason why his company back in the day had 12 times more productivity than any other competitors. Because the employees were praised and treated, right. So bonus, systems don’t work. Praise works. That’s the point.

So today, when you go out, pray, some people start the day, Praising others, I promise you, you raise the ability, and you also raise your trust with them. It’s amazing. So how do we do this, and let’s give him gives six rules Hill, he put six rules on how to praise and primary one of the best praises that you can give anybody is say thank you. So just said, thank you. And he says that there are six rules, or there are six methods. He says rules, by the way, six rules of saying thank you. First and foremost is you got to be sincere when you say thank you to someone, you got to be sincere. The second rule, you got to say it, don’t mumble it. Thank you. Thank you, doesn’t work. If you want to say something, say it loud, say it clear. Say thank you. Be loud, be clear, and let your voice be heard. And Let it resound. Let it create an a, you know, an Ico right. Always say thank you by name, then you just don’t walk into meetings and say thank you all. Thank you It doesn’t work.

Unfortunately, I do that a lot on the radio because I do not know who is listening. And I do that here also on this podcast because I have no idea who’s listening. But then if I’m in a room, and maybe three or five or 10 people and I know their names, I say thank you by name, even in my events, when people have their name badges on them. When I tank at the end of my event, I say thanks to each one of the attendees whose names I can read. And if I cannot read their names, and if I happen to remember their names, during the breaks, then I take their names, but mostly when I do not know the names, then I say thank you all. But if you know the names of all the people with whom you work, and you are in a room, thank each one by the name. Next rule. When you are saying thank you look into the eyes, make the eye connection, eye contact, just look here and there. And just this means you’re saying thank you, but you are Miss directing, it just doesn’t register when you don’t look into the eyes. When you don’t make that eye contact. Then he says work the tanks. When that’s a perform one, work the tanks. When you should always look for an opportunity to say thank you. And you will always have an opportunity to say thank you. When you study when you see somebody making some moves. I’m thankful to you because I saw you do this. Or that was amazing the way you did it. Wow. You know, I tried that. And I couldn’t do it. I’ve seen others can do it. You did it. What’s the secret? When you start observing people at the deepest level, and you’re seeing the final point and how they’re getting things done, and you use that as a cue, and you kind of amplify that right on the face and you tell them Well thank you, you now you know we’ll never run out of reasons to thank someone because you did the homework. So you got to work the Thank you. When you don’t work thank you. It is going to sound superficial. And then finally he says that you need to pray to somebody when they are least expecting it.

The other day, I was talking to a friend of mine and we were discussing a bonus, you know the structure, right a new company now and he’s like the CEO of a new company and he’s like, okay, Srini What do you think how do we compensate and how do you reward the people compensation is different discussing how do you reward and he says, you know, Srini you got to reward and he says from his side he says you got to reward someone when they are least expecting it and nobody ever says no to it. cheque and unexpected cheque I have never. So I’m sure none of my new employees are going to say no. To an unexpected check. Right? I said, wow, you’re right. Let’s Gibbon said that I read that book a long time ago. Okay, so go say thank you, to people around you find a reason to say thank you be sincere, make the eye contact said when they’re not the least expecting it, and say it in a way that you’re you are heard, and they can hear it, and some other people around them can hear it. And always, always work the tanks. I don’t think I came across as firmly as I should have. But I think I started the podcast saying thank you for being a listener subscriber. Thank you for everything. And most importantly, keeping me alive through all these days, since we started this podcast back as a daily podcast, on January the first of the year 2022. It’s four months already, we are into the fifth month.

So you have no idea how thankful I am to you. Because if I don’t get a question, if I don’t get the rating, if I don’t get a review, I don’t see a download. It takes me down, takes me down. But because you are there and you’re listening, I feel motivated, I come back and do this. Listen, I do seminars or I do workshops. It’s not that I’m always motivated. I’m always inspired. I have my funk time two at a time I do question why am I doing all this? Is there any value? Am I conveying any value? I go through this, everybody goes through this. If somebody says I don’t go through this thing, that line, if we all go through this that’s given but then as a professional, as somebody aware, as somebody who understands as somebody who has a better view, because through all the effort of going through all this, you, me people like us, we should come back quickly. The idea is not to feel a sense of rejection or lack of motivation, or depression. All these are absolute states of the mind. The mind goes through all different cycles. But we just don’t stay long there because we are aware that’s the point.

Okay, I hope you are off to a great start this morning. Enjoy your Sunday, enjoy the month of May. That’s a good start for all of us. And I’m going to catch you tomorrow with another incredible book, another incredible author. Profound sayings. In his book, this book, this author, also again, I did a podcast a while ago, and I want to bring that back. And his content has been incredible. The book has been incredible. It’s the number one best-selling book since it came out in the late 60s. It’s amazing. We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Stay tuned. Bye now.

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