
The “Others” in Our Lives

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back, happy Sunday morning to you today on the podcast, I’m giving a voice to a distinct thought that crossed my mind last night. And this has to do with loneliness. This has to do with emptiness. This has to do with solitude. And this has to do with people who break your peace by bringing negativity into your life.

Now, if you are a listener of this podcast, and a subscriber of this podcast, I have done multiple episodes here talking about all these topics individually. But this thought is a little distinct. And there’s a different way to present this thought. So I’m making an attempt on the podcast today. So here is the premise to all this. We are living a lonely life, whether you agree or disagree. We all need friends, family, society, community, humanity all that is needed because we are humans. And I made that point multiple times before. But then if you look at it very carefully and use a different kind of lens, you’ll start to see that this is a lonely life. And people around you who drag you into negativity or say negative things in a positive way, and that’s a big one. They do not live your life. They don’t know. They don’t understand the kind of life you live. And I made a point before also, people married for 2030 years living under the same roof in the same room, sleeping on the same bed don’t know each other. And if you seriously think about these different dynamics, you start to realize that this is a lonely journey. This is a journey that only belongs to you. You are taking this journey and you only know even though you do not know the path, you have to go alone. There isn’t someone who is going to push you or pull you. I’ll tell you one example here. I made an attempt in 2019 to go up all the way to the peak of Mount Everest. And I was struggling on my path through the replacement called Khumbu Icefall on Mount Everest is the starting point. And I struggled through the Khumbu Icefall and my Sherpa told me, it says, you know, he was pulling me and it was pushing me based on different situations and where I was, but then at some point, he said, I can’t do anything, once we get into the death zone. And you’re struggling here like this. I’m worried about you, once we get into beyond camp. And at that point, you have to be on your own. I mean, I’m there, but I’m not there. Because I need to take care of myself, the more inefficient I become, the more deficient I become at that level, and the more there is a threat to my life. And I’m here to save your life, but then it will be hard, both of us are going to die. And that’s in that moment, I realized, I’m alone. I have support systems, but I’m alone. So you have support systems now in your life, you’re alone? You have no idea. So I meet people who tell me, I’m doing this for my children. I’m doing this for my family. I’m doing this for my parents. Yes. I respect your values. I respect your intent. And, you know, you have my best wishes, and may God bless you for what you do for whoever you do for. But understand that there is no payback. You’re alone. You should never be in a situation 2030 years from now. And you say, I did this? Why is nobody doing anything for me? Because this is a lonely game. You’re born alone, all of us, you’re gonna die alone. And while these two are facts, why not respect the loneliness that exists between birth and death. You’re not talking about Everest. A mountain is a perfect example of how far can you go alone? How much you can expense as an individual. There is an objective to go to the top. That is the start point. But then what are all you’re willing to give up to get to the base of the mountain and from there, what additional you have to give up to get to the peak of the mountain by the time you reach the peak of the mountain, let’s say, let’s assume that yes, we all we will all be, we all will reach the peak of the pinnacle of everything that we are doing. And that’s the idea behind the pursuit anyway. So whether Everest means a mountain to you, or Everest means the job, or the rest means finances for you, financial freedom for you, whatever.

So everybody has Everest in them. They’re trying, they’re chasing it, they’re trying to climb internally or externally. But there is, so what is the cost we pay by the time to get to the peak? And what does it take to make sure that we get to the peak? So the mountain itself is a good measure of how far somebody goes physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, of course, financially. See, we live in a culture or are the last at least last 17, 18 years since the social media revolution has happened. We are in a culture where people feel they’re powerful. And they feel the power of pulling others down. So there is direct negativity already. So there was before, before there was, you know, passive negativity, you know, people nice to you, and, and telling you things without knowing they have no idea but they’re nice to you. But then you take their niceness as if they’re attributing towards your positivity and towards your success. And then you take them seriously in the process, you fail to achieve your goals. And I gave one example, a long time ago, my mother used to tell me, why did we, you know, why don’t climbing Why do exert yourself, my father also growing up used to. Now, you know, why exert yourself, don’t do this, don’t do that. The love the care, get that than my parents, but then that’s not what I want to be, I don’t want to be like them, I want to be different. And this is probably happening right now, with you with your children, you don’t want them to do a few things, but they want to. So that’s their path. That’s their journey. And we justify our positions from an experience standpoint, and they are justifying their positions from a time point. These times are different. This is our time, we got to do these things.

Here is a side note completely a side note, you cannot stop anybody from making mistakes. People will make mistakes, and there is a lesson in making those mistakes. And then all you have to do is let them make the mistake, but make sure that they learn from mistakes. So specifically in the case of your children, let them make the mistakes, but let them learn. And when they learn, you also learn a whole different new aspect of that mistake, which you thought you wanted to prevent. So every mistake, when the lesson is taken from the mistake, it allows you to now deal with a different kind of a mistake with a whole different level of understanding and knowledge. No matter which way you look at it. It’s a blessing. Talking about loneliness, talking about others in our lives, we have too many of we have people obviously, but then we have too much of other stuff. We have politics in our lives, we have taxes in our lives, we have economy, not lights, we have, you know, obviously, you know, people who do not we don’t want to, but we still because we are tied to them through blood and through all that. So there’s a lot of this in our lives, the question becomes this, this how all this is going on, we can’t change or we could change a few things. And we know that we are here. And we got here alone, and we are going to get out alone. And then we have this path or this gap in between where we have to respect this aloneness of this loneliness.

Here’s my message on this. And this is a distinct thought from last night, which is, let’s respect this loneliness. Let’s take this loneliness, as solitude. That means the time given to us so that we can stay with ourselves. So take the time to be with yourself. It’s a good one. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, Aristotle says, the best form of life is contemplative. So when you are alone with yourself, you’re gonna ask questions, you’re gonna contemplate, you know, what is this life? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What are the things that I need to do? What makes sense? What doesn’t make sense? What should I keep and what should eliminate? What should I spend more time with? What should I not spend? No time but like things like these deep questioning happens. Oh, boy it, philosopher. But Racz I think that’s the name of the site says something. Solitude rehabilitates the soul corrects morals renew affection, erases blemishes, what is just or false and the concise God with the man or woman. See, that’s how powerful this is. Sort of rewind this just a few minutes, and on your app and listen to those lines, powerful. So if you’re lonely, you’re powerful. If you have a lot of things going on in your life, and everybody is pulling you and pushing you in different directions to have different agendas going on. It’s okay to strengthen yourself because the only way they’re between you being bond lonely, and you’re going to die lonely, is all of us will. And we are here lonely. The only way we took we deal with everything that’s coming at us is by strengthening ourselves on beliefs or values to the commitments we strengthen every day. And there are numerous podcast episodes we have done already and I’ll continue to do talking about strengthening the soul. And there is no other shortcut that I think of and this is the thought that crossed my mind last night.

Okay, so that’s all for now. Hopefully, I give the right words to my thoughts, hopefully on this podcast. The bottom line is this. This is a solo journey. We are all together in the space and connected but then we are all individually leading our own lives. And so nothing matters. All mattresses you. take yourself seriously. Bye now.

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