Death & Life Are Power Of Tongue

Death & Life Are Power Of Tongue

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome to Success with Srini. Today, the January 31st 2022, which is a Monday here, Monday morning for me as I’m recording. Happy Monday morning to you, wherever you are. Today on the podcast, I am answering a question that has come in from a listener of this podcast who recently started listening to the podcast. And the question is, “I started listening to you recently, and I heard the last few episodes. And you talked about how our words, our thoughts, create our destiny. And you were mentioning about negative people. And I have a lot of negativity around me. And a lot of people talk negative to me. How do you suggest I deal with this?” Something like that. I’m looking at the printout and I’m reading the question. So that’s the gist of the question.

First of all, appreciate you listening to the podcast. Thank you for the question. So here is what I have seen personally working with people. There are two reasons why people talk negative. And this is my observation. At the same time, this is what I have studied in the books that have been written by some incredible therapists, philosophers, people who change the world. These are in the scriptures, these are in the books.

The first reason why people talk negative is because they lack self control. And the second reason is because some things in their life some experiences in their life, some programming has happened, that has led them to talk like this, usually childhood programming. And later on some experiences due to that programming along the way, some bad experiences, all that led to this kind of a talk.

Words are power.

You see, words are power. So when somebody is talking negative, that seeking power, in general words, create actions and actions develop awareness. So when you’re using negative words, usually they’re creating negative actions, and it’s creating negative awareness within them, within themselves. And obviously, when you have a negative awareness within you, your environment reflects that negative awareness. So people around in that environment around them are also suffering. So you’re asking this question, because you’re suffering through this process.

You got to control your response.

I’ll tell you how to deal with the situation. I think that’s where this question is going. The first and foremost thing is you got to control your response, you got to learn how to control your response. Initially, it starts with you putting up a lot of resistance, putting up some fights, putting up trying to come back with bigger force to deal with this negative talk. So you will end up talking a lot of negative stuff anyway. But then at some point, you have to understand that this is less about you and more about them. So you control your response. That’s the start. Mostly, your response shouldn’t be in line with their emotions, your response should be in line with your own logic. So you’ve got to develop your own awareness while this is happening around you. That’s the first way to deal with the situation.

Show compassion.

Second thing is you show compassion, people are broken, when they are talking negative, something is deeply distorted, deeply cracked inside. So let them heal. And the only way you can let them heal is when you show compassion. Now, there is no amount of compassion, that’s enough, by the way, that could be situation where you are giving everything that you have. And accommodating everything that they’re doing to you may not be enough, but still understand that it’s still better. Because you love them, you care for them and whatever that relationship is.

Act instead of react.

The third thing I would suggest to you got to act instead of react. Act means you are expecting that something is going to be coming at you. It’s not a good position to be living in where you’re constantly waking up every day and expecting that there’ll be negative talk, but you prepare yourself. So that is act that is the act. And then if the stock is happening in your core relationships, that is your reality. That is how it’s going to be because these people take a long time to heal, who knows they may not heal either. So if you don’t get therapy don’t get support for them. Usually they don’t they don’t want to be in a therapy situation because usually they don’t have the problem. Because the environment that has the problem, others have the problem. So they don’t want to be treated or they don’t want to be seen as if they have an issue that needs to be fixed. So there is going to be resistance.

“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you.”

This is the reality with which you have to live. You have to build you, your awareness to a level where this reality doesn’t really take up a lot of space in your world. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you.”
And finally, one last closing comment as I wrap this up that and like, I have no idea who said this, that I have this in my mind, because this is what I’ve studied over a long period of time. One huge mistake I make when I’m speaking, I try to remember who said what I always keep the author names, the people who quoted something in my mind I, I make extra effort to code them give credit to them as much as I can. And sometimes I forget who said what I say, I don’t remember who said this. But every time I use a qoute in any of my seminars, workshops deep within me, I’m expressing heartfelt gratitude to these people, whoever wrote this, whoever said this deeply, it’s kind of a prayer. That’s the kind of relationship I have within me, for these people who express these things. Because from that, I’m learning. I don’t know who said this, but “death and life are the power of the tongue and those who live it will eat its fruits.”

That’s all for now. Let me know if I answered your question or not, write me a comment. If like this podcast or this episode, rate the podcast, share it with your friends and family. And if you have a question, you can definitely email me. But the best way to ask the question is to call my line 888-818-0404. Leave me a message. I will take your question in your voice. I’m going to use that as a voice drop in an upcoming episode, and I’m going to answer your question. That’s all for now. Start your Monday with some action words. Build awareness as quickly as you can, so that your talk attracts and manifests rather than confines and contradicts you.

Thank you.

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