How To Overcome Frustration

How To Overcome Frustration

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back to Success with Srini. Today on the podcast, I want to take up a topic, which has to do with our success or happiness and our joy, but mostly with our success. And this is something that we all suffer with. And we suffer from different proportions. And this is our ability to handle our frustrations. All of us there is a cap when it comes down to it, you know, our ability to handle situations beyond a certain point. All of us give up we are humans. So some people, have an urgency to express their upsetting feelings. It’s not that you should completely avoid expressing or upsetting feelings, but some people have an urgency to do it. And if you are one among them, then today’s podcast is going to be helpful. I’ve been asked this question across all my engagements, you know, how many how do we deal with frustrations? And the answer to that is, are there any techniques? Yes, there are. And I’ve tested a few myself. And over a long period of time, I’ve learned how to deal with it. But then I also get frustrated and frustration is an innate emotion, it is there in all of us. If you are a human, you are expected to become frustrated at some point in time. But if you have goals, you have ambitions you are trying to get things done. And then you are dependent on other people, you are dependent upon your energy, you’re dependent upon some hidden things that you don’t know. And because you’re dealing with a lot of unknowns, then it’s natural that you will find yourself becoming more frustrated as compared to other people. So how do you deal with this? Oh, the answer is one of the most efficient techniques to deal with frustration, is hypnosis. And I talk about it all the time. I’m a big proponent of it. And beyond hypnosis, certainly, you have to do the self-hypnosis that’s given. But beyond hypnosis, let’s say you want to do something outside of a technique that you would take six months or a year to learn. You’re going through it now you need a solution. Now, what will you do?

Beyond hypnosis, meditation, and mind expansion techniques, the first thing I would do is breathe. Breathing allows you to kind of dissipate that feeling that emotion very, very quickly. A long time ago, I talked about the 555 technique. And the 555 technique involves that you breathe, or you inhale, counting five, you hold your breath, counting five, and when you exhale, slowly counting five. So I’m gonna inhale, now, you’ll see this. It’s a small inhale, I could have done that in 30 seconds. But then let’s say, if I’m standing, I suggest that you stand and inhale. So you count five, when you inhale, like, I’ll do that slowly, and you’ll feel it. And I’m going to hold it for five. And then we’ll Excel this would be much better if I’m standing and doing it, I’m actually sitting and recording the podcast so you can feel it. So 555 is a good technique, you can take it to 666, or 777, depending upon what your lung power is, where you are in a given situation.

Usually, the idea behind this is when you are breathing, then your focus, your mind is shifting to your breath. So that means you are a little bit disassociated with what’s happening or whatever is the one thing that’s causing the frustration in you, you are disassociated from it for a moment. That’s the idea behind this. And I would practice that that’s very effective. And you could do it even if you are with a bunch of people in a social setting. Then the next method is obviously disengaged. And disengagement means that you walk away from the room, wherever you are, let’s say you are getting into a fight or you are seeing that there is going to become tense and there is not you’re going to get angry and all that. So you see it’s bottling up, then I would leave the room. I practice this for years and it works very effectively. So that is disengagement. And the third technique is, is challenge yourself not to say anything, regardless of what is coming at you. This is hard. This is like you’re putting a wall around you. But then, you know you don’t leave anything you don’t you’re not walking away from anything. But then you are sitting or standing there without saying anything. It takes a while to get into a position that involves a lot of things self-discipline. But then if you can practice that, that means the practice of not voicing your opinion immediately upon being challenged.

And naturally, one of the feelings we’re talking about here is frustration or feeling frustrated, right? So try to challenge yourself not to say anything. The best technique of all is something that I have seen this is the ability to expect the unexpected. There are some people in your life right now, you know, they will irritate you, they will, they will get you frustrated, whether knowingly or unknowingly not It’s not their fault, but then they can really trigger you. And you know, they have triggered you. So why not expect that behavior of font and get ready with your breathing and walking, have your technique in place or your wall technique in place within which you’re challenging yourself not to say anything. Magic happens, this is the best approach, being proactive is the best, that gives you a lot of energy.

Now, there are some other things like you can distract yourself, somebody is saying something to you, you can just take your mind somewhere else. That is, again, a mind expansion technique, you could do it I’ve you know, I’ve done in spontaneous hypnosis, self-hypnosis, on myself, and distract myself in a situation where I’m being attacked. I’ve done that. So there are some affirmations that I’ve run in my mind instantaneously, that I’ve done that, too. So these are all the techniques. But here is the biggest technique of all, which is every feeling dissipates. Your anger will dissipate, your frustration will go away. Why would you lose your reputation, all the things that you have built over the years to be where you are because hardly takes one thing to destroy everything? Just one thing. So why even engage in that activity. So one of the affirmations I use, in fact, affirmations I use is that I will never sweat, small stuff, no sweating of small stuff. And the second follow-up affirmation I have is everything is small too, don’t sweat the small stuff, and everything is small. It’s very simple.

So I already recorded a YouTube video on this on my YouTube channel, which I’m considering not to re-record, but maybe I’ll just have it there. The way it is, it sounds good. So maybe I’m going to have that you should check that out on my YouTube channel, all you have to do is go to YouTube and search for success with Srini or my name, you will find my YouTube channel. And I’m talking about the exact same things that I’m sharing here on that video also. So just if you want to see the video, then, by all means, do that. See it hear the truth, some shifting, some breathing, like shifting, using some breathing techniques, using some disengagement techniques, avoiding to speak techniques, there are so many different techniques that you can use to overcome frustration. But the technique is a technique. And you have to keep on applying this you have to keep on practicing index this for a long amount of time. The truth of the matter is you got to fundamentally agree that frustration is something that is unnecessary. It’s not about learning technique, but the support in principle agreeing that frustration is not necessary. When you do that, then none of these techniques matter at that point in time.

So I hope today’s podcast is helpful. Hopefully, you put this into practice, and hopefully, you want to get some results if you do, let me know. Please if you find a YouTube video, please comment on the YouTube video also. Okay, so that’s all for now. Wherever you are, be safe and we will talk tomorrow. Bye now.

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