How To Overcome Inner Conflicts

How To Overcome Inner Conflicts

How To Overcome Inner Conflicts

If you are experiencing some form of conflict in one or many aspects of your life, then this video has the answer. Stay with me.
This is the Success with Srini YouTube channel. I’m Srini Saripalli. Thank you for stopping by this question on how to overcome conflicts, how to resolve conflicts. This question has come up numerous times on my radio shows, at my seminars, my workshops, so I thought it makes sense to record a video like this and make it available on my YouTube channel, perpetually, so that every time there is a question, I can simply send the link, hence, I’m recording this now. So let’s get into this. Let’s understand where do conflicts come from? And how do they start?

Well, when two opposing ideas enter the human mind and start pulling us in two different directions, we experience a conflict. And depending upon how far this divide is, the pain, the suffering, is proportional to that. Some people, you know, a conflict could be for maybe for a day or two, or maybe for a year or two, sometimes some conflict. This pain and suffering could last for decades, and sometimes it goes away with our lives. So our job as humans, our jobs are privileged only given to us, the humans, which is that the same mind that creates the conflict can also resolve the conflict. So now the question becomes is, How do we resolve this? In order to resolve the conflict, we need to understand the science behind it. Where do they come from? Why do they come from? How long they stay? How long? Do we have to go through this? And what can we do to resolve them? And then comes the solution. But first of all, you need to understand the science behind it. Well, the sciences this, we don’t have one mind, we have two minds.

One is the conscious mind. And the second one is the unconscious mind. So the conscious mind. Its job is to protect the unconscious mind. Its job is to perceive fear. compare, contrast, logically figure out things so it’s logical in nature. Ideally, the unconscious mind is emotional in nature, or rather, it is not logical in nature, I don’t know there is a word called nonlogical, but it has no logic to it. So consciously, we can see, we can understand we can compare we can contrast. Logically, it makes sense that my friend who went to school with me, who graduated with me, who got the same job in the same company with me, is today, lightyears ahead of me professionally, more successful than me. And I should also be having the same level of success because I got the same education, and the same no having the same experience. But turns out, I’m not. There are 50 100 students in a class, all of them are taught the same way. Only one, two, maybe five kids, shine, rest do not or they also shine but in a different way. Why is it? Well, the unconscious mind, while the conscious mind is logical, the unconscious mind is completely ill-logical. It has our values our beliefs our memories, our understandings our desires, hidden desires, hidden motives, all of that is in the unconscious mind. So consciously I want to become like my friend. Unconsciously. I cannot. So cautiously, my friend has an amazing business. I see that. He made the moves. He has everything that he has today. I, on the other hand, want to make the move. I have it in me. But why is that? I’m always going but I’m not arriving.

If that’s the feeling you have in you, you’re putting You’re expensing yourself, you’re putting in the effort, you know, you have it in you, you know, you know, you deserve the success. But something is not happening, something is not coming together. And why is this? Well, it’s all about programming. It’s the way we were programmed, the unconscious mind was programmed very early. See, from the time of our birth to about nine years or 10 years, our mind is completely unconscious, it receives and accepts everything that’s coming to it. Our parents, our teachers, our society, our friends our relatives, everybody, whatever they say we accept, we accept everything without validation and becomes the truth and stays there in the unconscious mind. Now, we are grown up, and we see the world, we understand the world. We are validating everything that’s coming at us. And we take what, whatever we validate to be true. And we want to believe it. But then something else is already there. That’s the truth. That’s there in the unconscious mind. So the unconscious mind rejects the set.

So when the conscious and unconscious are in conflict, guess who wins? Unconscious wins. Why? Because beliefs, values, emotions they’re powerful. If you’re in the state, how do you lead a life? Well, there are only two ways to live life. Either you cut down your expectations, or you expand your reality. To curtail the expectations or expand the reality? Well, logically, it makes sense to expand reality. Rather than cutting down expectations, you see, once you cut expectations, you will be unhappy thing doesn’t make any sense. I’ll give you one more example. Let’s say, you know, you don’t like the job. You don’t like the boss, you don’t like the money, you don’t like your position. You know, your only way out is that you should go start a business. But you still wake up every day and go to work. Why? Because unconsciously, you are told that if you don’t go to work, you will lose money, you lose your income, you lose your job, and you lose income. And because of that, you put your family at risk. And because of that, you know, you will have pain and suffering. So to avoid that suffering, it makes sense to be in the job, I was raised the programming was going to school, get your degree, get a job. And your life is gonna be amazing. I did that. But then, as I started growing up, and I came to America and started looking at the world, I started saying that the people who really have the freedom and the autonomy are the people who control the time and control their actions. So why can’t I start a business? Why can’t I do things the same way that they are doing? And some of the French do amazingly successfully. So why can’t I become successful like that? And why is that success is only meant for them? Why not me? Now I have a conflict.

Now, I have never learned or I never valued or I was told not to value business not to value money outside of a paycheck. And now this conflict. I lived under contract for about 10, 14 years, till I could see some level of measurable success for at least 10 years before I could see something meaningful. Not necessary, you should be able to cut this down. Well, the only way we could cut this down is very simple. We take the unconscious mind and make it conscious. Guess what you’re doing that today? You did that yesterday, you will do that tomorrow, which is you are going to train the unconscious mind to become conscious. And you will keep on doing till it listens when its lessons. Then you arrive. One more example. Have you ever experienced that someone, someone who was never on your canvas who was never on your line of sight? Maybe in your business? Maybe in your job? They certainly show up and they are five steps ahead of you. They get the promotion. They start a business much bigger than yours. Something like that. And you had no idea these people ever existed.

Why is that? Well, I don’t question anybody’s struggle. I will never question why somebody who is much younger than me is much more successful than me. I would want to study their success, I want to learn from them. And turns out that their unconscious and conscious are in sync, they’ve programmed the right way to achieve or to make claim to that success and the habit. So, the message in this video, and the way you resolve the conflict is that you train the unconscious mind to become conscious. How do we do it? Well, we do it by reading books, by talking to enlightened people, or people who have experienced or who already have that which we want to have, we will have conversations with them, pick their brain, we are we get coached, we get mentored, we get trained. That’s how we programmed the unconscious mind, hopefully, the right way. So that, it overpowers the kind of the conscious and unconscious are in sync at that point. Now there is another way to do this too, which is where meditation, yoga, and other forms of mind expansion techniques come in. And one of the mind expansion techniques is hypnosis, which is what I am a big proponent of and which I do a lot in my personal life, and also with several of my clients.

Hypnosis is fast is the most proven ancient and the fastest way to approach the unconscious mind. And, in fact, the unconscious mind is always listening. It wants to change. And it’s always an open question is, when is it open? And at the time that it’s open, what do you tell the unconscious mind that’s important? There is depending upon which scriptures and philosophy or, you know, higher power you believe in. They’re just saying that the unconscious mind is highly suggestive early in the morning when you wake up. And that’s why whatever you do early in the morning, tends to stay with you longer throughout the day. And that’s why people value the early morning 4:30, 5 am, their 4:30 am philosophy is that a 5 am philosophies, all kinds of stuff, and I have some videos on the YouTube channel also. So the unconscious mind is highly suggestive. And you should give a suggestion to the unconscious mind very early in the morning. Now, the unconscious mind is also suggested throughout the day, but you need to find that moment. So people who say, you know, people who you see are rigid, they’re also passive. In the moments they’re passed, you got to really find that moment to tell them what you want them to do. That includes your children. Right?

If you keep on telling them to do something, they may, they are resentful. They would not listen to you. But then there are times where you only say, whatever you want to say, one time. And the listen, they do and you’re surprised, you know, how can I only tell once and they’re doing it? Well turns out the unconscious mind took the suggestion. Whatever way you want to train the unconscious mind, train it, you know what beliefs and values are not serving you. Try to replace them, question them at least, and see what you can do about them. The beauty of this says you can replace a belief at any point in time. If something is not serving you you should something is serving you, you need to strengthen it. This is a privilege only we humans have gotten it.

I would any day I would focus on expanding my reality and living life. I know that the more I live here, the more challenges I’m going to face. And today I may not have a physical challenge tomorrow I will as I age as I grow. And as long as I have a life there is going to be some kind of suffering. And I’m open to that. I would rather accept that. And that’s the truth. That’s the fact. But then the beauty is that at every stage of life, we have the privilege to resolve that suffering in whatever way we can. So our job is to keep on acquiring the tools and techniques as much as possible. And whatever works for you. For me, I should do what you should do.

I hope today’s video is helpful. Appreciate you stopping by. And if it is helpful, do me a favor. Write a comment here. I will respond to you. If you have a question for me. Maybe I’ll come back and record a video specifically for you. Like this video, like this channel, subscribe to this channel that way, I can be in front of you every time I record a video, and I’ll be here more frequently. I’ll be recording more videos on this topic. I’ll see you very soon. Thank you again. Bye now.

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