What Is Said Without Effort Is Listened To Without Measure

What Is Said Without Effort Is Listened To Without Measure

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Happy Monday morning to you welcome back to success for Srini. today’s podcast episode is an extension to yesterday’s podcast episode yesterday, I was answering a question on the fear of public speaking, a question that came in from a longtime listener of this podcast, asking me about what to do, because there will be presenting in front of 150 people. So there is a lot of fear there, there is a risk of credibility, worried about how people will perceive and all that. So I think I had a few more ideas after I was done yesterday recording the podcast. So I thought, I want to extend a little bit more kind of give a little bit more juice to the discussion. So my request to you is, please listen to yesterday’s podcast before you listen to today’s podcast. Okay. So the discussion was about Glasgow phobia, which is the fear of public speaking. Now, anytime you have a fear, there are three things that there is something positive about fear. And obviously, there are negatives to fear.

Now, again, it all depends. It’s very contextual, it depends. Most of the time fear has no physical construct. It is a psychological construct that many cities in the mind, but somehow, it gives a physical feeling. So something that is psychological, but creates a physical feeling. That’s what fear does. Now, the way to overcome any fear is to believe that the fear is here to serve me. And it’s not here to guide me. The fear serves, it doesn’t guide who is guiding you, you. But the way the fear is serving you is it’s telling you, oh, wait a minute, check this out. Now let’s take that exam and apply it to yesterday’s question. If I’m fearful of speaking, I need to know my content. I need to know my tonality, my presentation, my audience, and my topic, and I need to study. So essentially, fear means that, okay, I need to prepare, as I said yesterday, I also made a point I said, you go to rehearse, you got to practice, you got to practice, keep on practicing. So it’s there, the fear is indicating that something is lacking. So it’s serving me, I’m gonna do this. But the way I’m going to deal with this is I’m going to guide the outcome, I’m going to guide myself and position myself towards the outcome. Now, fear also means that you got to strengthen your brave muscle. All of us, all of us are gifted as humans, we are gifted with the bravery muscle. So there is some element of bravery not in all of us, it just that with time and everything else that’s happening and what’s going on, we tend to kind of silence that that muscle or never give attention to it or do not think about it as much, but that it exists. It’s our job is to strengthen that muscle. The more you fight the fear, the more it strengthens.

Now, there’s one more thing I want to add to yesterday’s question. Specifically, when it comes down to speaking public speaking, there are two goals in every message, any message, the first goal is that anything and everything that you say has to be effective. That’s the start, it has to be effective. And then it has to be impactful. So the goal is to create impact. You can live without your message becoming effective, but it has to create an impact. So I can record today’s podcast with a lot of rehearsal a lot of preparation, using the right words, right phrases, and all that. And I want to make it effective, let’s say, but if I’m losing the impact, then there’s no value. I mean, in my mind, yeah. But it’s not creating the impact that I’m seeking. That I’m seeking from my listeners.

See, whatever they say it has to impact them. Otherwise, what’s the point of great recording and great editing and great you know, all that doesn’t matter. Now, some people tell me that they’re not able to present their concepts. And I tell them to write it down. Or I’m having trouble writing what I have in my mind. So every time you cannot write something, or you cannot see something, that means it’s complex. Not necessarily complex, but it’s complex in your mind. That means you have not simplified it, a simple idea automatically translates into a page should be able to be translated into a page. As a writer, I’m telling you, every time I have difficulty writing, that means it’s not clear in my mind, I don’t have clarity, I have to simplify this in my mind. So talking about simplification, people cannot simplify ideas or cannot present content clearly is because they’re scattered, a lot of scattered thinking going on in their mind, so they cannot translate it to the best form. So what it means is they don’t know what to say. Or they’re pretending to communicate. I don’t pretend to communicate on this podcast, or anywhere.

Never no point. I may not know something. But if I do not know, something, I’ll tell you, I don’t know. have happened to me numerous times where I stood up on the stage and said, I don’t know. If I pretend to communicate, then people will see through. People are smart, everybody’s smart, nobody’s dumb. We live in a world that is always stimulated with smartness. What is said without effort always listens without measure. So if I can say something effortlessly here, I know you will listen to it without measuring me. But if I struggling to say something, trying to fill in some gaps in my thinking with big words, and with folds, and with some codes and some stories, some nonrelevant stuff, then you’re going to measure it. So one good thing about anything that you’re struggling with today, you know, the struggle is good, because struggle creates patients, struggling with public speaking, presentations, writing, anything that you’re struggling with means that every time there is a struggle, there is also a silent side of the struggle, which is patience. So patience is building within you. There is a Chinese saying, your job is to make a part of yours. And the more you are at something, the back becomes obvious. The more you are at something, whatever it is, whatever that something is for you. So the only way to really overcome any fear is to really go out right, whatever it is, in this case, public speaking that we are talking about today but applies to everything.

Okay, so that’s all that’s those are some of my thoughts. I just wanted to quickly get them out of me and put it here so that the individual who asked me the question yesterday will benefit from this hopefully, and then everybody else who listened to yesterday’s podcast will also derive some benefit from this. So that’s all for now. Use have a wonderful Monday, and I will catch up with you as early as tomorrow. Stay tuned. Bye now.

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