The Only Path Is Growth: So Learn, Experience, Sacrifice & Grow

The Only Path Is Growth: So Learn, Experience, Sacrifice & Grow

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Is it possible that you live your life for 3040 or 50 years, in your own way, with your own convictions with your own beliefs, and none of these convictions or beliefs are in your favor? That means they are driven by self-sabotage, they are driven by inflicting pain upon themselves and on other people, knowingly or unknowingly. And at one point, you wake up from this thing, and you decide to change your life. Now, is it possible that you can be rescued from 40 or 50 years of wrongdoing? In one phone conversation? That’s the question I’m going to be answering today on this podcast. And this question is something that people are asking me, I get to talk to people, but I have not been talking a lot lately, in the last year, year and a half. I’ve not been doing personal consultations, I’ve not been doing any coaching programs or live events, seminars, COVID kind of shut everything down.

So I’ve not come back, and I’ve not done anything big. But every time I talk to anyone, in a consultation in a consultation setup. This is the ask. The ask is, can you please undo everything that I’ve done, so that I can live a good life? A great life? I’ve heard you talk about changing lives in a matter of minutes in a matter of seconds, can you please help? My answer is you can change anything in a moment, just like that you can change. The problem is any change that can be done like that. It’s not sustaining, you can’t sustain, you need to have a strategy to sustain a change. See, we all change on a daily basis, we all change, there are positive changes happening to the most negative of the negative circumstances. So let’s say your life is completely beaten up, you’re in deep depression, and everything is falling apart around you inside of you. But you’re still changing, there is a moment of positivity in you. That might be a thought or two in the entire day, where you thought of changing your life, your thought of changing your and people who do show up on these consultations are the people who somehow hung on to that thought and decided to make that call decided to go to the website schedule that consultation now because that thought has persisted enough to show up on a call, I believe it’s doable. But you need a strategy to really push it and keep it and sustain it for a long amount of time before real change can be released. See changes easier to make. But to enjoy the change and relish the change takes time. I go back to my 20s mid 20s New in America. And I was wanting to accelerate my success. I had no time. For reasons that only I know. I wanted to make that money, not for myself. But I wanted to support my family back home and typical immigrant mindset. And I was like, I need to somehow make money. So I started looking.
There are many stories along the way. But then the overarching story is that I decided to start a business. And the very first business I start, we ended up nearly making a million dollars in revenue almost close if not exactly. But here I am doing something with no ability, literally no ability. I have some I had some tech ability, but I had no business ability. I had no sales skills. I had no leadership skills. I had no communication skills, no skills that are necessary to make a business work. And it was clear for anyone who had any understanding of business and who was looking at me from the outside world conclude this guy was going to collapse. There is no substance to this. And somewhere along the way, I knew there was no substance to this. I knew I was on the wrong track. I knew. But then that business, which is a tech business, by the way, collapsed in nine months. So, I was accelerating success without accelerating growth.

So it’s interesting, I’m here on this podcast, and I talk about growth and growth. And I’ve done numerous podcast episodes. And I said, You cannot unless you don’t expand what you are, you will always have what you got a lesson that I learned the hard way. So, by the time when this business collapsed, it collapsed when I was 29 years old, I already had 29 years of programming, which is incorrect, incorrect programming was not raised to start a business one was not raised to, to even come to America or do anything here, or understand business or sales or communication or any of the stuff, none. If I study the code programming that was given to me by my parents, and by the situations through which I grew up, none of that had any element of business in it, none of that had any element of entrepreneurship in it, none. All I did was something that I saw, others do. And I started to do it because I thought I’m in the environment. So if I’m in the water, I see everybody swimming. So I can also swim. But I was not trained to swim, I was not told about the dynamics, the physics, the chemistry of whatever the mechanics of swimming, none. I thought I was seeing others do. So. I was trying to see, when you try to do something, you fail. But there is something good about failure because this failure teaches us and gives us lessons and I was a good learner. I was a good learner.

So I took all these failures from my, that I received through this time, and I started to build myself up to something big, something meaningful. It didn’t happen right away, it took time, still, it took time, involved reading a lot, that is where I really went back to reading books, and really surrendering myself, I wanted to accumulate, see, I figured this out, if I want to accelerate, I have to accumulate. And if I have to accumulate, then I need to act, really act or take action. And I cannot take any action. I cannot accumulate, and I cannot accelerate until I change my thinking. So I have to change the way I think I’m gonna change the way I think I will act better, I will accumulate battle, I will accelerate better. And then, overall, when I put all these things together, I’ll be advancing myself. Very clear. There was no need for a coach to tell me this. There was no need for any level of intervention for me to understand this. So clearly. So today, when I meet people, and they tell me I have 40 years of wrongdoing, can you please undo me because I’m talking to your coach, you should know how to change me in 40 minutes, like one consultation, one call. I’m like, Yeah, you got to do this. See, instead of accelerating success, you got accelerated growth. So all you do is take the time that you have whatever amount of time you’re putting into accelerating your success. Put that into accelerating your growth. And there are numerous podcast episodes I’ve done here talking about how to accelerate growth, see, growth can be accelerated. But success cannot be. Now there’s one other lesson I want to share here with you also from those days. said there were some gifts. Clearly, there was some gift. If I knew that I can do it, that gift kind of gave me the courage that I can do it. But I did not know that I had to stay such a long time to really relish the gift I don’t think I have yet but I’m just telling you that for me to feel confident that yes, I can start a business. I can do a business, I can grow a business, and I can accumulate all the skills for me for that to happen. I need time. But then the time was just not like okay if you just give time things will happen. It doesn’t work that way.

See, if I tell you that you can work in your job for 30 years and you will be liberated. Yes, if you work for 30 long years without a break. Yes, anybody will be liberated. But there are going to be broken, you will be challenged, you will be thrown out of the job, you will be terminated, you will be laid off, and you’ll have other things come into your life, which will threaten your job. And sometimes your performance will be the reason why you cannot accelerate anything. So there will be setbacks along the way. And we know that a career, that’s why we call it a career because it will have its own ups and downs, and all that we know that. But any day, if I have to choose between the gifts that I think I have, by the way, all of us have gifts, and I have to choose the staying power. Stay enough so that you can accumulate, you know, learning takes its time mistakes, they take their time failures take its time, growth takes its time. So if I have to choose staying power versus gifts, I will choose staying power. As I talked to people, and they tell me that I want to somehow get to the outcome, I understand. Nobody wants to go through suffering, nobody wants to stay in the pain for a long time I get it. And everything I do or anybody else does within the space that I’m in, is to remove the suffering to remove that pain, and triage that as soon as possible. So that all of us can, can land on that can have that happy landing in a place where we are free from all this takes time.

That’s the point. It takes effort and takes a mindset. Now, this mindset, I want to give you some clues on this, the mindset is to expand yourself. Not to expense yourself is to expand yourself, that you constantly keep on seeking growth at every state and every stage of life, that you keep thinking that tomorrow is going to bring in possibilities that you believe life is going to get better incrementally, as you keep on doing what you’re doing. That you keep on questioning your value. And you keep on questioning it because you want to increase it through daily actions and daily deeds. That you will set an example for yourself, when you take two snapshots a snapshot now, versus a snapshot when you started that was maybe five or six years ago, and compare these two snapshots, you know that you’ve come a long way, in an incredible manner. And that everything that you are going to be doing from this point on or everything that you plan on accomplishing is not to really accomplish anything that has a figurative value to it or a figure or a number or any of that. But the only achievement is that you are becoming the individual that you want to become through this process. So your individual in the process, your personal process, in which you are learning in which you’re experiencing, in which you are giving in which you’re sacrificing in which you are sustaining some pain and suffering only to become stronger and better. Can we just stop here? I hope this is helpful. I hope you see I’m saying I’m sharing this on the podcast because I want you to convincingly lead yourself into the next year as you are setting goals for yourself. We talked about some planning the plan stuff yesterday. And I want to I want you to become stronger as you step into your 2023 That’s my intent. That’s my goal. Is it possible to undo 40 years of wrong programming? Wrong approach wrong strategy in 14 minutes? Yes. Can you sustain it for a long amount of time? No, it needs conditioning. If you work on keeping the change for 60, 90, and 120 days continuously, then yes, there has to be a strategy that has to work on you for a considerable amount of time for this change to sustain and create a new reality. Helpful.

Okay, that’s all for now. You stay tuned, and I’ll be with you as a list tomorrow. Thank you.

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